My name is rajesh from daka marri village bheemunipatnam mandal visakhapatnam district andhrapradesh state . Here we have no signals at my village if we goto out side of the village the signal is good but at my village no signal .soo please provide towers near to my village and solve the problem as early as possible.
Respected sir, I am srujan I live at Balaji Nagar medchal Secunderabad there is no proper signal at this place for both internet and calls
SIR, I am from Hyderabad my address is domalguda pin no 500029 there is no proper signals. please make you sure that problem have to clear
my village pin code is 521227 there is no proper internet signal, I m very suffering about and daily my work is delayed please can you clear that problem
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+91 96 8555 5532
Jio Office, 33, Manak Chowk Main Rd, Manak Chowk, Ratlam, Madhya Pradesh, India - 457001
There are many people using jio network but facing the same problem.
Please resolve the problem or we all are planning to transfer our numbers.
Thank you.