i have also paid 4500/- +2000/- again for DD. they were suppose to come today to issue the DD. Post that both Sundar & Ravikumar swiched off their phone.I don't know i will wait for one or two day and then think for further steps incase they don't come back. I will for what ever it is.
i have also paid 4500/- +2000/- again for DD. they were suppose to come today to issue the DD. Post that both Sundar & Ravikumar swiched off their phone.I don't know i will wait for one or two day and then think for further steps incase they don't come back. I will for what ever it is.
i guess even thier website is down for quite some days. Looks to be kinda fishy to me.
nos.Now even their mobile nos.either switched off r not reachable.And i[censored] send out a mail u get an auto generated mail. Any ways i have decided to wait till monday if it gets confirmed as fraud thn i will take it up legally further by lodging complaint. So tht atleast in future they dont repeat the same mistake.
I just got a mail from Ravi yesterday asking for my mobile number. So i guess he is still active somewhere tryin to get in more people.
Did you try calling him from a different number?
Did you try calling him from a different number?
Yes thy r still active yesterday mr.sundar received the call n assures that they wil disburse the loan on tuesdqy. Fingers crossed. I will update further.
Cool . Do update me when u get the loan.
All the best.
All the best.
Hi all!!!
I have a same experience with these people and i m waiting for the disbursement since last one month or so. they r supposed to do it tomorrow but just now i got the msg from Mr. Sundar that now they will do it on Saturday, its really look like fish. Anyone from all o[censored] get the loan just let us know
I have a same experience with these people and i m waiting for the disbursement since last one month or so. they r supposed to do it tomorrow but just now i got the msg from Mr. Sundar that now they will do it on Saturday, its really look like fish. Anyone from all o[censored] get the loan just let us know
same websiteso. Thy had committed tues day disbursement. But thy said tht their MD father xpired so thy will do the disburrment on thursday. Since i will not b thr on tht day i Told thm to meet me on next monday. mean while I wrote a mail to thm asking for xplanation on tHeir website suspension. i got reply saying tht thy r unaware of the reason but trying to rectify it. It looks fishy.
same websiteso. Thy had committed tues day disbursement. But thy said tht their MD father xpired so thy will do the disburrment on thursday. Since i will not b thr on tht day i Told thm to meet me on next monday. mean while I wrote a mail to thm asking for xplanation on tHeir website suspension. i got reply saying tht thy r unaware of the reason but trying to rectify it. It looks fishy.
Yes u r right!! they have given me the same reason for delaying my process also. it looks really fishy. they don't pick up phone either that Mr. Sundar so really not sure what they will do.
Hi Everyone...I am also facing the same problem with these guys. I have applied for the loan more than a months time now. Earlier they said due to elections they cannot provide and now their MD father has expired. Sundar was supposed to give me the loan on Thursday but today he mentioned the funeral prayers are going on for his MD father, so he confirmed me for Saturday he will give me the loan. But seeing the post from others, it seems he has promised for this Saturday to others as well. If anyone gets the loan, please confirm to others by the post.
I have not applied till now. But he is always behind me asking for my number. Seeing all your complaints, i had actually wrote to him stating these problems he creates and he says mobile not reachable because he is always on trips(Wonder wat trips he makes...maybe to get the money). Secondly he says the website is down because they are renovating it to a new look n feel( not sure wt he meant...).
Has anyone tried to see if they really have an office at the mentioned address in bangalore?
Has anyone tried to see if they really have an office at the mentioned address in bangalore?
There is no office in bangalore. Thy have offices in chennai n bijapur thats wht thy told me.
They have office in Bijapur and Salem, TN.
So any 1 thought of nxt step.
Can anyone provide me RaviKumar's number. I have only Sundar's number with me.
No one has Mr. Ravi Kumar's no it seems cause on site also they have the same no, which is of Mr. Sundar. They have promised me also on Saturday. Don't know when they will do it or whether they will do it or not!!! i have been calling him constantly and msging him but there is no reply so far. if anyone gets it really then please inform everyone!!! really
Sundar was not replying my call yesterday but he sent me sms. I called Sundar from PCO and then he picked up my call and spoke to me.
Does anyone have Mr. Ravi Kumar's phone no... Fishes of the same fiance going thru the same crap
Contact Information
Shiva Lakshmi Funds
Tamil Nadu
Tamil Nadu
File a Complaint
Moreover, we need to write to quickr and other such sites. They should not this type of adds just like that. They should first find out the genuinty and post those adds. Same is the case in all the cities in India.
People just post these adds and when we contact them and apply, they will be having n number of people between them and the real financier.
This Sundar really needs a terrific punishment.