I ordered a Steam Wallet topup worth Rs.5000 from Snapmint. Initial transaction went smoothly and downpayment of Rs.930 was successfully paid. Issues started once steps were taken to claim said topup. The topup seller contacted me but since i could not provide the Amazon order ID, they refused to provide me with the key. I tried to contact Snapmint but they have been unresponsive to all my emails, aside from useless automated email responses. I cannot contact their customer support by phone either. I am deeply worried that i will have to pay EMI for a product i cannot use or claim.
Jun 7, 2024
Complaint marked as Resolved I called their automated customer support helpline (022-48931351) and you have to select No when they ask you if you are satisfied with the call which redirects to a real customer support specialist. I stated all my issues as well as the duration between the order and delay in receipt. I was initially told that the code would be sent to my email address within 1 hr, I waited a whole night and did not receive it. I called again this morning and they were super helpful. My order was processed and delivered to my email within half an hour of the call. I am beyond relieved and happy that the issue is finally resolved. Honestly, i feel like most of the blame lies with the amazon seller who refused to send the code to me via whatsapp even after saying i was willing to provide ID proof. Snapmint as usual were super helpful provided you can get into contact with them. Issue Resolved!