Hi. We booked a kashmir package 1 month ago and paid an advance amount of 40000. We have been trying to follow up with the service team almost every alternative day still there is no response from them. Only to get the advance payment they keep torturing us every 1 hour. Once it's received that's it. Not even a single call or proper response from them. I have gone through lot of stress past 1 month and I'm not willing to continue my trip planning with sotc. I would like to cancel my travel plan and requesting u to make a refund of my advance payment as i was not provided any service for the advance amount that I have paid.
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This is Advocate Ram K Choudhary,
So I m sure I can help u to recover your hard earned money back.
Thank you,
Adv Ram K Choudhary
Facebook/Instagram/Telegram @advramkchoudhary