Jun 14, 2018
Updated by ASIT BANDHU Sanyal Reminder - 1
Sir, When enquired concerned Branch, SBI, West korba informs that my submitted 15H have been uploaded in my various mod fixed deposit a/c .When I view on line my a/cs under status of 15H I find NA that means not uploaded. May kindly intimate confirmed status of 15 H for the fin.year[protected] at the earliest. Details of my a/cs is being attached herewith.Thanking you.
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On Jun 11, 2018 15:32, "ASIT BANDHU Sanyal" <[protected]@gmail.com> wrote:
Sir, When enquired concerned Branch, SBI, West korba informs that my submitted 15H have been uploaded in my various mod fixed deposit a/c .When I view on line my a/cs under status of 15H I find NA that means not uploaded. May kindly intimate confirmed status of 15 H for the fin.year[protected] at the earliest. Details of my a/cs is being attached herewith.Thanking you.
[protected] Forwarded message[protected]
From: "ASIT BANDHU Sanyal" <[protected]@gmail.com>
Date: Jun 14, 2018 12:12
Subject: 15 H Status
To: <[protected]@sbi.co.in>
Reminder - 1
Sir, When enquired concerned Branch, SBI, West korba informs that my submitted 15H have been uploaded in my various mod fixed deposit a/c .When I view on line my a/cs under status of 15H I find NA that means not uploaded. May kindly intimate confirmed status of 15 H for the fin.year[protected] at the earliest. Details of my a/cs is being attached herewith.Thanking you.
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On Jun 11, 2018 15:32, "ASIT BANDHU Sanyal" <[protected]@gmail.com> wrote:
Sir, When enquired concerned Branch, SBI, West korba informs that my submitted 15H have been uploaded in my various mod fixed deposit a/c .When I view on line my a/cs under status of 15H I find NA that means not uploaded. May kindly intimate confirmed status of 15 H for the fin.year[protected] at the earliest. Details of my a/cs is being attached herewith.Thanking you.
i dont know what is it they bebited my money
What is this intetmedi
Debited 295
This is my savings account
Why my money is debited