State Bank Of India [SBI] — charge dispute form

Address: 385320
Website: amazon

A refund of 1000 rupees was successfully processed on 13 may2017 at 4:50:11 am to my account by amazone. This amount should have been credited to my sbi account by now, but i have not received the refund till now.

I have called the state bank of india customer service and also emailed the state bank of india main branch all the details many times including the unique transaction reference number but nobody has replied or resolved the problem. No action is being taken

I have confirmed with amazon and they have successfully processed the refund

Kindly go through the charge dispute emails, locate the pending refund and follow the path back to amazon's payment processor to locate the refund.
My refund referance number[protected]
My account no is [protected]
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State Bank of India [SBI] customer support has been notified about the posted complaint.


A refund of 324 rupees was successfully processed on 18/9/2017 at 6:54 pm to my account by amazone. This amount should have been credited to my sbi account by now, but i have not received the refund till now.

I have called the state bank of india customer service and also emailed the state bank of india main branch all the details many times including the unique transaction reference number but nobody has replied or resolved the problem. No action is being taken

I have confirmed with amazon and they have successfully processed the refund

Kindly go through the charge dispute emails, locate the pending refund and follow the path back to amazon's payment processor to locate the refund.
My refund referance number -74332747262726182236094
sale tras 187847
My account no is [protected]
my card nambar [protected]
my card name RAFIQ

Ankita Karmakar's reply, Jul 30, 2018
Have you got ur refund
Yes refund of Rs.9999 still not received But always I get an answer from Amazon customer care team whenever I call them that your refund is initiated from Amazon. Then why it is not reflecting in my Account. This people who are sitting there are just fooling customers by giving false answers. When you pay online it hardly takes few seconds to debit your account and when time comes to give back it takes ages with lengthy form filling procedures.
The comments stated by Shri Bipin Karande is correct. It has been noticed no, of time, in
My last purchase the MRP was 1649// but they charge 1699/-. But till date they have not submit the reply. : Shrimali. [protected]
The Chief Branch Manager
State Bank Of India
Main Branch

Subject: Charge dispute "Refund never processed"

Dear sir

A refund of 1249 rupees was successfully processed on 16th march 2021 to my account. This amount should have been credited to my SBI account by now, but i have not received the refund till now.

I have called the state bank of india customer service and also emailed the state bank of india main branch all the details many times including the unique transaction reference number but nobody has replied or resolved the problem. No action is being taken

I have confirmed with amazon and they have successfully processed the refund

kindly go through the charge dispute emails, locate the pending refund and follow the path back to amazon's payment processor to locate the refund.


Date of payment - 4.3.2021
Amount - 1249
Tran. Ref. No. - TW[protected]
Retrieval ref. No. - 333571

The chief Branch Manager
State Bank of India

Subject: Charge dispute"Refund Never Processed"

Dear sir

A Refund of 451 rupees was successfully processed on 22 June 2021 time 12:55 to my account. This amount should have been credited to my SBI account by now, but I have not received the refund till now
I have called the State Bank of India customer service and also wrote application the home Branch SBI .
State Bank of India main branch all the details many time including the unique transaction 'reference number but nobody has replied or resolved the problem No action in being taken

I have confirmed with amazone and they have successfully processed the refund

Kindly go through the Charge dispute emails, locate, the pending refund, and fallow the path . Back to amazone payment proccesser to locate the refund

Date of payment 22June2021 time 12:55

Amount 451

A refund of 1172 rupees was successfully processed on 11 July 2021 to my account by amazon. This amount should have been credited to my sbi account by now, but i have not received the refund till now.

I have called the state bank of india customer service, also spoke with the manager and also emailed the state bank of india nibm branch pune all the details many times including the unique transaction reference number but nobody has replied or resolved the problem. No action is being taken

I have confirmed with amazon and they have successfully processed the refund

Kindly request you to solve my problem and refund the amount in my account as I am in need of money.

Awaiting for your reply

आपको सूचित किया जा रहा है कि रीफंड की रकम 499.[protected] को सफलतापूर्वक वापस कर दी गई है और यह रकम अब तक आपके अकाउंट में दिख जानी चाहिए.

रीफंड रेफ़रेंस #[protected]

अगर 4 कारोबारी दिनों में भी वह रकम आपको नहीं मिली हो, तो उस लेन-देन की स्थिति के बारे में और भी जानकारी पाने के लिए कृपया आपने बैंक के ग्राहक सेवा केंद्र को संपर्क करें और वह नंबर बताएं. कृपया याद रखें कि इस अपडेट के लिए आप बैंक की शाखा में न जाकर अपने बैंक के ग्राहक सेवा केंद्र को कॉल करें.

कुछ राष्ट्रीयकृत बैंकों को रकम जमा करने में सामान्य से कुछ ज़्यादा दिन लग सकते हैं. अगर आपका बैंक दिए गए रेफ़रेंस नंबर के ज़रिए रीफंड का पता लगाने में असमर्थ हो, तो कृपया उस लेन-देन को 'रीफंड की प्रक्रिया आगे नहीं बढ़ाई गई' के रूप में प्रतिवाद करें. ऐसी स्थिति में, बैंक को वह रीफंड पेंडिंग अवस्था में दिखाई देगी और रीफंड का पता लगाने के लिए वे हमारे पेमेंट प्रोसेसर पर लौटेंगे.

रिफंड पर अधिक जानकारी के लिए, कृपया यहां क्लिक करें:

Amazon चुनने के लिए शुक्रिया.
my account debit for itctc payment and payment pending and my account debit not credit amount -702.50 pls, my account credit amount

My refund has not been credited to my bank account refund reference number 75503722014012811578881 and 7550372203213190147320

manubhaiparmar's reply, Feb 16, 2022
My refund has not been credited to my bank account refund reference number 75503722014012811578881 and 7550372203213190147320
My refund has not been credited to my bank account refund reference number 75503722014012811578881 and 7550372203213190147320

If I paid then the payment is not complete then my money is stuck in the middle Amount is 1440 Rupees transaction number is[protected]

A refund of 891 and 399 rupees was successfully processed on 14/02/2022 and 1/2/2022 to my account by amazone. This amount should have been credited to my sbi account by now, but i have not received the refund till now.reference number 75503722014012811578881 and 7550372203213190147320

My refund has not been credited to my bank account refund reference number 75503722014012811578881 and 7550372203213190147320
Mo- [protected]

The chief branch manager
State bank of india
Hapur main branch
Bulandshahr road hapur

Subject: charge dispute "refund never processed"

Dear sir

A refund of 3049 rupees was successfully processed on 22 march, 2022 to my account. This amount should have been credited to my sbi account by now, but i have not received the refund till now.

I have called the state bank of india customer service and also emailed the state bank of india main branch all the details many times including the unique transaction reference number but nobody has replied or resolved the problem. No action is being taken

I have confirmed with amazon and they have successfully processed the refund

Kindly go through the charge dispute emails, locate the pending refund and follow the path back to amazon's payment processor to locate the refund.

My refund refrence no. Is:[protected]

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