State Bank Of India [SBI] — without knowledge debited rs.5248 on 16.07.2018 from my account

Address: 636011

Total I have received a mail Your A/cxxxxx122711 Debited INR Rs.5248.00 transferred to Investment Intermedi. I am 70 years old retired stroke attacked person. Without my knowledge or intimation the above amount is debited my account. Kindly help me to recover my money back from investment intermedi, because i have not given any option to deduct my amount from my penson payment account. I donot need any investment plan for my future carrier the amountdebited from my account saying transferred to investment intermedi and i really dont have any clue what company is this. And i am not in a position to invested any amount in my whole life. Its really horrible. Its totally fraud. We earn money from pension and unecessarily the amount is debited which Idont know. Its really harassing and it is effecting damn badly to me because I am pensioner I manage my family with my pension amount. Debiting such amount it lead me to early death. So kindly look in this matter and help to get back my money. Waiting for precious reply. and do needful to credit the amount to my account. Thanks regards. Natarajan P A/c No.xxxxx122711 State Bank of India, Salem636001 Branch- Natarajan P, 1/9 Saminaickenpatti post (via) Govt. college of Engg., Salem 636011 cell No:[protected] email: [protected]
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State Bank of India [SBI] customer support has been notified about the posted complaint.
Jul 18, 2018
Updated by Mani K.P
Respected Sir/Madam, I have contacted SBI Salem branch personally on 17th and inform the matter and given application. They simply told do you have any policy with that amount is debited by them and return the application with unsatisfactory reply. Sir if it is true why they are debited to I have doubt about SBI because they were given a mail at 3.14 pm instructed about ATM fraud message after 30 minutes the amount was withdrawn from my account. I request you kindly very by the matter and do needful. I have not given any cheque or endorsement slip to if is debited my account why they debited in investment intermediate a/c Please peruse the matter.and do needful for recover the amount.Thanking you - Natarajan P.


On 11/07/2018 At 8.10 am i withdraw 10000 in (State bank of india) SBI Atm in b.p.agraharm.But there is no sound for money billing for machine...then the display showed transaction is timed out but the money is debited...

These peoples are playing on Costumer income.What can i Do for this.I need my money back What to do...Help Me please
For amazone i buy sony mdr headphone of rs1099 the mone will be debit on 025/05/2018 but the product is folty so i wis replace it and the amazone will be refund my money but the amount will be not be in my account Amazone will be refund 1099rs but the money will not be recived in my account the ref no.313762
Today morning, I have withdrawn rs. 5500 from ICICI ATM, ramdutta chauraha branch but after full procedure transaction not completed.i got message from bank of deduction of amount but from ATM, I am not get the money.kindly attend my request
Thanking you
Unable to find Payment History or print e receipt from SBI collect for Transaction done for Registration in CTTC, Bhubaneswar
Txn Reference Number: DU87653035
SBI Collect

Rs1599 rupes refund in my account by on 25/06/2018, but not credit in my account. amazon customer service says that to fill charge dispute form. but I am able to go bank office because am not present in my village and my bank account in my village bank.

so please clear my refund.
refund reference number[protected]
I applied online account SCRN-SC45309972, SARN- SA07532250 is not accept by branch 08307 . Cause is this application is not fill by app. Your application is not valid
5 times debited RS 295 from my account. Please help me to refund my money.

We used sbi to fill some form but was not able to do and amount was debited and not returned to card ..its being one month, my account no is [protected] amount debited was 2135.19 on 29 june 2018 .please returm my money as soon as possible .thanks

I have blocked my card on 5th July 2018 today i got msg that amount of Rs295 debited to investment intermedi
Why the hell its happening i have not done any transaction on this?

Whose doing such transaction and why its not been taken any action

I have withdrawal RS 15000 thousand through SBI ATM Salugara Siliguri but cash and receipt not receipt on 12 Jul 2018. Copy of massage received is attached for deduction of amount

I deposited 2900 in my account through cdm machine at 5.24 p.m but the money is not credited in my account. The machine did not produce any slip also.

dinesh kumar verma
ifsc code sbin0003808
account no [protected]
machine no [protected]
branch bundelkhand university

I was a member of SBI Ftehagarh Farrukhabad UP (revised KCCACCOUNT) no [protected], my credit balance was on 4.12.15 Rs 4717 but afterward interest debited on 31.12.15 Rs 7185, from where it comes.Further complain about crop insurance premium which was debited on 10.1.17 Rs 2477 & on 29.7.17 Rs 400, whereas in the same bank KCCaccount no.[protected] premium was not debited why this discrimination between two account holder.please settle the account accordingly.thank you sir.
Sir waiting for settlement of account, no information.
Sir, till date no information

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