Address: F-407, Dr. Ambedakar Nagar, New Delhi |
This is to bring to your kind notice that I would like to request you for the transfer of my Account branch to State bank of India, Branch AFS Tuglakabad, Branch code- 003857, from State bank of Patiala, Bathinda cantt, branch code 50657, as I got transferred from (KV No-4, Bathinda cantt. to KV AFS Tughlakabad, Delhi) in 2014 and the branch is now closed so I could not contact, but I want to continue my Account and it will be more convenient for me to handle my account operation from the above-mentioned branch.
Details are as follows
Name -Dazy w/o Manoj Kumar
Account No - [protected]
CIF No. -[protected]
Old Address- KV No-4, Staff quarters Type 3/2 P. Bathinda cantt.
Permanent Address - F-407, Dr Ambedkar nagar, New Delhi -110062.
Kindly do the needful at the earliest, I will be highly obliged to you.
Thanking you
Yours Faithfully
Name- Dazy
Organization Name - KV AFS Tughlakabad, New Delhi.
Designation- TGT(P&HE) Was this information helpful? |
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