Tata India Limited — fake recruitment letter

I have received a fake recruitment letter which states that my resume is short listed for a post in tata technologies and the recruiter have sent this letter on whatsapp and asking me to send inr 550 on paytm and recruiter has provided me his paytm number and hr number.
According to the tata recruitment policy they don’t ask any rupee from candidate during selection process.
I’m expecting you to take a strict action against them and i’m attaching the text and picture of letter which i have received on whatsapp.
Looking forward for a positive response from your side.
Thank you
Itisourgoodpleasuretoinform youthatyourresumehasbeen
Selected online forourcompany’s directrecruitments. The
Company has selected85candidates forit, administration
Andproduction departments, company urgently requires
Candidates asexecutives and managers, you are selected accordingtoyourresumeinwhichprojectyouhaveworked. Companyisrecruitingthe candidatesfornewplant.
Th yourappointmentprocesswildoatourcompanyoficeon5 september-2019. You
Wilbepleasedtoknow thatcompanyhasadvisedyouintheselectionpanelthatyour applicationcanbeprogresstofinalstage. Youroferleterwithairticketwilbesendto youbycourier. Thecompanycanbeoferingyouasbestsalary30, 000to2, 90, 000pm. +d. A+benefits+accommodationforthispost, designationandjoblocationwilbe fixedbycompanyatthetimeoffinal. Youhavetocomewithaldocuments.
Regardingyourinterview managementbycompany, youhavetodepositaninitial securityamountinfavorofcompany. Forthesum ofrs.-550/-thisischalanagainst y o u r in te rv ie w m a n a g e m e n t. C o m p a n y w il l p a y a l l th e e x p e n d itu re to y o u a t th e tim e o f face-to-facemeeting. Jobprofileandsalaryoferedbycompanywilbementioninyour calleter. Yourcalleterandairticketwilbedispatchedveryshortlyafterreceiving yourconfirmationofchalandeposited. Thelastdateofdepositedonlyfortoday
Depositoption-paytm topaytm onthisno-[protected] (Companyhr) andsendthe screenshort
Thecompanywilprovideyouhotelfacilitatesandlocalconveyance. Oneextraperson isalowingwithalcandidates. Wewishyouthebestofluckforthesubsequentand remainingstage. Afterdepositiwilreplyyou.
Regard, s
Sachinkumar (Hrmanager) contact:[protected] onwhatsapp
Buildingit-3, 6thfloor, flagshipinfrastructurepvtltd, sezsurveyno154/6, rajivgandhiinfotechpark, phase-1, hinjawadipune-411057 (India) [protected]@asia.com
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