Address: Concorde motors, Nettor, Kochi, Ernakulam, Kerala, 686662 |
I have bought tiago jtp from concorde motors, kochi on this feb 2019 last. On a trip, the left back tyre got bursted out, cracked on the belly. That was within 700 km total. I patched it on my own expense.
Then later, this august 2019, at around 3000 km, again on a trip, left front tyre got bursted the same way happened before. This time, it hit a pothole on road. Nothing pierced it, no nails or sharp objects, but just hit a gutter. Thats it! It cracked at two places on belly.
I took the tyre to concorde, nettor, kochi. But they says appolo rejected the replacement claim.
Why would appolo reject my claim when the tyre is brand new and only ran a mere 3000 km?
Tyre bursted not because it is pressed against any sharp object, but just because of the pressure of felling in a gutter. If they are not giving warrany or replacement for this type, then on what type they are giving it?
I seriously doubt the quality of tyre used on my car.
No tyre would burst like this upon hitting in gutter.
I hereby requesting for the compensation from tata motors on the misfortune that i faced. I had to buy another tyre on my own expense. They simply rejected my claims.
I request full compensation for my two bursted tyres - either replace it or refund me. Attaching the tyre images of crack.
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Please resolve my isdue at the earliest