Address: Kasargode, kerala, 671531 |
My self is kalamandalam sivaprasad an artist. Aged 29 years. S/o k. N damodharan, vazhakkodu, pullur post, anandasram (Via), kasargode district the founder and managing director of dharmy school of arts and cultural center.
I have purchased tata tiago car from kvr motors
Nainmar moola, kasargodee district. Bearing number kl 60 p 7731 while at the time of booking vehiclei have paid an amount of rs 3000/- as booking charge. There after paid the full amount, at the time of delivery of vehicle, 3000 rupes to be returned to me but it was not return, for last one year. I requested many time to return the execess, advanced amount till today. It is not refund out of that many time i visited the showroom office at kasargode for the said amount about 40 km away from my place. I travelled a lot and many of my time spend for it, it should be returned as early as possible and you should also liable to compensate me for my mental pain and deficiency in service and travel expenses, effort lost
On 23/10/2019 at 2 pm myself lastly visited the showroom, the manager jyothiraj behaved me in a ugly way, and yesterday also i telephoned him he shouted me through telephone saying that 'you do what you can we have no problem', it amount to high shock and my efforts loss take immediate action do and need full as early as possible Was this information helpful? |
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