Apr 04, 2018
Updated by rkgehlot From: Rajendra Kumar Gehot
2 B 19, Kamla Nehru Nagar, Old Housing Board
Pali Marwar 306401
Mob: [protected]
Email [protected]@yahoo.com, [protected]@gmail.com
To: M/s Veerprabhu Marketing Limited
C-61, Marudhara Indusrial Area, IInd phase Basni
Jodhpur- 342005.
Subject: Request to resolve unsatisfactory service issues and refund of excess charges of Rs 4311/- paid.
My vehicle Safari storme bearing no. RJ 22 UA 2655 was met an accident, brought to your company for repair at Jodhpur under insurance scheme through UIIC Pali for which you have submitted an estimate on[protected], copy of which is enclosed.
I was given invoice no. IVEGJH[protected], copy of which is enclosed, against which I paid the bill by cheque of an amount of Rs 187447/- and the vehicle was handed over to me.
On date 6-1-18 at 17.08 hrs on whatsapp Mr Jha has intimated that vehicle os ready and you can take delivery.
On dated 8-1-18, I went from my home Pali to Jodhpur to take delivery of vehicle reached at about 12 hrs to M/s veerprabhu jodhpur. I was handed over vehicle at about 3.30 pm.
I went for lunch to one of my relative in CHB jodhpur sector 5, as I got down and locked the vehicle I found back door plastic portion in damaged condition. I was shocked to see that and immediately called on phone to Mr Jha and inform him about that. I also sent him two photos of damaged portion on whatsapp at 15.33 pm. Same time I also noticed that left hand side mirror was out of adjustment and was not even being adjusted as the function was not working. I had lunch and immediately started to go back to company at that time I noticed that diesel is also about to end. Again I was shocked because when I deposited vehicle there was about 1/4th tank filled with diesel.
I shown the damaged portion, left side mirror which was not functioning and also defects of paints and other thing to Mr Jha. He pt his people on job and managed repair of left hand side mirror, They have repaired it and made it ok by removing connecting terminals and making temporary joints of wires. (I have paid for brand new items not repaired items).
Although Mr Jha has agreed to sort out the issues like replacement of damaged plastic item of back door at company cost (which was damaged by his staff) and also repair of same paint problems.
I also told him that while using vehicle many other problems may come to notice but he assured to solve if at all some problem comes. With his assurance I returned back to my home with vehicle to Pali which is 65 kms away from Jodhpur. While returning back to home with repaired vehicle I was thinking that I have been cheated although Mr Jha is well behaved and matured person.
On dated 9-1-2018, I have made complaint to TATA consumer complaint online about the problems faced at company office while delivery of vehicle but nothing heard from TATA.
On 11-1-18, I have added some problems which I faced further while using vehicle on online complaint like:-
1. When i deposited my vehicle the diesel was about 1/4th of the fuel tank but when vehicle was delivered to me the diesel was at the end and i could drive only 10 kms and completed to fill diesel in it. That shows all diesel available in the vehicle was taken away.
2. At many places the paint is not proper which required a thorough look up and repair.
3. The carelessness handling of the staff my vehicle back door has been damaged by them and which was not given any attention to replace the damaged portion at company cost.
4. The voice of horn is mild which needs to be improved.
5. when i use horn it creates noise inside vehicle means it disturbs entire music system.
6. The front left gate glass movement is not smooth, it sticks at the end while closing glass, which is to be repaired.
On phone I intimated to Mr Jha that my front glass water sprinkle system is not working which I forgot to write in complaint.
But I am sorry to say that nothing heard in writing from TATA.
After more than one month I got payment of insurance clain from UIIC but about 1, 46, 000 only. On making complaint they have intimated that M/s Veer prabhu marketing ltd jodhpur has charged Rs 4311/- in excess which cannot be paid by insurance company.
On[protected], I again made a complaint and requested to refund me the said excess amount giving all details online to TATA consumer complaints. The details are as under:-
1. Invoice sl no. 26
Assy radiator
Estimate amount rs 7942 (Sl no.109)
Invoice amount rs 12042 (Sl no 26)
Excess charged rs 4100... A
2. Invoice sl no.4
Assy front bumper
Estimate amount rs 7500 (Sl no.137)
Invoice amount rs 7630 (Sl no 4)
Excess charged rs 130... B
3.. Invoice sl no.9
Assy front bumper
Estimate amount rs 850 (Sl no.146)
Invoice amount rs 931 (Sl no 9)
Excess charged rs 81... C
Total excess charges are Rs 4311/- only
I also talked on phone to Mr Jha about this, he told to send the matter in his mail, same I did on[protected].
Till date[protected], no action has been taken on any of the point I complained about and I feel that I have been cheated badly. Kindly intimate me whether I will be given any relief or I have to be compelled to go to consumer court?
R K Gehlot
We’re awaiting your details. Request you to help us by providing the same so that we can resolve your concern at the earliest.
Tata Motors Team