Address: Karur, Tamil Nadu |
hi, recently bought an apatche rtr 160 on 26th of june 14, on 7th of july i met with deadly accident due to speed wobbling & i m lucky to be alive to write this.
I cant get answers with local service center, I need to know the reasonbehind the wobble.I have driven more
than 8 types of commuter and sports type vehicles for past 5 years. I have passion for driving and I have touched the high speed on each, my usuall speed limit is below 50 and I am not a harsh driver.
On the day of incident
it was a open road around 4pm in evening with a clear sky thought to check the high speed of apatche,
untill then vehicle was running normal when I speed up the throttle nd crossed above 90 then when i touched 100 the vehicle started wobble and lost control it threw me 60 meters apart, had abrasion allover the body and few fractures over dhoulder, thumb, pelvic region, i was hospitalized for 2 weeks and have recovered from surgery with plate fixations. The back pack saved me I should say,
Now I need to know
what would be the reasons behind my bike wobble, by google I get lot of answers, among tht majority says the dynamics of apatche is the problem, if tht so how to rectify the parameters that cause wobble.
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