Good! Unit Trust of India Mutual Fund [UTIMF] values customer feedback and works quickly to address complaints. They handle issues regularly and provide solutions, making customers feel heard and supported, however, we would recommend that Unit Trust of India Mutual Fund [UTIMF] step up their efforts to fully resolve all complaints 👍
My daughter Isheeta Naqvi (Minor) and I as her gaurdian had been allotted 6.60% Tax Free ARS Bonds vide Bond Certificate No. 30466501 for Rs. 53800/- which were to mature in April 2009.
I have written to the UTI Investor Services regarding this in 3 letters reminding them of the same but have had no reply from them so far.
I would be grateful if this amount is released at the earliest.
unit certificate no.: R[protected]
no. o[censored]nits: 100
name o[censored]nit holder: Sneha N Prasad
name of the applicant: S N Prasad
date of maturity :[protected]
My father mr. s n prasad, in the year 1993 (29th oct) invested money in the rajlakshmi unit scheme in my name sneha n prasad. The scheme matures on 29 oct 2009.
1. I wanted to know the procedure to receive the amount at the time...
Sub :- Did not Get My Redemptiom Amount Still Now ( Folio No.[protected] Master Gain 92
I Ram Kumar Layek. I have 400 unit Master Gain 92.My Folio No.- 2047964. I deposited My 400 unit Master Gain in your UTI Office (Durgapur, West-Bengal ).dated 05/12/2003 for redemption. But sir, still Now I did not get any redemption amount.Then...
I had brought this Unit trust of India Rajlaxmi Unit plan (II) [RUP (II)](CLAUSE XI) ,Membership No. [protected] dated 17/11/1997, in the name of my daughter NUPOOR NITIN MAVLE date of maturity being 17/11/2016. till date I have not received any status about this .I have heard that this scheme does not exist any more. so kindly advice what should I do.
Regards. N S Mavle...
I am having the following certificates. Please tell the current values of the below said certificates and tell me the process how to encash the certificates and process of transfer of the certificates in the name of my grand children.
My complaint is already lodged with Consumers with repeated reminders
since June, 2009. In fact my US64 BONDS No.18081016 & 18081024 vide Investor ID No.
93829972 were due for payment on Maturity in June/July, 2008 and accordingly
I surrendered the original document and sent the same through courier to UTI's address
i.e The Administrator of the specified Undertaking of the UTI, Plot No.3,...
Rs.12097/- were converted from US 64 bonds to UTI leadership fund vide UTI TSL letter no. 57316183 dated 11 Jan 2008.US64 bond certificate no 27650155
Till date even after several follow ups with UTI MF, UTI TSL, Karvy Computer share I have not received the statement of account for UTI leadership fund.
Unfortunately every agency is pointing towards other agency and in the end I am helpless and unable to get any response. I...
the folio number is [protected] under uti opportunities fund .Desptie several requests to KARVY mfs narayani mansion madhapur Hyderabad. they are giving a stereo typed response . The address proof photoidentity copy of PAN card was also submitted twice. But wituout examination of my grievance they are sending a stereo typed letter. My address is Mr sabbella Ammi Reddi, H>No.5-92/1, GOLLALA MAMIDADA, BICCAVOLU TALUQ, EAST GODAVARI DISTRICT.533344....
I am holding shares under CCCF-93 Unit plan since 1993. My folio No [protected].
I have shifted from my old reswidence ( 15/11, Bhyreline -4 Kasba, Vellore) to my new permanent residence at No. 2, Yaqoob Saheb Street, Kasba, Vellore-632001.
I have not received any communication since 1.11.1996. It would be appreciated if this is look into and send the up to date statement of account...
In the month of July 2008 I surrendered my original UTI's US 64 Bonds No.18081016 &[protected]ID No.
[protected] for release of redemption value of Rs.12800/. Till date neither I received redemption valuw
nor any reply from them. I have already written th Consumer complaint Forum in June 2009 but have recd.
no information through them also.My original papers were sent through Courier...
I opened uti mutual fund (sip) account in your investment folio no is [protected].
My first installment transferred on14/12/2007 after that deduction was going on regularly from my account till march 2009 an amount of 1000/-.After march 2009 there is no deduction from my account
what is the reason let me know.further if you dont want to continue then what is the procedure to withdraw investment is on UTI-INFRASTRUCTURE...
Both my bonds in the names of R.K.Aggarwal Investor ID : [protected] and R.K.Aggarwal and Sons HUF Investor ID : [protected] respectively should have matured by now. You already have my ECS mandate for both the investments. Can you please check at your end as to why have these amounts not been transferred to my accounts on maturity.
I will appreciate hearing from you immediately on the status of above bonds and transfer of amount...
I have 300 nos. units o[censored]TI Mastergain - 92, regd. folio no. MG 92 N3998593 with unit certificate nos.[protected], and having distinctive nos. from [protected] - [protected]
Till this date I have NOT received any statement of accounts since its inception.
Neither any other news comes from UTI regading this scheme.
UTI must live upto its reputation and provide its investors with correct &...
I am holding ARS Bonds vide Investor ID No.[protected],[protected] and[protected] which have matured on 31.3.2009. I have submitted the bonds after due verification of my signatures as well as of the joint holdes but despite three months have lapsed, I am yet to receive the maturity amount. I am also not getting desired cooperation from UTI as response over telephone is very poor.
It is requested to look into the matter expeditiously...
I am holding ARS bonds o[censored]TI. I have not received the regular interest from UTI as well as many times I had tried to contact to UTI for the redemption of these bonds but could not get proper response from the company.
My investor id is [protected]
I request to UTI to please contact me on [protected], [protected] for the redemption of the same.
The requisite Certificates were sent to UTI Gulab Bhawan, New Delhi on 05.03.2009 & 14.03.2009. Investor ID No.[protected] & Investor ID No[protected]. Repayment/Maturity amount not received till date. Please send the repayment proceeds with interest at the earliest.
Yours Faithfully,
Satish Kumar Bansal
(Investor ID No.[protected] &[protected]
86/10, Onkar...
I deposited my certificate no. MEP [protected] of MEP 93 scheme for redemption at UTI office, Bokaro steel city on 10.12.2007.The amount of redemption never came to my account.I comlained so many times to the concerned person at UTI office, Bokaro steel city, but all in vein.I also wrote to the head office of the company, but no response came to me.I also comlainrd about this to the customer care of the company, but my problem is not solved...
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