I can' t understand that how can I cancel my air ticket through reference booking FMNLA2Z2JASQD airline pnr J2EQ6 GDS PNR WNSOZN
please my online prement refund
please my online prement refund
Customer satisfaction rating Customer satisfaction rating is a complex algorithm that helps our users determine how good
a company is at responding and resolving complaints by granting from 1 to 5 stars for each
complaint and then ultimately combining them all for an overall score.
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+91 80 4043 3000 [Corp Office]
Magnolia, Block B, Level 4, Manyata Embassy Business Park, Outer Ring Road, Nagwara, Bangalore, Karnataka, India - 560045
It is not the site .
There is no prove that anonymous passenger has paid for any e-ticket and holds the receipt.
The legal complaint has to demonstrate at minimums:
- the full name of the passenger / address / e-mail /
- the addressee - the particulars of the entity, who had not provided the service,
- explanation which exact event had happned with notification of place and date,
- explanation of the fault of the service provider, if possible,
- the resaon of the dissatisfaction,
- passenger request, which has to be expressed clearly in 1-2 sentances and in figures.
Further the passenger has to have / to own the documents, such as e-ticket, receitp, order number, PNR, etc,
in his/hep possesion.
Nobody has a duty to look into / to reply on purely anonymous complaints, an unidentified complaint,
which do not produce the above .
If the author does not knwow the corect procedure of the complaining, the author can hire a lawyer or a legal professional, which is able to explain, what is the author is enttled to, and to create and to submit the complaint on behalf of the autor. Such legal service is chargable.
Sr manager for ICAO irregulations matters
Aryan enginners ltd
email for request with documents:
aryan {at}, where {at}=@