Worst website since they take longer time to refund the amount that has been cancelled . This website make money from others hard earned money, they don't know the pain to earn money. U people need to refund the money with interest with in 5 working days
Plz refund Rs 64558/- against PNR No BL37TD as indigo air has already refunded the money in your account, now you are required to transfer the money into my credit card **** **** **** 2267 which I had used at the time of this booking in the month of March through your agency. Since you have already got your booking charges so you have no Wright to retain my hard earned money with you for such a long period as indigo has made refund on 4/9/20.
Booking ref no FMNLF3BPDSO16
Booking ref no FMNLF3BPDSO16
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