Address: Kolkata, West Bengal |
Ifrequently travel between baghbazar and metropolitan (A stoppage on e. M. Byepass between chingrihata & sciencecity) by wbstc buses of baghbazar-garia route. It has been noticed that in the night baghbazar bound buses usually do not want to stop at metropolitan and run with a high pickup keeping the right side lane overtaking dangerously the buses of other routes with a motive to reach manisquare stoppage first to collect pax. On 27.05.2018 at about 09.40 p. M. While i was waiting at metropolitan stop a baghbazar bound bus (Wb23c0854) came and ran away with a very high speed keeping the rightside lane chaseing the other buses dangerously ignoring the waiting passengers flown hands. 4/5 minutes later a wbstc belurmath bound bus (Wb11a9525) came and i could board it and subsequently found with a surprise that the baghbazar bound said bus was collecting pax at manisquare. I found the same bus collecting pax also at bidhannagar rly. Stn. Being excited i got down from belur-bus and boarded at baghbazar-bus and asked the driver the reason of not giving stop at metropolitan. The driver told, as there was no pax to get down at metropolitan, he did not stop there and ran for manisquare with a chase. He also said with a smile that it is his discretion where to stop and where to ignore. I tried to make him understand that he is driving a public vehicle which cannot be a private one, but he turned a deaf ear to me. The conductor was also found supporting his colleague. It is a matter of regret how a person with such conception can get a license to drive a public bus! Drivers should be alerted to stop at all stoppages to facilitate the pax.
Moreover, the drivers of this route divert their buses almost every time. From baghbazar the way to shyambazar is via manindra chandra college, but all the buses use baghbazar street avoiding its original route.
None of the buses has fare chart displayed. On asking they insist to go to the terminus. Is it possible for any body to go to the terminus to find the fare chart in their office?
As per rule, 2x2 seats should be installed as front facing, but all the buses have rearranged the seats of their own as side by side (Back to the window) which usually blocked the windows and also the air circulation.
Some of the buses have no seats for 'sr. Citizen' or 'handicapped', which is compulsory as per law. Was this information helpful? |