Dear sir cancel my lon amount mene cash me item purchase kar liya hai so please cancel my lon amount [protected]
Respected sir this is shruthi I have not purchased any item from anyone and still my loan is approved please cancel my loan
Loan no 5f4658D17463
Kindly do it as soon as possible
Loan no 5f4658D17463
Kindly do it as soon as possible
Respected sir
This is shruthi here parents of Dwijesh BS one of your education consuller sai Kumar had visited to our place 15 days back to consulling session he gave that and took all my details I told him not to process but then also be has processed it and cheated us without coming to our notice and I have not taken any order I got msg from zestmoney that your amount will be deducted I told ur consuller to cancel it but then also it has not happened he has neglected it I had zest money consumer care from to cancel my loan I told your consuller for that cancellation mail also I did not receive this is really not fine what u people have done and charted us my amount has been deducted from account of rs 8867 Loan no 5f4658D17463
Thanking you
With regards
Shruthi satish
This is shruthi here parents of Dwijesh BS one of your education consuller sai Kumar had visited to our place 15 days back to consulling session he gave that and took all my details I told him not to process but then also be has processed it and cheated us without coming to our notice and I have not taken any order I got msg from zestmoney that your amount will be deducted I told ur consuller to cancel it but then also it has not happened he has neglected it I had zest money consumer care from to cancel my loan I told your consuller for that cancellation mail also I did not receive this is really not fine what u people have done and charted us my amount has been deducted from account of rs 8867 Loan no 5f4658D17463
Thanking you
With regards
Shruthi satish
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