Dear sir/ madam,
I have availed a home loan from bob vagra branch. My a/c no. [protected]. I have paid 45000/- on 12/10/2017 and 20000/- 21/11/12017 as a principal. But bank has not considered as principal but they are taken this amount (45000+20000) as emi.
My emi is not deducted from my salary account from octomber'17. I have asked to mr. Manoj kumar at vagra branch and he said they are taking this amount as emi. Once this amount is completed then after only emi deducted from my account.
But we are paying this amount (45000+20000) as a principal then how come mr. Manoj kumar consider this amount as emi??? This is a purly principal amount. You can not take interest from this amount.
I personally talk to mr. Manoj kumar and he said this is the system only. I have clearly mentioned him at the time of paying money that this amount i want to deposit in my principal amount then how come mr. Manoj kumar taken my monthly emi from this additional amount which i had deposited as principal amount??
Before this i had also paid 95000/- as principal but on that time i didn't face this issue. After paying 95000/- as principal, my emi is also deducted from my salary account.
I want to reduces by principal amount by 65000/- with the effect from oct'17 & nov'17 and deduct my emi 7223/- on monthly basis. Was this information helpful? |
On 9/02/2018, when i followup the status against it, i noticed that the cheque has not been sent for clearing. Till now its 12/02/2018, cheque yet not been cleared. Please do needful