There is no proper response for the customers. There is cashier in the cash counter no 1. Today during time between 02:00 pm to 03:00 pm. The person sitting in cash counter number 1 is not properly responding to the customer who is questioning him, he is discussing with someone beside him. I went and gave the cheque to the person who was sitting in the cash counter number 1, the concern person replied me to for couple of minutes to visit to the other counter because she the lady went to lunch break. And also after 15 minutes i again gave the cheque to the same person. And also he replied the same answer. And after half an hour back the lady came after her lunch. And i went and gave the cheque to the lady staff, she said me to go the other branch because i can’t take the amount in this branch. This answer that person who is sitting in the cash counter number 1 might said means i won’t be wasted my time in sitting in the rs puram branch. So i kindly request you to take action on that particular person who was sat on cash counter number 1
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