Calcutta State Transport Corporation — a serious complaint against a lady conductor

I daily commute by e32 cstc bus which runs from nilgunj to howrah or any other cstc bus plying between barasat to barrackpur court. I have noticed to my utter surprise that the lady conductor who is assigned to the duty with short height and dark complexion mostly remain seated in her seat and refuses to collect fares from the sitting passengers. The reason is simple. If she goes to the passengers, she must issue the tickets instantly against the fares to the passengers. And there is little scope for pocketing the money. She carries a portable digital ticket vending machine. I have called her several times to collect fare from me but she refuses to come and says that this is not the rule. When the destination point comes, she went to the exit point (Gate of the bus) and demands fares from the passengers. A considerable number of passengers gave her the fares but she did not intentionally issue the tickets because the passengers were in a hurry to get down. Such unethical collection of money goes into her own pocket everyday. This is her daily practice. As a result, a huge sum o[censored]naccounted money is going to her pocket in stead of state exchequer. If the cctvs are installed in the buses, her daily malpractices can be easily proved from the examination of the footage. I earnestly request the concerned higher authorities to take immediate stern action against the lady conductor. If such things go unrestricted, the cstc corporation will ultimately run into heavy loses simply because of her unscrupulous activities. She should be instantly dismissed from the service. Again, it sends out a negative message in the society. She used to idly sit in the conductor's seat and pounce on the innocent passengers the moment they get down the bus at their respective destinations so that they cannot demand tickets. This is her modus this way she cheats a good number of innocent passengers. Her duty as a conductor should be monitored closely on a daily basis. This is the urgent need of the hour.
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