I have visited cars24 show room in nagarabhavi in bangalore on 30-oct-2014 at 330 pm for my car insoextion
I took my hyundai creata car i want to sell for inspection after taking appointment
They have checked cat and test drive and sarisified and said it was in excellent condition
Will put up for auction and after receiving quote will inform me
Asked me to wait it may take min 30 min or more
Since i have a to catch a train could not stay and asked them to call me to inform the next steps
No call received so far
I have called multiple times the toll free number they said they will get back with 48 hours and so far no message
Not sure if you people are inetersted or not
If you have any clarifications could have asked me
If not interested for any reason could have told me
If there is any issue could have contacted
Please let me know if interested or not
Else, i will sell through others
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