[Resolved]  GlowTouch Technologies Pvt Ltd — Worst IT Company in the World

Glowtouch Technologies Pvt Ltd. or Diya Systems Pvt Ltd located in Mangalore.

This company recruits many people for US Onsite and later in a permanent position in Mangalore.
I suggest all IT people not to join this company as it would really screw up your career. These people will send you to US by taking a bond of 2 years and the duration you spend in US is not more than 2-3 months. There will not be any kind of notice period mentioned in the offer letter or appointment letter but during our resignation they simply say 2 months notice period. If a person fails to pay or continue till those two months notice period the company will not release any of the documents.

They are well known for their false references to any employees. They dont give a proper feedback on any of the employees who leave the company even they properly resigned, which will result in the employee cant get job anywhere.

The main source of their projects is through getfreelancer.com and they are well known for giving short deadlines resulting in the resources getting pressurised. Though we dont have good projects to work and good oppurtunities to grow we cannot leave the company as the company dosent want us to leave the company. The Management suddenly reduces your salary and says that it is due to some performance review which means though you recieve a salary of 20K in your previous company and here you were promised of some 35 K and when you have undergone this kind of performance review your salary goes below the salary you previously drawn.

They deduct the tax from salaries every month but they dont pay to the Government, except for few of the employees. Since most of the employees will be leaving their jobs in middle of the year. There is no professional ethics in this company. This is the IT company with full of politics.

There is one and only head for all the management aspects Mr. Shyam Prasad Hebbar. He is well known for not answering any of the reference calls, mails sent by other recruiters to enquire about our work in this company.

So My dear co developer beware of joining in this company because once you joined you will never come outside decently. You will never enjoy the work in the company as they get very small projects of 200 or 300 hours. They say that you will get 2 Saturdays in a month as holiday but God knows how many Saturdays you really take a leave. Every day on an average a resource unofficially works for 18 hours (exempted for local people).
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Aug 14, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved 


salary account - Hi Tech Gears — Money is transferred in closed account

My account was salary account from Hi tech gears (Ac. no.[protected]
Which got closed as per informatrion gethered from HDFC call centers on around 10 Aug. But a checque of amount 4000 is transferred on 21 Aug from Indusind bank
(check no. - 127814).
Now i tried with different call centers for the amount and they said that this account is closed & they dont have any information that how that amount has got transferred.
Plz have a look into the matter & suggest what way i should move ahead

RelianceMoney — Performence of Fast Trade

Performance of Fast Trade is not good. Site can’t download proper smooth, but with error page during trading period. We can’t trade
Because this problem. Please improve its Explorer for smooth and easy download in favored of customers and reputation of company.
Thank u.
aapka instra trade aur fast trade nahi khulta hai
mere fast trade aur insta trade nahi khulta hai
I Dont know how the peoples feel happy by creating this kind of rumors...

As much i know about the GlowTouch company it is the one of leading company in mangalore. The employees of the company are getting good chances, knowladge and growth into their career field.

what ever complaints posted here are simply a words of a crazy mind... nothing else...!

I completely disagree with the complaints posted here.
I have been working in this company from past 4 years. I have not experienced any of the things said by Mr. P Raghavendra Chinna Swamy. Infact, its a nice and homley place to work. Its always safe to put forward all your demands before joining the company.
I am a web designer and have worked in many other companies.
But I found this with a nice atmosphere and we can learn many things here. We have very good projects coming in. I totally disagree with Mr. P Raghavendra Chinna Swamy.
Mr. P Raghavendra Chinna Swamy is a great person. God knows from where he got this great idea. According to me he is totally upset in some way or failed intrview in GlowTouch or a person who dont have any software knowledge or his domain knowledge. That too GlowTouch is anyones dream company. You will not get such a cool environment, helping hands. I am working in GlowTouch from past 1 Year 2 Months.

And about that job reference he mentioned its 100% a story. Many of GlowTouch employees are in other good companies. Here i want to mention one more thing, why people want references if they are having enough knowledge of thr domain just they want the experience letter, that any company will give, that too many are doing fake certificates and getting good jobs.

And that freelancer.com, i dont think so because GlowTouch is having enough clients and getting new clients also.Salary issue; i never faced. Here also i want to tell samething if you have enough knowledge, anywhere in this world you will get good salary, so please dont depend on any company for salary. Please do your work promptly and try to update your knowledge.

According to me Mr. P Raghavendra Chinna Swamy is a good story creator. He is having good future in this field (story creation). Thats all i can tell...
I dont agree with this guy Raghavendra Chinna Swamy because i know very well about this company. This company has given enough growth oppurtunities to many people. Few of them were able to get job in good companies. I can say one thing This gentleman Raghavendra chinna swamy must have faced some bad consequences with the company due to whatever reasons, But this is not the way to do i believe that he has given a proxy name and doing all these things.

This is not at all professional. Mr. Raghavendra China Swamy, if you have any issues you should have get them sorted by having a proper communication this is not the way.
Its all true...
I agree with Raghavendra Chinna Swamy. All things are true
I agree with Raghavendra Chinna Swamy
I worked for GlowThouch... for that matter I worked in other companies too. One should remember that nobody can get 100% congenial environment at the work place. A wise professional should not throw stones on the glass house that he/she is living. Even one leaves the company; anyways he will be in the same field and should feel that Software field as a whole is our bread maker. Mud slinging on our own house is not good to anybody. If one doesn't like the company or environment... simply leave it. There are immense chances of earning money or getting job, which suites your interest and capabilities.
GlowTouch has given chances to many employees to join the best company in the world. This company is the stepping stone for an IT professional in and around Mangalore. Its a pleasure for every IT student of Mangalore to have this company in their own native city. I am sure it;s the largest company in this place after infi. Politics lies every where. Even in our homes. If you don’t like working there, just leave the company and walk out. It has helped so many people from rural areas to get into software fields and earn a good leaving. It has improved not only urs but also ur parent's or ur kid's life styles. Its giving u your daily bread. If you are good to people around, truth to yourself and good at your skills, I am sure nobody can shake you and people in GT will recognize your talent.
Glowtouch is one of the leading IT Company in Mangalore.It has enough clients and getting new clients also.
This company is the stepping stone for an IT professional in and around Mangalore. This company has given enough growth opportunities to many people. Many of them were able to get job in good companies.
Glowtouch has a nice atmosphere and cool environment to work. We have very good projects coming in.You can find helping hands in case you need.
We do get 2/3 Saturdays in a month as holiday .
Yes, if you have any issues you should have get them sorted out by having a proper communication with the management.
Every day on an average a resource unofficially works for 18 hours- these are all not true.
And also the statements like "I suggest all IT people not to join this company as it would really screw up your career.You will never enjoy the work in the company etc" are all false.
The one who worked and left the company have got good placements in other companies and those who are continuing here also have a nice career.
Ofcourse, we are enjoying the work... thats the reason/proof why people are working here.
Funny comments, nice to read. all r wrong... I agree with Raghavendra Chinna Swamy...
Let me be open in what I have to say. This is not just my answer but answers of many staffs here.

Some people in this company is looking for a good name so that they'll get a good hike, that's why you can see all these positive comments. Our ?-??-? Sir(Let's not take his name, its his duty) has asked us to give a good comment, so you might get a good response. A single comment is more than enough to say about the company. To put the things straight this company is not ISO Certified so there's no proper rules or policies, higher officials can do anything to you, your salary and etc.. etc..

It’s been years they have been saying that they are trying for CMM level, but still they couldn't manage to get even an ISO Certification; I guess that's only to fool us and make us good about it.

Coming down to salary part I request all of you to mention about your salary. Developers who are working for more than 2 years have less than 15k. Believe me some has less than 10k with same experience. One former .Net developer who worked for 2 years was getting 12k; but his talent took him to Infosys with 32k. They tell everyone that they'll increase the salary according to performance but you don’t want to cry listening to it right? So it’s good not to tell about it. You’ll cry listening to some of the staffs who are struggling financially. Everyone has their needs and everyone needs money not only higher officials.

This company is taking advantage of being second big company after infy in Mangalore. But wait for few years; many companies are coming here then dekha jayega ;-). Now let me tell you the reason how come it’s the second biggest company here in Mangalore. One experienced developer quits and they fills that place with 2-3 freshers. Localites are preferred more because they can be paid less. If you go and ask they’ll say why you need money? Mangalore is a cheap city, you’ll save more. We’ll increase your salary after probation period, after that nothing. Anyways, it’s all stingy business.

Am not writing to condemn this company but in hope of that they’ll do something about it now after all these. I don’t understand why people are speaking against Raghavendra. Whatever he has written is 80-90% true. People are getting placed even after leaving from this company. Environment is ok, but mishandling of projects makes environment terrible. They lie lot to get the project and we get terrible time facing it. No proper flow of projects. No standards. The only work I admire is of Admin. Good job :-) They are trying hard to keep things secure and safe, that’s what it should be in IT Company, and at least they are trying to maintain the standards.

US Onsite is true. Sending in business visa for 3 months with the gift of 2 years bond. Lots of people are coming early and working till late night for PROJECTS only but no OT, not even when you have to come on weekends. If you got 1 project then that means you are free; you’ll get at least 1 or 2 more projects same time.

Lots to tell but no company are perfect. But this company is way too much to compare with any. Better to join smaller company than to work in big company like this. Lots of people are quitting and poor fellows are joining with a smile on their face. We know how miserable they’ll be in few months. I find pity on them.

Hope this company will be careful now after all this comments and try to improvement the company. We work for this company and when someone asks how your company is, we feel bad what’s really inside. If the management pays them well and follows the flow and standards there will be good productivity and some satisfaction in us. But I guess 60-70% staffs or more than that are really not satisfied with this company, but nowhere to go. They don’t have the choice.

Finally, tea is not good. It’s just a sugar and water. Please increase the budget of Tea so that we’ll get a milky tea :o)

PS: "GlowTouch has given chances to many employees to join the best company in the world. This company is the stepping stone for an IT professional in and around Mangalore. - By Designer For Glowtouch". Please go to Kankanady Hospital for mental checkup. "Best company in the word.." hahahaha... Good joke.. You made my day...
Dear Mr. Developer,

You don’t have to laugh on others comments cause every one is free here to express their honest feelings. There is no need for sir or anybody to ask us to put good comments behalf of our company. Its not only the matter of money for me. Its the bond that I have with this company. You spoke about the guy who joined infosys. He had joined this company as a fresher. We have one more girl who worked for 2 years in GT, of course she was paid less here. But she got into infosys with the experience that she got from GT. That’s why I always consider glowtouch as a stepping stone specially for fresher.
They do give good salary to the well experienced people.

Mr. Developer, Can you mention any company that takes in just a BA student that too from a rural area who doesn’t know English. In Diya, (email support) they take such people, give them a very gud English training and help them get established in their life. You may say that company will have a good profit taking in such people. What ever it is a child from a rural back ground will end up joining a IT firm.
Hey Sick Fellows,

I am watching your comments in silence. I can understand how helpless these people are Srikanth Patil, Savita, Ashok Pai, Vishnu and others

These people might be trying to convince the management. Boss you be practical think about your other colleagues for a moment. You might be just designers imagine how much of stress each developer is facing.

First of all tell me sincerely (excluding savita) how many of you are not trying for another job. If so why are you looking for a better job, Job satisfaction wont be there in many companies.

You just go through the past if you really have a pinch of humanity in your blood. What are your work timings how many hours you are working how many hours other developers are working.

The fact that GT provides a way of living for many of fresh graduates is true. But what are they doing, what kind of job are they doing ? Are they really satisfied. For them this company is more or less similar to a school or college.

For every three months a person in the office house keeping staff will fell ill or some sickness or their family members will.
The management starts begging royally all the staff to contribute some amount.Such companies should have group insurance to take care of the staff and their family members, Why dont GT do that and beg like this, Is this money really reaching the needy people and why the hell all the sick and poor people work only in Glow Touch. Does the management get sick people hired so that they can pay less ?

Just dont cheat your self and give some funny comments supporting this company. There were some female staff working in this company whose life is almost settled and they are from local place they dont have any pain, Just imagine people who come from distant places with lots of hopes in the company and the environment.If you are really worried about the your identity you can use some proxy account like "developer"

The reason i created this is that atleast by now the management will open eyes and do proper judgement for the people. But people like you are really making things more worse.

Theres a saying in the company that "Sir" says to a girl if she is not married when are you going to marry ? If she is married he would ask when are you going to give me grand children (just for this dialogue people will be bounded hats off to him) If a boy goes to him he will ask will you travel to US? (this offer he will give to almost everyone who enters his cabin for the first time, poor fellow feels that his life is goign to be better in this company and this way he will stay in the company finally one fine mornign if everything goes well he will be sent to US (may be after days, weeks, months, years) but only people who reached US through GT knows how horrible the situation is but for others its a kind of dream. Working in US on GT pay rolls are really great because you feel loving INDIA and not to fly to US again you will be treated like a Refugee there.

There were really a great talented people in this company who left the company just because of these three charecters

Last but not least :
If you are really afraid use a dummy mail account but tell the right things or just buck up.

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