I am also holding a plot for which the letter has been recieved. The biggest probelm is that I am not able to understand on what basis the interest has been charged as we had already made all the payments except the one due a the time of possession.
This is cheating...Government should look into this on priority basis. TDI is taking unnecessary advantage of the people who have deposited money with them. Only response the staff has is that this amount will go to HUDA as the demand has come from them.
There is no basis of amount calculated.
Can HUDA tell people that is there any limit on EDC...why suddenly it is raised from 790/-psf to 1662 psf.
There needs to be independent enquiry set up by the Government...its hard to believe that Haryana Govt. is unware of this...its all within their knowledge.
Can we have someone in this country who listens and ensure that action will be taken so that people do not lose their hard earned money.
There is no basis of amount calculated.
Can HUDA tell people that is there any limit on EDC...why suddenly it is raised from 790/-psf to 1662 psf.
There needs to be independent enquiry set up by the Government...its hard to believe that Haryana Govt. is unware of this...its all within their knowledge.
Can we have someone in this country who listens and ensure that action will be taken so that people do not lose their hard earned money.
I also have 250 sq yards plot in TDI Kundli. I received this letter on 30 June, 2009 asking for a payment of Rs 2, 25, 000 towards EDC charges. We have already paid EDC charges in June 2006. TDI staff is highly impolite and unable to understand or resolve this issue.
Please help in the matter. Thanks
Please help in the matter. Thanks
Hi, I have also had similar experience with TDI and am in the process of forming a group of all such persons who have been cheated by TDI, pl feel free to communicate with me on [protected]
Let us do some thing constructive by forming a group and take this up with the authorities and TDI as has been done by TDI mohali
awaiting your communications ...
Let us do some thing constructive by forming a group and take this up with the authorities and TDI as has been done by TDI mohali
awaiting your communications ...
I also have 250 sq yards plot in TDI Kundli. From the last week I am recieving messages regarding payment and I was not aware of increase of EDC charges. I was on the sake to take the possession as I was knowing that I have paid the full amount to TDI. But it became shocking for me on telefonic conversation with TDI that I have a balance of 1, 20, 000 approx(the incresed EDC & Interest laid on it).
Even till now I have not recieved any letter regarding the payment and on telefonic conversation they told to deposite the money by 9 July otherwise the interest will laid on it with 18% interest.
Is it fair on the part of TDI?
There is somebody who can listen or do something regarding this.
Even till now I have not recieved any letter regarding the payment and on telefonic conversation they told to deposite the money by 9 July otherwise the interest will laid on it with 18% interest.
Is it fair on the part of TDI?
There is somebody who can listen or do something regarding this.
I have a plot of 250sq yd, booked with Tanjea Developers and Infrastructure Ltd. (Tdi) in Kundli. The company has taken 1000% of the payment in 2008 and I have also got the registry done in 2008.
shall I now pay the increased EDC or not?
How this EDC work ?one has to pay the increaed EDC through out the life time or is there any cut off .like once u got the registry or taken the possesion or so...
I am part of yahoo group where we all share our paint points .Lets all get together and bang these guys ofice.
TDI_Kundli_Kingsbur [protected]@yahoogroups. com
Please unite and show these guys the power o[censored]nity...
I have a plot of 250sq yd, booked with Tanjea Developers and Infrastructure Ltd. (Tdi) in Kundli. The company has taken 1000% of the payment in 2008 and I have also got the registry done in 2008.
shall I now pay the increased EDC or not?
How this EDC work ?one has to pay the increaed EDC through out the life time or is there any cut off .like once u got the registry or taken the possesion or so...
I am part of yahoo group where we all share our paint points .Lets all get together and bang these guys ofice.
TDI_Kundli_Kingsbur [protected]@yahoogroups. com
Please unite and show these guys the power o[censored]nity...
This group is taking investors for a ride. I have received similar demand noice of EDC of 2.5 lacs on 07 july to be paid by 09 july else to pay 18% interest. However the demand letter is dated 16 june 2009
Please join TDI_Kundli_ [protected] We have more than 41 active members on this group and facing same issues.
I have made full payment to TDI in Nov Last year, Though I have not the letter yet, but TDI told me last week on phone about this EDC charges increase by Haryana govt.
1. How come haryana govt can increase Development charges retrospectively.
2. I already hold a allotment letter, what is the snactity of such letter when price can be increased after issue of allotmet letter.
3. may be next year TDI/Huda will feel some more money can be made from tdi investors lets hike development fees again..? what is guarantee it wont happen again.
4. And by the way has anyone ever heard proprty prices increase after allotment/registration. like this nobody will even know has he pauid the final installment and sleep easy or still there is smore more to pay in future.
Lets not pay this amount unless TDI/Huda clarifies on these points.
Infact we (As a group) can put in a complain in consumer forum against TDI and can challenge Huda (if it huda decision) in appropriate cour and take a stay unless everyone comes out with truth behind this 2.5L demand.
1. How come haryana govt can increase Development charges retrospectively.
2. I already hold a allotment letter, what is the snactity of such letter when price can be increased after issue of allotmet letter.
3. may be next year TDI/Huda will feel some more money can be made from tdi investors lets hike development fees again..? what is guarantee it wont happen again.
4. And by the way has anyone ever heard proprty prices increase after allotment/registration. like this nobody will even know has he pauid the final installment and sleep easy or still there is smore more to pay in future.
Lets not pay this amount unless TDI/Huda clarifies on these points.
Infact we (As a group) can put in a complain in consumer forum against TDI and can challenge Huda (if it huda decision) in appropriate cour and take a stay unless everyone comes out with truth behind this 2.5L demand.
I have settled their statement three times and brought down their balance to zero. But every time they have been making past dated adjustments and comming out with new balances. I am all set to go legal against them.
Here is the email address of my attorny. If we all can be united we can nail them down.
Here is the email address of my attorny. If we all can be united we can nail them down.
i have also some stake in tdi kundli.Now the point are 1:-why tdi acted so lately and allowed its customers to pushed against the wall.2:--Is HUDA Justified in levying huge increase of 700sq feet to 1658.(3) Is there any complaint reddressal mechanism with haryana govt wherein affected parties can go.Can HUDA BE APPROCHED FOR REVERSAL OF CHARGES.tdi is talking of penalties, but sort of check haryana govt keep on those promoters who fail to deliver the plot in stipulated time.Is any penality to be imposed on tdi for failing to deliver in time.
I think we should approch the Haryana govt on the issue of EDC charges and hope some amicable solution would come out.the affected parties should unite and appeal to state govt
I think we should approch the Haryana govt on the issue of EDC charges and hope some amicable solution would come out.the affected parties should unite and appeal to state govt
I also have a plot in 250 sq yds TDI Kunli and am facing similar issues as cited above by few other people.
1. Increased EDC
2. Threatening letters.
3. Asking for interest that I have never agrred to with them.
My email id id [protected]
I could see there is a group TDI_Kundli_Kingsbur [protected]@yahoogroups. com, I will join this group but I am not sure if the problems faced by plot owners is same as that by apartment owners. Anyways we can take TDI on together.
Let us first try to get the rigth information on EDC. Is it something being asked by the goverment or company is playing games. We want access to the documents between govrnment and TDI and how this EDC is calculated.
I also have a plot in 250 sq yds TDI Kunli and am facing similar issues as cited above by few other people.
1. Increased EDC
2. Threatening letters.
3. Asking for interest that I have never agrred to with them.
My email id id [protected]
I could see there is a group TDI_Kundli_Kingsbur [protected]@yahoogroups. com, I will join this group but I am not sure if the problems faced by plot owners is same as that by apartment owners. Anyways we can take TDI on together.
Let us first try to get the rigth information on EDC. Is it something being asked by the goverment or company is playing games. We want access to the documents between govrnment and TDI and how this EDC is calculated.
Hi All,
TDI_Kundli_Kingsbur [protected]@yahoogroups. com is addrressing all the issues irrespective of whether its a plot or flat issue.
Also, I would suggest all the overseas members to decide on their representative, who can attend these meetings...This fight is against TDI and HUDA...people are or will pay stamp duty charges so what these EDC charges ?
TDI_Kundli_Kingsbur [protected]@yahoogroups. com is addrressing all the issues irrespective of whether its a plot or flat issue.
Also, I would suggest all the overseas members to decide on their representative, who can attend these meetings...This fight is against TDI and HUDA...people are or will pay stamp duty charges so what these EDC charges ?
All the customer of TDI City, Kundli should jaoin in a Group to fight TDI unfair trade practices. I request all the TDI Customer to join hands. I still feel Our Unity will be our Biggest Strength.
We can start a group like [protected] against DLF
Ajay Kumar Kaushik
We can start a group like [protected] against DLF
Ajay Kumar Kaushik
I fully agree as I am in the same boat. For more than three years, I have been waiting for allotment of 350 sq. yards plot, TDI City, Kundali as promised by the TDI management sometime in 2006. It seems instead of paying EDC charges (collected from us as part of installments) to Haryana govt they obviously have siphoned this money and now they are diverting our attention by giving us lame excuses. They are not able to explain me why I should make EDC payment for a non-existent plot???
I have been facing the same dillema for the past one month. It certainly is hagh handed on the part pof TDI to issue such abrupt demands. On their side of the obligations, they are sitting pretty by refering clauses in their initial agreement.
But, it is time the authorities wake up and do something to show they not hand in glove with these builders. I can be contacted on [protected] and am ready to be a part of a group for common fight for our rights.
But, it is time the authorities wake up and do something to show they not hand in glove with these builders. I can be contacted on [protected] and am ready to be a part of a group for common fight for our rights.
I have got the letter for revised EDC today. Since then i have trying to find any announcement about EDC hike by HUDA, i failed to find a single information. Does anybody know what are the charges proposed by HUDA, if yes please provide the source. I want to fight the hike when we know there is no development nor there will be and this is not the last installment of EDC, more letters will follow
If we have the source that HUDA has hiked EDC charges we need to know if this is a final one or not. It can not be open ended. We also need to see if there is a timeline for the proposed development. It should be a milestone based.
Even if somebody bothers to pay. may i know why we have to write the check to TDI. We will be mre comfortable to pay to HUDA. Later we may know that TDI did not pay HUDA and we are still liable to pay HUDA. There is no scope for trust anymore.
Can we take up this matter with Urban planning ministry.
If we have the source that HUDA has hiked EDC charges we need to know if this is a final one or not. It can not be open ended. We also need to see if there is a timeline for the proposed development. It should be a milestone based.
Even if somebody bothers to pay. may i know why we have to write the check to TDI. We will be mre comfortable to pay to HUDA. Later we may know that TDI did not pay HUDA and we are still liable to pay HUDA. There is no scope for trust anymore.
Can we take up this matter with Urban planning ministry.
TDI arbitrarily cancelled my booking of a flat in kingsbury, kundli and now they simply say that the booking amount is forfeited. Can we guys form a group and take collective action against the co.
I have also got the update from TDI for " Enhanced EDC charges" . They mentioned that it has been raised by Rs 408.5. But they are still asking for immediate payment of Rs 1, 79, 624 for a 250 Sq Yd plot !!!
I have requested for a documentation, which I hope they will be able to provide, as on what basis it has been increased.
Its been years that I have been waiting for get possession of this plot.. and God knows when will we get it..
Have also put in a request to join the TDI_Kundli_Kingsbury group, and I hope we can face these outrageous demands from these real estate developers.
I have requested for a documentation, which I hope they will be able to provide, as on what basis it has been increased.
Its been years that I have been waiting for get possession of this plot.. and God knows when will we get it..
Have also put in a request to join the TDI_Kundli_Kingsbury group, and I hope we can face these outrageous demands from these real estate developers.
I booked a villa in TDI Greens Sonepat. But neither there is any progress nor they are giving any updates. Any one from TDI Greens Sonepat. Please contact me so that we can together fight for this. PArul
Contact Information
Taneja Developers & Infrastructure Ltd. (Tdi)
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