[Resolved]  VTU - Belgaum — NFTC

Subject: - extension of course completion period for v.T.U (Karnataka) of the scheme 2002.

To: the person who may put forward this matter to india govt./karnataka govt./ vtu/ human

We the student of v.T.U belgaum-2002 batch, have 8 years for course completion. Other wise we will be awarded with 'not fit for technical course"(Nftc). Most o[censored]s have alredy spent six or seven years of our golden period of life in vtu, and now we are said to be nftc.
Reason of nftc are;
Not passed in one subject of iind sem
One lab back
Due some 5-10 marks or one subject ,
The whole carrier is going to be ruined, just because of limited period of 8 years to complete the coures.

However we would like to bring this in light for person concerned that the period to complete the same course was ten(10)years for 1998 batch students of vtu.

But today we are the unfortunate who bill not be able to complete our enginering even after giving 6-7 years of golden period to vtu. Today after getting nftc we will come to a stage, where we were before 7 years i.E. A 12th pass candidate.

7 years is equivalent to 14 years of imprisonment i.E life term sentence.
If a student could nor passed in one subject , then is this crime so serious that he should be penalized with 14years of life imprisonment????

We are representing a small group of students. If we account all student who are suffering with same conditions in various 250 colleges under vtu then the figure will shock any sensible person.

In view of above we request vtu or the concerned person(Who may put forward this matter to karnataka govt/ india govt /human right or vtu) to extend the period to completet the engineering within ten(10) years similar to 1998 batch students.

If today 15,000-20,000 student will become nftc or will be sent 7 years back from their life, then tomorrow definitely it will going to affect india and india's future.

An action may be taken at the earliest, as examnination form has been issued for fill-up.

This forum is the last hope for us. Our future has come to the edge of end if we will get nftc.
Kindly do something .Today your one responsible step/suggestion will save carrier of thousands of students.

We will await your response!

We are giving aou usn no below:-
4ai02cs028 4ai03cs069 4ai04me071 4ai05cs118
4ai03ip012 4ai04cs021 4ai04cds049 4ai03cs111
4ai03cs031 4ai04cs026 4ai04cs048 4ai02ec026
4ai02ec078 4ai02is004 4ai03cs070 4ai03cs084
1ay04cs004 1bio4ec100 1bio4im027 1bt03ec060
1cg04ec055 1ds03ch007 1ds03ch010 1ds04cv044
1hk03is016 1ms04me135 1rl03me009 1sj03me090
1vk04ec074 1vk04ec056 2bl04is070 2bv04is027
2gi04me026 2kl04cv351 3rv03ch012 3bc004me351
4kv04me017 4kv04cs053 4vm04cs036:

Our contact details are
We belongs to a.I.T (Chickmaglur) .Contact no:- [protected]: [protected] : [protected]:

Thank & regards
V.T.U students
(A.I.T chickmaglur)
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Aug 13, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved 


Hi friends will anyone confirm whay is
the course completion period for 1998 scheme
hi...i am a student of vtu belgaum.. i hav one sub back in 3rd sem..only becoz i got 7 marks less these vtu people r not allowing me to enter in 7th sem..i hav to spoil my whole year only becz i got 7 marks less...my parents still dont know about it...i am feeling like quiting this life...plz..plz...plz help me...
HI any news of getting permission for clearing arrear of, nidhi dont worry, we have lost years in this bloody university with just 3 or 4 marks IA marks difference, only way is to get out of this university is by clearing backlogs and move ahead.only way is to apply for reval and inform ur parents. all the best.
I am pankaj kumar bearing usn 1ep10me065 and my contact number is [protected], [protected].i got two back in 1st year i.e maths 2 and electronics.finally i got year back due internal average..what the hell vtu full useless rules and regulation and fully harassing the students...so m very disappointed from vtu and my college ..i always think that where i came for study..
Hi Frnds...Any one has info regarding 2001 batch 1998 scheme...
I have completed the course long back and still left with two arrears...

Plz update if any one has info regarding this...
hi i'm 2002 batch student.i still have 2 arrears of 7th sem, rest all semesters subjects i cleared.regarding this please give me information
I am a student Under vtu for 2 years, now in usa. i was requesting vtu registrar (evaluation), he says his name is magdum (peoson receives call [protected] on this number) behaved soo rudely with me. i am calling him since weeks for confirmation and verification my grade cards to US military recruiter here, as im in usa, i can go in person and request them, my friends told me to talk to kori sir, i have been requesting this guy on the number i mentioned above, he says me to cal after 15min, half an hour one hour...that kori sir never comes on phone.i just wanted to talk to him regarding this verification of grade cards.so i sent the email to address given on website, scanned copies of my grade cards to verify and confirm that they r genuine and forward to military recruiter.firstly he said he has forwaded to exam section to mam named vaishali, i spoke with her she says she dont hav time so she will check in lunch break, next day i called her she says she forgot. he gave me numerous phone numbers to call today and few numbers cut the call, few says "this is home cal to office', im dying of tension for job here, after 6 months of struggle and preparation i have been getting into a job, but these hopless people making me cry a lot...whom shud i complain about them?i m going mad here, this is matter of my life. only i know how i m surviving here

please help me i gave military exam 3 months ago, and this grade card verifcation is taking more than 2 weeks, it has been nearly 3 weeks i just need an email sent to military recruiter saying "these grade cards are genuine" and attach scanned copies of grade cards and send to recruiter...i have proofs and records of calls on my india calling website.

Thank you in advance, and hope that i will get help.

Regards Neelamma hungund
Hello folks, Time table is out...
Does 2001 got permission to write exams...anyone has info ??
hey guys, get there n shout loudly say what u want n get it done, dont wait for people in numbers, i[censored] want it u raise your voice! All the education mafia is getting too much in India, politicians n babus opening colleges from our own tax money n harassing us! year out rule is pathetic, i wonder hw students were quite all these years: i guess its predatory: dog eat dog world there.

Dont vote guys: u only encourage the : dont support our constitution nor anna hazare movement, u only make more students life in hell!

Job scene is not rosy too, asking percentage cutoffs, all the share holders r again the government people, big politicos n babu sons run the companies. These guys humiliate you n make u poor so that they can be rich. The NGOs click pictures of poor n eat money, its all nonsense guys. Education doesnt make you rich, it only churns out discrimination among the human race. Screw with compulsory education!
When u sleep on streets like the majority of indians do, u will know what the [censored] is happenin in our country.
Hello Sir/ma’am,
My name is Sharat Chandra Nayak, and I am an architect, I have finished my B.ARCHITECTURE from SIDDAGANGA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, TUMKUR in the year 2005, well I had issues during that time since my marks (internal ) were awarded to a different student and no action was taken to correct it .i am now talking about the issues which I had to face in my m.architecture at b.m.s.college of engineering, I happen to join the course in the year 2009 and the first year did go well with me passing the semester in first class. The issues started in the second year where in I was failed in a subject which disallowed me to take my thesis. I did happen to cope with it and gave the exams the next year, because I was not informed about the results in time I could not appear for the next semester exam and had to wait for 1 year to take the exams. I took the exams the next year, and was sure of passing the subject, but when the results came, my results was shown as “absent” and when I informed about the error to the concerned person, there was no interest from their side to correct the error and every time I got back to them, the answer was that the results has not been announced .i happen to go to the college with my parents to get the issue sorted out, on that day I went to the office and the lady in charge told me that the results have not been announced. However while talking to the principal in the presence of the HOD, VICE PRINCIPAL And my mother, I happen to tell them about the issue, though the principal was not active member here, the vice principal spoke and he spoke really loud and harsh to me and during that conservation he called the office and asked the same lady about the results and the lady came to the chamber with the results which was announced 4 days before this incident .
What I am trying to say is that 15 minutes back when I had gone to the lady, the said the results were not announced, however she came with the results when called by the vice principal and handed over the results which they received. This incident just took my belief form the statement made by mahatma Buddha who said “ GURU DEVO BHAVA” .i now believe that it’s not that but should be “ GURU DEVVO BHAVA”(devvoo in kannada means devil”. It was too late for me to take my thesis and moreover I lost the interest and motivation to take up the thesis. One last thing, I was told by the concerned teacher that I would not be able to apply for the re-evaluation since it was not available to the post-graduate student which was completely false.
Well I request you to look into the matter and grant me the opportunity to complete my course. This incident had made me loose interest in the education and has made me go into depression which I believe would come with my act of death.
I would like to tell that whatever I have mentioned here is true and any wrong information found here could be sued. I take full responsibility of this act and am ready to face the law if any FALSE INFORMATION is found.
Thanking you,
Sharat Chandra Nayak
USD: 1BM09AHD03.
hi friends this is utter non sense and non scientific system by vtu. i am also the same victim. Lets shout our voice or go for the illegal way to get the certificate from other university any way vtu is trying to make us criminals. they simply know that if we loose 8 years we have only one option like SREESHANTH lol...finally with tears...
Hi 2002/1999 scheme people we have won in court for not considering ntfc, we have to meet cm on june 17 2013.we get special chance to get and complete engineering plz cont sidhu for any quairey [protected] [protected] and prashantha [protected]
siddu nijvaglu neen en post madidiya artha aglilla swalpa detail agi helo.
will 2002 batch students get another chance to write exam in Dec 2013 by paying 5000 fine???
will 2002 batch students get another chance to write exam in Dec 2013 by paying 5000 fine???

someone please respond. I have completed my 8th Sem.. but have 3 back logs in 6th Sem and my exams in June 2013 didn't go well that i wrote after paying a fine of Rs 5000... somebody please let me know if there is any chance for VTU to give us an opportunity by paying fine???

Please advise!!!
At least vtu should give sm relax..
Either university should take supplimentry exams or it should increase the no of subjects tht a student can carry on as back logs..
Plze dont play with the lyf os ur students..
Hello, I'm from 2003 Batch, I've only one paper left for engineering. Which didnot clear in this exam(July-2013), Can anyone suggest me weather i can get a chance to write December 2013 Exam, I'm ready to anything for that. Please contact me on [protected]@gmail.com.
I'll be very much thank full for your reply. I dont want to be NFTC. Please help me out guys. Please suggest something.
Hi mannyishkumar, I am also 2003 batch, I have 1 backlog, let's be in touch.
@chrisliving8696 I think your batch has got chance by paying 5000 rs
@mannyishkumar : go to your college and submit a request letter to VTU

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