[Resolved]  VTU - Belgaum — NFTC

Subject: - extension of course completion period for v.T.U (Karnataka) of the scheme 2002.

To: the person who may put forward this matter to india govt./karnataka govt./ vtu/ human

We the student of v.T.U belgaum-2002 batch, have 8 years for course completion. Other wise we will be awarded with 'not fit for technical course"(Nftc). Most o[censored]s have alredy spent six or seven years of our golden period of life in vtu, and now we are said to be nftc.
Reason of nftc are;
Not passed in one subject of iind sem
One lab back
Due some 5-10 marks or one subject ,
The whole carrier is going to be ruined, just because of limited period of 8 years to complete the coures.

However we would like to bring this in light for person concerned that the period to complete the same course was ten(10)years for 1998 batch students of vtu.

But today we are the unfortunate who bill not be able to complete our enginering even after giving 6-7 years of golden period to vtu. Today after getting nftc we will come to a stage, where we were before 7 years i.E. A 12th pass candidate.

7 years is equivalent to 14 years of imprisonment i.E life term sentence.
If a student could nor passed in one subject , then is this crime so serious that he should be penalized with 14years of life imprisonment????

We are representing a small group of students. If we account all student who are suffering with same conditions in various 250 colleges under vtu then the figure will shock any sensible person.

In view of above we request vtu or the concerned person(Who may put forward this matter to karnataka govt/ india govt /human right or vtu) to extend the period to completet the engineering within ten(10) years similar to 1998 batch students.

If today 15,000-20,000 student will become nftc or will be sent 7 years back from their life, then tomorrow definitely it will going to affect india and india's future.

An action may be taken at the earliest, as examnination form has been issued for fill-up.

This forum is the last hope for us. Our future has come to the edge of end if we will get nftc.
Kindly do something .Today your one responsible step/suggestion will save carrier of thousands of students.

We will await your response!

We are giving aou usn no below:-
4ai02cs028 4ai03cs069 4ai04me071 4ai05cs118
4ai03ip012 4ai04cs021 4ai04cds049 4ai03cs111
4ai03cs031 4ai04cs026 4ai04cs048 4ai02ec026
4ai02ec078 4ai02is004 4ai03cs070 4ai03cs084
1ay04cs004 1bio4ec100 1bio4im027 1bt03ec060
1cg04ec055 1ds03ch007 1ds03ch010 1ds04cv044
1hk03is016 1ms04me135 1rl03me009 1sj03me090
1vk04ec074 1vk04ec056 2bl04is070 2bv04is027
2gi04me026 2kl04cv351 3rv03ch012 3bc004me351
4kv04me017 4kv04cs053 4vm04cs036:

Our contact details are
We belongs to a.I.T (Chickmaglur) .Contact no:- [protected]: [protected] : [protected]:

Thank & regards
V.T.U students
(A.I.T chickmaglur)
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Aug 13, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved 


@ navneeth check ur mail ...i have sent u my contact [protected]@ ur mail id... reply me asap on my id or email id...
hi friends in rymec bellary college they take exam fee from 2004 mech bath
above is just a rumor...don't know exactly
ty for contacting on my mail id guys, we need to visit university (belgaum) so all guys who are in same situation reply here or on my id ...lets decide and ask for one last attempt :(
today i will get info n status regarding our request letter ..will let u know abt it on 30 september lets see wat college has to say:( if not get ready to pay a visit @ vtu belgaum... need more ppl ...so all ppl ready to visit belgaum reply here ...i will be checking regular here to reply n comment
Those Students(2002 Scheme – batches 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and may also be earlier to that but writing 2002
scheme Subjects) who have “completed the course”(all 8 semesters) and still left with arrear subjects to pass the Degree and who are “interested To Attend the exams”, MANDATORILY have to meet Registrar(Evaluation) OR VC at Belgaum with “Request Letter” For Permission to Appear for Exams and pass the Degree …………………………... If You Have Interest to Write the Exams and Pass the degree Completely, Then VTU can Permit you ……..…………………&helli... students are not willing to pass the Degree Completely Then VTU would say Conducting Examinations is waste of 'Time' and 'Work' and 'Money' for the University …………………………... interest and Willingness to Study to Complete the Degree is what VTU is looking for
...So interested Students have to show up their Presence at VTU Belgaum With "Request Letter" and REQUEST Them MORE and MORE For Permission To attend the Exams and Complete our Degree...REQUESTING THE UNIVERSITY FROM STUDENTS SIDE IS WHAT IMPORTANT NOW FOR PERMISSION TO ATTEND THE EXAM AND COMPLETE THE DEGREE, FOR THOSE WHO HAVE COMPLETED THE COURSE(ALL 8 SEMESTERS)...We Students have to Show Our Willingness to Complete the Degree and REQUEST the University more, to give Permission to Attend Exams
Students Presence at VTU Belgaum With REQUEST LETTER and REQUESTING The University MORE to Give us Permission To Write the EXAMS (as we are Left With Only arrear Subjects to complete the Degree and our Course is Completed(All 8 Semesters))... Shows our Willingness to study and Complete the Degree...IF WE STUDENTS ARE NOT REQUESTING The University(sitting at home and doing Some Other Job), then We cannot get Permission to Write Exams and Complete our Degree...So Individual Students PRESENCE AT VTU BELGAUM With REQUEST LETTER For Permission to Write Exams is important now
1ep07me402 Please help I have only one sub back.
It is same Procedure as Mentioned above even for Course Completed(All 8 Semester) Diploma Students (2006 Scheme - 2007 batch), Individual Students PRESENCE AT VTU BELGAUM With REQUEST LETTER For Permission to Write Exams is important, If STUDENTS are not RQUESTING The UNIVERSITY(At VTU BELGAUM) FOR PERMISSION TO Write the Exams then ... HOW can UNIVERSITY KNOW STUDENTS ARE WILLING TO PASS THE DEGREE
guys college ppl said they didnt replied to request letter ...so its time to visit VTU belgaum and seek one last permission ...time is ticking... :(

those who are ready, please mention the phone no below lets talk n decide a day to visit VTU...goin individually, asking permission individually doesnt help:( so guys mention ur usn number and phone number here or pm ur number in inbox will call u...its now or never ...waiting for u all guys
guys these are the holiday dates :

1: Maha Saptami, 2: Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti, 2: Maha Ashtami,
3: Dussehra (Maha Navami), 6: Bakri Id/Eid ul-Adha, i talked to some 2003 guys they already went in submitted request letter and they want all guys of 2002 scheme to do the same asap @ vtu belgaum... so the visiting dates could be 4th, 5th and 7th, , , , , guys please mention ur available dates...
guys good news!!! permission is givven to[protected] batch students to write the exam...check vtu site for notification!!! 8th sem completed students can pay 3000rs per subject as penalty...
@ vinnu0017 indeed its good news for all or vtu guys:) im thankfull to all guys in here and others who made this possible by visiting belgaum individually:) 17th is d last date:) for payin exam feez enjoy allllllll:)
Hey i am from 2005 batch completed all 8 semesters but i have 2 arrears and arrears are of 2006 scheme. Am i allowed to take up the exam??
the college guys arent responding and vtu says u need to contact college. Please help
Hi GM to all, we are from 2006 lateral entry student, This is sad that we are offer to write exam with 3, 000 rs per subject, but ours all friends have 15 to 16 pending to complete the degree. But after paying those much amount.. we are not sure, we can complete the degree in this year, because we are evening college student. Is any chance to reduce the payment or ( Can vtu fix the Maximum payment).So that we can hope we will get the degree.. we are struggle from past eight year to get a degree. We cant pay so much amount .. Please any one have the idea of maximum payment for writing the exam.. Last year they given 5, 000 rupess for more that 3 subjects. Waiting for response.. thanks.
prashanth Kumar
Abhishek 1RC06CS038
i need only one year to complete my entire degree as i am eligible to 7th sem as of now
M: [protected]
Guys I am 2003 Batch diploma student 2002 scheme with Matdip301 or advanced mathematics-1 as backlog . I have cleared all my subjects but I still struggling to clear it and worst part I do not have permission to write exam any further...any help on this is welcome..[protected]@in.com
Hi dis ashok patil from gulbarga appa college has to take admission in 7th sem as I am eligible but they r not allowing me to take as I completed my 6 years I went to vtu belgum dey said they vll conduct a council meeting dis is my phone nnumber [protected] plz guys i[censored] have any information rregarding dis plz do share it with me thank u

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