[Resolved]  VTU - Belgaum — NFTC

Subject: - extension of course completion period for v.T.U (Karnataka) of the scheme 2002.

To: the person who may put forward this matter to india govt./karnataka govt./ vtu/ human

We the student of v.T.U belgaum-2002 batch, have 8 years for course completion. Other wise we will be awarded with 'not fit for technical course"(Nftc). Most o[censored]s have alredy spent six or seven years of our golden period of life in vtu, and now we are said to be nftc.
Reason of nftc are;
Not passed in one subject of iind sem
One lab back
Due some 5-10 marks or one subject ,
The whole carrier is going to be ruined, just because of limited period of 8 years to complete the coures.

However we would like to bring this in light for person concerned that the period to complete the same course was ten(10)years for 1998 batch students of vtu.

But today we are the unfortunate who bill not be able to complete our enginering even after giving 6-7 years of golden period to vtu. Today after getting nftc we will come to a stage, where we were before 7 years i.E. A 12th pass candidate.

7 years is equivalent to 14 years of imprisonment i.E life term sentence.
If a student could nor passed in one subject , then is this crime so serious that he should be penalized with 14years of life imprisonment????

We are representing a small group of students. If we account all student who are suffering with same conditions in various 250 colleges under vtu then the figure will shock any sensible person.

In view of above we request vtu or the concerned person(Who may put forward this matter to karnataka govt/ india govt /human right or vtu) to extend the period to completet the engineering within ten(10) years similar to 1998 batch students.

If today 15,000-20,000 student will become nftc or will be sent 7 years back from their life, then tomorrow definitely it will going to affect india and india's future.

An action may be taken at the earliest, as examnination form has been issued for fill-up.

This forum is the last hope for us. Our future has come to the edge of end if we will get nftc.
Kindly do something .Today your one responsible step/suggestion will save carrier of thousands of students.

We will await your response!

We are giving aou usn no below:-
4ai02cs028 4ai03cs069 4ai04me071 4ai05cs118
4ai03ip012 4ai04cs021 4ai04cds049 4ai03cs111
4ai03cs031 4ai04cs026 4ai04cs048 4ai02ec026
4ai02ec078 4ai02is004 4ai03cs070 4ai03cs084
1ay04cs004 1bio4ec100 1bio4im027 1bt03ec060
1cg04ec055 1ds03ch007 1ds03ch010 1ds04cv044
1hk03is016 1ms04me135 1rl03me009 1sj03me090
1vk04ec074 1vk04ec056 2bl04is070 2bv04is027
2gi04me026 2kl04cv351 3rv03ch012 3bc004me351
4kv04me017 4kv04cs053 4vm04cs036:

Our contact details are
We belongs to a.I.T (Chickmaglur) .Contact no:- [protected]: [protected] : [protected]:

Thank & regards
V.T.U students
(A.I.T chickmaglur)
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Aug 13, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved 


if we pay attention to registrar's 2nd statement..ie(2)""even if we concede to the latest demand, no college will be ready to run a parallel course for them ""..guys here dis registrar is talking abt if we concede to their latest demand..
guys we have very good chance...
get out o[censored]r comfort zone..n rise to d occasion for your own good..our STRENGTH will force those , foolish, insensitive authorities to consider out demands..which is very much logical, needful, n justified..then why should we b afraid?? get out o[censored]r HOME guys n unite for d cause..


hi guys i m agree with mr seekers...
Hi guys!
It is all ready 4 months over and there is no hope from any higher authority.
Now its our fate which will be decided by our work and activity.
It is obvious but again I would like to remind you all that this is India, no one will listen you until you cry or shout.

We took the appointment from Education Secretary, Education Minister and conveyed our problems to them. But all went in-vain. They were not even ready to listen us. All these I had not updated bcoz u all guys were present there.
We contacted one of the reporter and that is why the news came in 27 th dated DNA.
Now the next step is a silent protest(not strike) against VTU. The best place to show our protest will be near Vidhan Soudha. So many press offices are there and is center of city. To get some result it is very important to get the attention of media. Whether we are right or wrong it is very important to get the support of Media, this is bitter truth.

This is really last step to put our request to VTU, bcoz if we get the permission we have to take the exam in June2010.
I am very much agree with Mr. Justice seeker that the comment made by VTU Registrar is not logical or justifiable.

We will give them one more chance to made such comment by our protest on 08-Feb2010.

Then we will give him another chance to make such comment in High court Bangalore, then we will see, who will get the support of Indian constituency; the powerful Registrar/VC or group of students who just wanted to complete the course to become the Engineer and to serve the nation, bcoz we dont wanted to become the politician to do the bad politics. Otherwise they have almost given a best shot to make us GUNDA/POLITICIAN/CRIMINAL...

Else what a unsuccessful man (bcoz of VTU) will do ? We will not be counted in the list of Educated Unemployed person just becouse of VTU, after giving six/seven yesrs to VTU.
Now please come on[protected] near Vidhan Soudha, ready for protest against VTU. For timing and correct venue please contact Mr. Onib on [protected].

Alright, now that we have some attention already, thanks to the media, and the strong reactive response from the students, and thank you for responding and its was never late, the justice seekers and also for the detailed presentation of the article from the newspaper, and in turn shows to conclude VTU doesnt give a about us...But what we have right now is a considerable lot more than we thought actually which comes as no surprise, with Vtu...
where were you people?? whereevr you are this is only going to happen if we are organised as A ONE UNIT i[censored] understand what i mean is to say we should all defnitely meet for this is one time when the iron is hot and ready to be struck and because everyone who is making it to the meeting on 8th Feb 2010 at Cubbon Park, Vidhana Soudha... would await for a strength which only builds by NUMBERS and that my friend matters a lot more than just money and gold, , its the spirit of freedom, , we shall fight together and liberate ourselves and as for the rest..this one hopefully makes HISTORY in Vtu as change widely accepted for we deserve better..shed your selves to the cause wholely this one time...Know your enemy well much before you are at Their gates...mind you NFTC doesnt exist in any other University in any other State..its strictly a Vtu affair, ...who is the registrar making a fool of himself or the media, as im from 2002 batch and joined 3rd year in new scheme finished all papers had to do final year also in new scheme, but 1 dastardely 2nd year old scheme paper i wrote now due to which NFTC has come up...its just a matter of 1 subject and i would still clear as i took no chance and answered for 130 marks...anyways shifting to the more general issue of concern out of the 62 exams in a VTU provided B.E. course most of them have finished more than 50% of the course ie, 2 years, me knowing some including myself have finished more than 75% of the course, how the [censored] possibly can VTU give NFTC???...the british taxed us but gave us rails and roads, these Mbastards tax us and make roadblocks of our career paths...they are worse than the Nazis...damnVTU in hell.
even i m frustrated... they r stealing my life... i cant even face my family members. they say i m a disgrace...does no one hear our plea...are we all alone...
hi frnds final decision we r going for hunger strike on 14th feb at 2pm near to mg road.plz all o[censored] come and give support.
honestly i feel this case is an an example of corrupt, inefficient and totally failed system... only inhuman who is a stone hearted can overlook 6 or 7 years of these chilldrens education life who are left with no other option except to be an white coloured criminals or to turn into a antisocial elements...

so, i request to concerned authority to take some positive steps about these students and not to ruin their bright future let us not burden our country with more problems...
sir i had written my mechanical measurement exam and my result is not yet given now i am in 5th semester please check and tell me my usn number is 1hm07me054
Kindly refer page no.4 of Times Of India Dt:[protected].
VTU -VC will have to listen our appeal, I dont think he would like to come to high court.
VC says he dont want to increse the burden of college/VTU instead he would be happy to burden the society/country with youngesters o[censored]ncertain future .
Then what can be expect from the socirty or country in coming future.
Thanks for your brave approach my friends.
i am from bijapur BLDEA college of engineering.
my contact number-[protected].
in our college about 20-25 students are having same problem.
guys, its time to look for alternatives...
does any one know which university in india takes transfer students??
What I say is those guys who are suppose to get an NFTC are I think the best brains in the VTU as far as Practical and Application approach is concerned. I have a friend who is facing a similar problem he is suppose to get an entry into the final year but unfortunately he couldnt. But as far as his practical knowledge is concerned believe me the final students take advice from him for their projects related problems. Its not just over apart from his own branch (E&C) many C.S & I.S students also take advice from him. You ask him a question no matter the question belongs to which branch he ll surely have an answer for it or atleast he ll give you the basic idea bout the question asked. But if any further unfortunate thing happens to him he ll go degreeless. And what bout his knowledge it ll all go waste. And the country ll loose a good thinking mind for sure. I believe there are many such gems who fall under this category (NFTC). So i sincerely appeal the VTU and the concerned officials of this forum to plz plz plz help these people
my friend sachidananda if you start looking for alternatives at the end of each game you will never suceed in any...backup is appreciated but alternative is not welcome...Right to education is what our constitution says and belive in it...have faith and hope for the best
this is a complaint/protest/revolt against NFTC, forum...so strictly stick to it sachidananda...have u lost it eh!! this is a challenge against mankind of the student lot, humanity for the sufferers and their families and is a big question posed to us if we are born to sheep and accept what our master gives us after years of shearing us or are we flesh and blood of the progenies of mensch'...decide that yourself or let them decide for u now... and be ready for the slaughterhouse at a friendly neighbourhood near your house if you want to play SHEEP of !!
Dear vtu faculty
Theres a famous proverb "oppurtunity knocks the door only once or twice"
but here its the matter of the future of the students.Ofcourse there are some Einsteins and some Newtons but there are also some ordinary guys.Every person will not be having the same brain as that of Einstein or Newton.Even Einstein was a school drop out, but now he is world famous.Similalrly we cant blame upon any student, we dosent know what problems they will facing, and moroover that if they are hung up in this way then the ultimate cause will be nothing more than suicide.I sincerely request the University members to take any action to extend the NFTC. Just think i[censored]r child may be son or daughter was in this position right now, what would u have done.The Almighty Allah is very strict but along with that he is also a great pardonner and takes pity on his people to whom he has created.In the holy Quran its mentioned ALLAH says"My people I love 70times more than ur own mother loves u or cares u".So if ALmighty Allah itself pardons us for the greater mistakes what we have done, then who are we to play with the future of the students. Remember students are nothing but the wealth of our country.
assalam onnibudin khan bhai
my name is sadakat ali from gulbarga (karnataka) i studied in kbn college of engineering i m 2002 batch student and i m not elligible to 7th sem due to 1 subject pls kindly suggest me what shuld i do
Dear Sadakat Ali This is Tousif you call me on this no. [protected] I ll tell u what to do
Dear Sadakat Ali i m frm bijapur.
you must contact tousif or onib.we want ur help.we need some more students from gulbarga, bagalkot and belgaum.

Nobody is going to die...we have been preyed enough by the university already...its time for our predatorial instincts to come play...energy is useful and destructful at the same time...what do u think????... should we harness it or let it go by in a very unstable form like a hydrogen bomb...

there are a lot more students in NFTC bracket than i ought it to be at the beginning of the year...So now do we need intelligently integrated hydrogen fuel cells or deviously integrated hydrogen bombs???? this question is for the university to decide...for the students shall increase exponentially by the years...

this year 2002, 2003 is feeling the heat, next year it would be a few more from 2004, 2005, , , and so forth in the years to come...
Hey Mr. A just stop talkin and start working more hard. We need more people to turn the waves on our side. Me n my friends are tryin to unite the students from North Karnataka region. The need of the hour is to unite as many as possible guys so lets concentrate on this dude. Stop talking & start working this is our last chance be ready for the final assault n this time its Do Or Die situation. All my friends be Mentally and Physically Prepared to face any challenge from the university and the Govt. Don ever think to step back at any cost. Extension is our right and we ve to get it.

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