[Resolved]  VTU - Belgaum — NFTC

Subject: - extension of course completion period for v.T.U (Karnataka) of the scheme 2002.

To: the person who may put forward this matter to india govt./karnataka govt./ vtu/ human

We the student of v.T.U belgaum-2002 batch, have 8 years for course completion. Other wise we will be awarded with 'not fit for technical course"(Nftc). Most o[censored]s have alredy spent six or seven years of our golden period of life in vtu, and now we are said to be nftc.
Reason of nftc are;
Not passed in one subject of iind sem
One lab back
Due some 5-10 marks or one subject ,
The whole carrier is going to be ruined, just because of limited period of 8 years to complete the coures.

However we would like to bring this in light for person concerned that the period to complete the same course was ten(10)years for 1998 batch students of vtu.

But today we are the unfortunate who bill not be able to complete our enginering even after giving 6-7 years of golden period to vtu. Today after getting nftc we will come to a stage, where we were before 7 years i.E. A 12th pass candidate.

7 years is equivalent to 14 years of imprisonment i.E life term sentence.
If a student could nor passed in one subject , then is this crime so serious that he should be penalized with 14years of life imprisonment????

We are representing a small group of students. If we account all student who are suffering with same conditions in various 250 colleges under vtu then the figure will shock any sensible person.

In view of above we request vtu or the concerned person(Who may put forward this matter to karnataka govt/ india govt /human right or vtu) to extend the period to completet the engineering within ten(10) years similar to 1998 batch students.

If today 15,000-20,000 student will become nftc or will be sent 7 years back from their life, then tomorrow definitely it will going to affect india and india's future.

An action may be taken at the earliest, as examnination form has been issued for fill-up.

This forum is the last hope for us. Our future has come to the edge of end if we will get nftc.
Kindly do something .Today your one responsible step/suggestion will save carrier of thousands of students.

We will await your response!

We are giving aou usn no below:-
4ai02cs028 4ai03cs069 4ai04me071 4ai05cs118
4ai03ip012 4ai04cs021 4ai04cds049 4ai03cs111
4ai03cs031 4ai04cs026 4ai04cs048 4ai02ec026
4ai02ec078 4ai02is004 4ai03cs070 4ai03cs084
1ay04cs004 1bio4ec100 1bio4im027 1bt03ec060
1cg04ec055 1ds03ch007 1ds03ch010 1ds04cv044
1hk03is016 1ms04me135 1rl03me009 1sj03me090
1vk04ec074 1vk04ec056 2bl04is070 2bv04is027
2gi04me026 2kl04cv351 3rv03ch012 3bc004me351
4kv04me017 4kv04cs053 4vm04cs036:

Our contact details are
We belongs to a.I.T (Chickmaglur) .Contact no:- [protected]: [protected] : [protected]:

Thank & regards
V.T.U students
(A.I.T chickmaglur)
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Aug 13, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved 


Hi guys 8th of March was a good show n i guess the authorized personals ve realized the intensity of our struggle. Well its not over yet this is just the beginning we still ve a long war to go, it was just one battle wherein our side dominated but the war is still on. Lets see what the VTU people ve for us. And as we decided before our next step we ve to strengthen our base and need to add more people at our side. So plz dear friends lets make use of this time, work hard and try to add more people to intensify the struggle.
" What did Bhagat Singh say- We shall fight and we shall win"
Hi Friends very sad news one of our friend Jitu from Chikmagalur also facing the Nftc problem because of constant depression has attempted to commit Suicide by consuming Poison. He was hospitalized and as of now he is out of danger as per the docs. Hey guys it was Jitu on that day it may be anyone else o[censored]s the next time. Plz don ever think of taking this route. This is not our way we are fighters, we ve been fighting the moment we entered into VTU n thats y we are still here. We din left we din quit we are still fighting we still ve hopes and we ll succeed Insha-Allah. Let us pray for Jitu's Health and intensify our struggle against the injustice caused to us because of the Vtu. Inquilab Zindabaad... Long Live Revolution
Dear friends,
Jitender is one of my best friend. He is in ICU for 3days.
This is not a fake advertise, any how this is not a fake drama. His father is in ARMY, and by all way yesterday he arrived to Chikmagalur and tomorrow Jitender is going back home.
End of one sad story...perhaps!

Please Sir (VTU Registrar & VC) dont let us end like this!
Dear Friends,
now about our mission extension!

Protest against VTU by our friends is over. This is now a week time and there is no action has been taken by VTU.
So this week we are going for hunger strike!
Who, when, where will be decided later.

To VTU: We are not like others. We will fight till we get extension or we will die in front of VTU.
Dear Friends,
As Onib has mentioned above the time given to the VTU people is over and now its our time to show these people that we are not among the silent spectators. I guess they don no that they are not just playing with our Career but they are playing with our life as we have given a major and in fact a crucial portion of our life in this University. And we don allow them to do this they don ve any right to play our with lives. Believe me what we did on 8th was the good part of our side, and i think this is not good enough for them, they are testing our patience. This bloody Govt has given permission to open a private University in the state cause they ll get good money from them this shows that the Govt is not at all serious about the youth and the students of the country they just mean business. This is the indication that no one is going to help us to get justice. what we ve to do is to fight this battle by ourselves as this about our life not bout any god damn it bureaucrat or the Govt. Come on guys fasten ur seat belts and be ready come to bangalore and fight for ur career, ur life, ur parents, ur family, ur criticizers and at last but not the least the Bureaucrats and the VTU people who take as a burden, come on guys lets fight and put the burden on the VTU instead on ourselves and our families. We Fight and We Win, Inquilab Zindabad Long Live Revolution
Dear Bro's,
I hope every thing vill be in favour [censored] guys...
dont loose hope...Inshaallah
I feel sad when i think f my frndz...
May Allah gives u victory against des bloody (VTU) blood suckers...Ameen
The demand for graduates over the next five years is likely to be 13.8 million, analysts have estimated. But with only 13.2 million students graduating over the same period, India will face a shortfall of 600, 000 graduates and may be VTU will be proud to contribute another 100, 000 students to the deficit; with the strength of NFTC in the name of quality.

I have heared of double standards but now witness triple standard:

The first standard: 1998 scheme students are allowed for 12 years and can go with further extension with a maximum fine of 5000 INR per semester.

The second standard: 2002 scheme students deserve NFTC after 8 years because they are burden to university.

The Third standard( Power of Money) : Azim Premji university has been granted the permission to start the oprations. (Azim Premji sir was a drop out from The Leland Stanford Junior University and completed graduation almost later in the range 10-35 years after the date of admmission. Stanford dindt say to Sir that u r burden and here NFTC is yours but VTU is of more quality then Stanford and hope we will excell more then Azim Premji sir down the line.

"Right to education is in books; Long live class system, long live white collar dadagiri"-- A Kincha Production
Jitender who came to protest that day frm chickmaglur?? sad man, nobody is listenin to us.maybe its time to unite guys n go for hunger strike. i saw in papers ex army pple protest by signing in blood. we got to do sumthing extreme to be heard.same old protests wont help. tell me what other option do we have after so many protests than to go for hunger strike??
Hi friends...I dont know still how many days they will trouble us but we have to fight with them till our last breath.Now we have to take few other steps like we have to unite more and more peoples, we have to go to VTU and do hunger strike infront of it etc etc...One thing we should never lose that is our confidence.Onib u team is doing a great job plz continue.Good luck and all the best.
hi friends, plz if any one gets any latest news plz inform us...

Every child is ritually admitted to a school, and the more reputed it is, the greater the joy of the parents. Each child has to go through the ritual of lugging a huge schoolbag day in and day out, endure seven periods of monotonous or lively lectures, and then periodically sweat it out to face the great monster called EXAMS

When the grand finale of the final exams of school is over and the tense wait for results brings in happy news, the mad rush begins for the admissions in colleges, entrance exams and donations. This begins another phase of endless lectures, thicker books to memorize, and another series of exams to agonize through.

Somewhere along the line years of slogging and drudgery seems to have paid off, and the child is now grown up. He is no longer a student, and can aspire to work, earn and enter the big bad world outside.

What an irony that learning should acquire such draconian features, but it is true when university such as VTU is taking the form of a blood sucking witch who can sucks the blood of students through out their degree and finally awards with an NFTC (imposed as a punishment).

In the whole process of making the END of certificates and degrees no one cares weather any learning has taken place. Parents push their children to the utmost,
threatening them of dire consequences if they don't get good grades. Children start
identifying their self worth with the type of marks they score. And as a result many stop the process of learning and lead mundane adult lives.

Those who think in the VTU that they are adults and have completed their education, please do look around. Don't play with the life's and career of students, by awarding them NFTC and making an end of humanity.
plz keep on updating this site
30th &31st March is the date decided for hunger strike.
Guys think something big..share your idea...we will force VTU to listen us...

Now I am really loosing my patient
Hi friends>> i really appreciate the counter strike measures taken the by the Victims of VTU. However i would like everyone to participate who is a victim. University should make the engineers not break the engineers. Hats off to the effort will join u people soon in bangalore.
Would we get an extention??? this question has been harassing us for months now...everything else doesnt matter anymore, as everything has been built on this efforts being build for the last 8 years.Can all the sufferers imagine the period of time the worst years of life in VTU.everyone would want to forget it.but that now seems impossible as we have to lead our lives with the guilt forever.can you imagine how many more years we got to live with this feeling unbated, which would suck the happiness of evrything this life was meant for.Do you really think we deserve this????

But if VTU and its officers including the VC think so, then lets share our lives with them and show them hell...Hell bought down on them with a lot of fury and destruction.This shall be our parting gift if we are not given extention.This shall be to all those who think its a lot easier to rub us off and get rid o[censored]s in this shoddy manner.We shall roast and deep fry all those [censored]s and One by One.
even i'm a 2002 batch E&C student who is facing same problem. i'm with no way to proceed found this and little confused how to apply to this forum. my usn number is 4kv02ec033. i dont want to get nftc. plz help. i lost these many years due to my health problems. staying patiently only wid this hope.. thnx
Hi Friends,
Due to the upcoming BBMP election in Bangalore we din got the permission for hunger strike. Hence the date for the hunger strike has been revised, the probable dates are 1st or 2nd of april any other changes ll be informed sorry for updating this message lately. Hope all guys also got this message via sms. After our last attempt on 8th of march VTU has already called up for a Syndicate meeting and as per our information around 45 Syndicate members are in favor of giving extension to we guys. Thats a good sign I can say thats a good Beginning and we are making news in the VTU and hence we should not Stop here at this instant of time. We should always keep pressure on them and for that plz plz be ready be prepared whenever we get a call for Hunger strike we must be there and not to mention plz also try to get some new guys this time as well. Long Live Revolution Jai Hind.
Hey Karthik for more details over the process going on plz contact me on [protected]
or u can also contact Onib, Girish or Rajgopal.
Hi Bros,
be ready for the Hunger Strike "Coming Soon" the dates ll b announced very soon. Maybe on 5th or 7th of April Be Ready for the FINAL ASSAULT for our future our parents n our Country. Long Live Revolution Jai Hind.
Hello Friends
There is a VTU Syndicate meeting in the VTU in 31/03/10 regarding our issue. VTU people are gonna discuss bout our problem and i hope they ll come with a solution that ll benefit we guys Insha-Allah lets pray for that. Or else as we ve planned we ll go for the hunger strike so be prepared and ready. Jai Hind

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