[Resolved]  VTU - Belgaum — NFTC

Subject: - extension of course completion period for v.T.U (Karnataka) of the scheme 2002.

To: the person who may put forward this matter to india govt./karnataka govt./ vtu/ human

We the student of v.T.U belgaum-2002 batch, have 8 years for course completion. Other wise we will be awarded with 'not fit for technical course"(Nftc). Most o[censored]s have alredy spent six or seven years of our golden period of life in vtu, and now we are said to be nftc.
Reason of nftc are;
Not passed in one subject of iind sem
One lab back
Due some 5-10 marks or one subject ,
The whole carrier is going to be ruined, just because of limited period of 8 years to complete the coures.

However we would like to bring this in light for person concerned that the period to complete the same course was ten(10)years for 1998 batch students of vtu.

But today we are the unfortunate who bill not be able to complete our enginering even after giving 6-7 years of golden period to vtu. Today after getting nftc we will come to a stage, where we were before 7 years i.E. A 12th pass candidate.

7 years is equivalent to 14 years of imprisonment i.E life term sentence.
If a student could nor passed in one subject , then is this crime so serious that he should be penalized with 14years of life imprisonment????

We are representing a small group of students. If we account all student who are suffering with same conditions in various 250 colleges under vtu then the figure will shock any sensible person.

In view of above we request vtu or the concerned person(Who may put forward this matter to karnataka govt/ india govt /human right or vtu) to extend the period to completet the engineering within ten(10) years similar to 1998 batch students.

If today 15,000-20,000 student will become nftc or will be sent 7 years back from their life, then tomorrow definitely it will going to affect india and india's future.

An action may be taken at the earliest, as examnination form has been issued for fill-up.

This forum is the last hope for us. Our future has come to the edge of end if we will get nftc.
Kindly do something .Today your one responsible step/suggestion will save carrier of thousands of students.

We will await your response!

We are giving aou usn no below:-
4ai02cs028 4ai03cs069 4ai04me071 4ai05cs118
4ai03ip012 4ai04cs021 4ai04cds049 4ai03cs111
4ai03cs031 4ai04cs026 4ai04cs048 4ai02ec026
4ai02ec078 4ai02is004 4ai03cs070 4ai03cs084
1ay04cs004 1bio4ec100 1bio4im027 1bt03ec060
1cg04ec055 1ds03ch007 1ds03ch010 1ds04cv044
1hk03is016 1ms04me135 1rl03me009 1sj03me090
1vk04ec074 1vk04ec056 2bl04is070 2bv04is027
2gi04me026 2kl04cv351 3rv03ch012 3bc004me351
4kv04me017 4kv04cs053 4vm04cs036:

Our contact details are
We belongs to a.I.T (Chickmaglur) .Contact no:- [protected]: [protected] : [protected]:

Thank & regards
V.T.U students
(A.I.T chickmaglur)
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Aug 13, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved 


Sorry about the harsh words spoken previously although it isnt truly fully intended.

Yes first things first, , , , today we went met a Judge of the civil court The very Hon'ble Mr.Tigadi...He was extremely courteous and was willing to help us legally and gave us all suggestions to go about real quickly.It was a relief to still find people like the humankind.
So whatever may that be, we have every right to communicate with university and set things right for ourselves, So the the protest is on anytime this week or by the weekend...So please make any amout of donation you want to to help this protest starting from right now...I did my part of little contribution i could as of now to Rajgopal when we were doing this today...We are all very thankful and should be to have him among us a very influential dedicated activist who has made news and served social causes right and to count many with his undying spirit, , , ive been inspired too...
Please make your donations to Girish or Onib much b4 the time of the little we have got to organise.The money will be used rightfully and is in capable hands of the righteous... for the cause, i say so as i suffer as much as i do brothers to fight the cause of the RIGHT and to live FREE...
Thank you Mr. Tausif and Mr. A;
good reply to Guru and Buzz.

Actually they are two typical examples of failure people of our society.
They know to follow the rule, they dont even think how to create the rule and when time passes how to change the rule.
Love or War, Peace or Conflict...the time has come to make choices...who are them to give us options about our lives...i was told we are violating the UGC norms and guidelines by demanding extention...What are these normalities????? To create more despair among us students with the already tolerated lot from our university...The answer is not in their hands the answer shall be in our hands...And now is the time to seek answers we want...This is a sincere call to all students to come and revolt against the system...The date of this historic event shall be announced shortly...Long live Student Power!!!
Onib sir, aaplog ko EXTENSION zaroor milega.VTU ko jhukna hi padega. This is a bull- university trying to snatch degrees.
Chinta mat kijiye sir, sab accha hoga.Aap jitna struggle kiye hain uska accha result aapko jaldi milega.
Is university ko BANNED kar dena chahiye.
I am in BANGALORE now.I'll inform u as soon as I get permission for strike.Already I am trying to get the permission.Every1 stay in touch.


ONIB KHAN(24 hours helpline).[protected]/[protected]
We are among them who change the system if system is not good...
my name is mohamed khalid saifulla...my usn no.4jn03me402...currently i am in the nftc bracket ... i am completely supporting this cause ...
Hi Friends
First of all lots of thanks to Mr. Onib, Abhijeet, RajGopal n everyone out there in Bangalore cause of their restless efforts in carrying on this whole agenda. Every one should know that all these people are trying really hard to settle the things in right place starting from obtaining permission for the hunger strike to meeting the Hon'ble High Court Judge. Its very much easy to write the blog n to give various ideas from sitting here itself like what I am doing but turning out these things into reality is seriously a tough job which they are doing without complaining. So friends one might be thinking that why the proposed hunger strike is been delayed and is been postponed so many times, & the answer is quite simple as i ve mentioned above. The reason why I am mentioning all these things over here is just to tell all our friends that the delay doesnt means that we ve stopped our struggle, but the delay is the result of the various hurdles that are coming in our way. We all know that our cause is truly genuine but we still ve to follow the laws and the procedures. Mr. Raj Gopal is trying to get the permission for the huger strike and also there are a lot of arrangements that ve to be done before going to the hunger strike. So dear friends don think that our struggle is over and don ever let your moral down. Be ready and be prepared they ve to give us an extension as it is our right. When ever we get a call for the strike we must be ready to join it. This delay has also bought us some good news, while trying to get the permission for the hunger strike Mr. Raj Gopal also met to one of the Hon'ble Judge of the High Court and he has listened to our concern and also assured that if we put a case against the VTU we ll surely get an extension as the other batches ve got. So friends what we are thinking right now is to go for an hunger strike and also to file a case against the vtu simultaneously as well. So friends don loose hopes we ve many options with us and we ll surely make use of all the options at the right time. Anyways guys as of now just be prepared for the hunger strike, whenever we get a call we ve to be there to fight for our future.
respected sir,
iam studying b.e 8th sem now, iam from 2002 batch, wht is the procedure for us to go after completion of course, even if we have get backs...
plz tell me
Be courageous! ... I have seen many depressions in business. Always America has come out stronger and more prosperous. Be as brave as your fathers before you. Have faith! Go forward.
- Thomas A. Edison
I am in BANGALORE now.I'll inform u as soon as I get permission for strike.Already I am trying to get the permission.Every1 stay in touch.


ONIB KHAN(24 hours helpline).[protected]/[protected]

( :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::WE WILL WIN====;;;;;;;;;;;;;;)+(AGAIN WE WILL ROCK IN OUR UNIVERSITY):::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

ONIB KHAN(24 hours helpline).[protected]/[protected]
Hey Friends
And Finally the Wait is over. Due to the continuous Efforts of Onib, Raj Gopal and other Friends in Bangalore finally we got the permission to stage a HUNGER STRIKE for UNLIMITED DAYS against VTU for the injustice they are doing to us. This is the result of restless efforts and our patience as well, cause earlier we dint got permission even to stage the protest for one single day. Now we can continue our protest till our demands are fulfilled. So friends as I ve mentioned earlier we ve got a call from our friends in Bangalore and now its our duty to respond to this call and be present over there with full strength. This time be prepared for a long battle its not a one day affair. We ve to continue our protest till we get an extension or else we ll die there. So while coming be mentally prepared for a long duration stay in Bangalore. Please bring some extra money so as to meet the expenses of tent and all. We ve to put a tent over there and also there are some sort of transportation charges and we all know that no one is there to help us as this is our cause so we only ve to bear the charges for all the arrangements done over there. Remember we are not going to give this money to any one all the money ll be spended on ourselves so kindly bring some extra bucks. And as mentioned all the time also try to get some new people to strengthen our protest. So dear friends this is the time to ask for our right come and fight for it and Insha-Allah we ll get our RIGHT. WE FIGHT WE WIN.
What we have here today as of the moment is the utmost dedication of the few lot who have made it possible to set us up a battlefront...A front which is going to challenge the autocratic corrupt system, which calls itself a state university...We shall make them agree to our demands, for now is the time to demand for all that we have lost over the many years in VTU...
It shall be a demonstration of righteousness, equality, courage and a lot more to be entitled further in history.
This shall be made an historic event for everyone to be enlightened about the repressions suffered wholly during the years in VTU.
Again to be sure can anyone remember having suffered more than anything from childhood until VTU happened????Surely not!!! and its time for payback rightfully, , , make them adhere to our demands and there shall be a lot more peaceful people and their families...

And if not we shall starve unto ourselves and have VTU for breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner.This is our country, proud to be a part of the revolutionaries, Be it ' the Bose' be it 'the Maulana' or the iron man 'Sardar V Patel' orTheMahatma s an honor to be born for everybody o[censored]s in this country.
And as dutiful sons of the nation we stand up to challenge authoritanism at its ignorant levels of administration.

We stand up for the cause and there is nothing to fault, , nothing foul, , nothing extraordinary until we have the spirit undying in our bloods and we just have more to spare.
"Blood for Blood, Steel for Steel"...let the blades and the bloody armour of the heart and mind interlude to give us enough prowess to overcome this.

Its a call to all those who have wanted to make a change, we are with you irrespective of any bias.Lets revolutionize and patronize.
guys dont write rubbish in this column. i understand ur frustration but pls dont use abusive language and all. its ur fault basically and ur learning it the hard way. i totally agree wid what Mr. arvind had to say abt this matter. after reading the kind of comments posted here, m wondering what kind of ppl u guys r. i know u guys have screwed up big time but hope u guys have realised ur mistakes now. it better late than never. what ever u do u have to do it peacefully cos u cant keep the university responsible for ur mistakes. u guys dint pass cos U dint study. so many ppl pass. they dont have a problem. its jus a handfull that is getting NFTC.i understand its ur future at stake here. u should've realised it a little earlier. the university is in no way responsible for what ur facing today. i agree the valuation is tough. question papers r tougher. but they have to maintain the standard of engineers they deliver... all the best wid what ever u guys r doing. hope u guys get another chance and hope u guys take it seriously at least this time. allah hafiz.
to whom so ever it may concern,

i am student of GLOBAL ACADEMY OF TECHNOLOGY .(2002 batch)
i lost my eligibility due to parkinsons disease(motor disalities).and i could not attend the classes from the past 3 years i could not complete the degree within the stipulate time of eight years because of the above specified disability.
i have produced my medical certificate on this behalf, to the concerned officials. i have got my eligibility back this year to attend the 7th sem classes after eight years of hard work and dedication.
i had alredy attended the sem classes the last year(2009).i lost my eligility by 7 marks in revaluation.
i have just 3 backs left in my 3rd year, so i request you to extend my eligibity by one year so that i clear my engineering in the next year.
Hi friends,
We have taken the permission for the strike for tomorrow. So please come to the M.G. Road in front of Mahatma Gandhi stachu at 8:00 am. We have already arranged all the things for the strike. Please be present at the given time.


( :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::WE WILL WIN====;;;;;;;;;;;;;;)+(AGAIN WE WILL ROCK IN OUR UNIVERSITY):::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

ONIB KHAN(24 hours helpline).[protected]/[protected]




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