[Resolved]  Ecom Express — courier reverse pickup

Address: Ecom Express Private Limited Delivery Vendor Address: Ashirwad Products D45 Patel Nagar, New Delhi, Delhi, 110037

Ecom express private limited[protected] order no. [protected] delivery vendor address: ashirwad products d45 patel nagar

Snapdeal poduct / service type: jbl t110 in ear wired handsfree earphones with mic black
Order no:[protected]

I had returned my product to your courier person: anil kumar from ecom express private limited on (Mon) 22/07/2019 and received my customer copy from :ecom express private limited[protected] order no. [protected] delivery vendor address: ashirwad products d45 patel nagar
But the item is still not sent back to snapdeal.com
And now for 2nd time snapdeal scheduled the another pickup on (Mon) 29/07/2019
Courier person was from the your courier agency: ecom express private limited
So i showed him my customer copy received from ecom express private limited
[protected] order no. [protected]. He took the picture as well for proof and said that courier is still lying with ecom express as already picked up by anil kumar and still not returned to snapdeal.
Later on i got a message from snapdeal that courier was not picked up on (Mon) 29/07/2019 as ecom express private limited informed snapdeal that i want to keep the item with me which is absolutely not correct as i have already returned the item to courier person anil kumar on (Mon) 22/07/2019 on his first visit from ecom express private limited
I am extremely dissatisfied now that there item is still with ecom express and you haven't returned it to snapdeal since (Mon) 22/07/2019
So how can i return the item twice??? To you when i already returned my product to your courier person: anil kumar from ecom express private limited on (Mon) 22/07/2019
I am extremely dissatisfied and i feel cheated so i have registered a consumer complaint as well (Consumer complaint grievance number: 1481236 grievance reg date:[protected]:38:10)
Please investigate with your courier person: anil kumar from ecom express private limited and return my item to snapdeal on priority.

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Aug 27, 2019
Complaint marked as Resolved 
ECOM never resolved my issue and it got delayed because of them for 1 month and 3 days and they ECOM agent also lost my Invoice for the item. Finally the issue is resolved by snapdeal after 1 months & 3 days as got the refund for my item on (Mon) 26/08/2019
Ecom Express customer support has been notified about the posted complaint.
Jul 31, 2019
Updated by vinayak.pandey
I have already returned the Item to Courier person Anil Kumar on (Mon) 22/07/2019 on his first visit from Ecom Express Private Limited
I am extremely dissatisfied now that there Item is still with Ecom Express and you
haven't returned it to snapdeal since (Mon) 22/07/2019
so how can I return the Item twice?????? to you when I already returned my product to your courier person: Anil Kumar from Ecom Express Private Limited on (Mon) 22/07/2019
I am extremely dissatisfied and I feel cheated so I have registered a consumer complaint yesterday as well (Consumer Complaint Grievance Number: 1484119 Grievance Reg Date:[protected]:40:51)
Please investigate with your courier person: Anil Kumar from Ecom Express Private Limited and return my Item to Snapdeal on priority.
Aug 02, 2019
Updated by vinayak.pandey
I have already returned the Item to Courier person Anil Kumar on (Mon) 22/07/2019 on his first visit from Ecom Express Private Limited
I am extremely dissatisfied now that there Item is still with Ecom Express and you
haven't returned it to snapdeal since (Mon) 22/07/2019
so how can I return the Item twice?????? to you when I already returned my product to your courier person: Anil Kumar from Ecom Express Private Limited on (Mon) 22/07/2019
I am extremely dissatisfied and I feel cheated so I have registered a consumer complaint yesterday as well (Consumer Complaint Grievance Number: 1484119 Grievance Reg Date:[protected]:40:51)
Please investigate with your courier person: Anil Kumar from Ecom Express Private Limited and return my Item to Snapdeal on priority.
Aug 02, 2019
Updated by vinayak.pandey
As I already emailed you numerous times that Item has already been picked up from me by your Courier Agent:Anil Kumar from Ecom Express Private Limited on (Mon) 22/07/2019. I have already returned the product to your Courier Agent:Anil Kumar from Ecom Express Private Limited so Kindly initiate the Reverse pick up with snapdeal and returm the item to Snapdeal on priority as the item is with your Courier Agent: Anil Kumar from Ecom Express Private Limited . I have also advised Snapdeal about the same.
Aug 02, 2019
Updated by vinayak.pandey
Hi Ecom Express Team,
As I just received a call back from Ecom express private limited customer care and Courier Agent: Anil Kumar and they confirmed that yes the item is with Ecom Express since (Mon) 22/07/2019 and they asked me to put a request to snapdeal to take the item back as Normal pick up instead of reverse pick up as they can't ship it to snapdeal as Reverse pick up.
I have written Snapdeal to send the item back to them as Normal pick up so please send the item back to snapdeal as Normal pick up today on priority.
Please do the needful and revert.
Aug 05, 2019
Updated by vinayak.pandey
Hi ECOM EXpress,

I spoke to Ecom express private limited customer care and Courier Agent: Anil Kumar again today and he confirmed that yes the item is with Ecom Express since (Mon) 22/07/2019 and there is a new Courier Agent:Munish Kumar has been assigned o pick up my item today (Mon) 05/08/2019 so kindly ask Munish to collect the item from Anil Kumar/Ankush as told by Anil Kummar today and send the item back to Snapdeal by Normal pick up today on priority as I have already informed Snapdeal to take the ite back from Ecom as Normal pickup instead of Reverse pickup.
Please do the needful and revert.
Aug 05, 2019
Updated by vinayak.pandey
I spoke to Ecom express private limited customer care as received a call just now and informed the customer care representative to collect the item from Courier Agent: Anil Kumar today as I had spoken to him this afternoon and he confirmed that yes the item is with him (Ecom Express since (Mon) 22/07/2019) and there is a new Courier Agent: Munish Kumar has been assigned to pick up my item today (Mon) 05/08/2019 but Munish has not spoken to me OR arrived yet so kindly ask Munish to collect the item from Anil Kumar/Ankush from ECOM as told by Anil Kumar and send the item back to Snapdeal by Normal pick up today itself on priority Anil Kumar from ECOM has told me again that he will speak to Munish himself once he gets back to office as currently he was on field visit and will send the item back to Snapdeal as Normal pick up today (Mon) 05.08.2019 on priority. so kindly speak to Courier agent Anil Kumar from Ecom
Please do the needful and revert on priority.
Aug 05, 2019
Updated by vinayak.pandey
Have you collected the item from ECOM Courier representative: collect the item from Courier Agent: Anil Kumar/Ankush and send the item back to Snapdeal as Normal pick up today (Mon) 05.08.2019????? as I have requested for the same multiple times from ECOM Express and your Courier agent: Anil Kumar since last week and he has been keep promising me it will be done on the same day??????
Aug 06, 2019
Updated by vinayak.pandey
I spoke to Ecom express private limited customer care as received a call yesterday Mon) 05/08/2019 and informed the customer care representative to collect the item from Courier Agent: Anil Kumar today as I had spoken to him this afternoon and he confirmed that yes the item is with him (Ecom Express since (Mon) 22/07/2019) and there is a new Courier Agent: Munish Kumar has been assigned to pick up my item today (Mon) 05/08/2019 but Munish has not spoken to me OR arrived yet so kindly ask Munish to collect the item from Anil Kumar/Ankush from ECOM as told by Anil Kumar and send the item back to Snapdeal by Normal pick up today itself on priority Anil Kumar from ECOM has told me again that he will speak to Munish himself once he gets back to office as currently he was on field visit and will send the item back to Snapdeal as Normal pick up today (Mon) 05.08.2019 on priority. so kindly speak to Courier agent Anil Kumar from Ecom.

Have you collected the item from ECOM Courier representative: collect the item from Courier Agent: Anil Kumar/Ankush and send the item back to Snapdeal as Normal pick up yesterday (Mon) 05.08.2019????? as I have requested for the same multiple times from ECOM Express and your Courier agent: Anil Kumar since last week and you all have been keep promising me it will be done on the same day but when?????? The item is with your agent Anil Kumar since (Mon) 22/07/2019 and he even bothered inform me that can't sent item back to Snapdeal and did even return the item to me until I registered a complaint in consumer forum I waited all day to get a call from your agent: Munish Kumar and again he did not call me and Anil Kumar did not send the item back to Snapdeal as normal pickup and later at 09:30PM you texted me that my pick up has been cancelled as I rescheduled it which is absolutely when did I reschedule?????
You are repeating the same story since (Mon) 22/07/2019 it's been 16 days now and haven't send my item back to Snapdeal and keep rescheduling the pickup on your own and lying to me I will escalate this further to consumer for with all the legal actions against you ECOM You and your courier agents, customer care representatives are highly irresponsible and pathetic this is how do your customer service I will not talk to you any more and will follow the legal procedures again you through consumer court.
Aug 06, 2019
Updated by vinayak.pandey
It's been 16 days now since I returned my item to ECOM Agent Anil Kumar and item is with ECOM and Snapdeal you and Ecom is not cordinating with each other and I am getting pinalised tell me is it my fault that I already returned my item 16 days back and without refund OR replacement Snapdeal and Ecom is giving me a runaround. I will take all the legal actions through customer court further against Snapdeal and Ecom now..
Aug 06, 2019
Updated by vinayak.pandey
I waited all day to get a call from ECOM agent: Munish Kumar since yesterday and again he did not call me and did not arrive. and I have been speaking to Anil Kumar from ECOM since (Fri)02/08/2019 and also called him 3 times today since morning and he had assured me that the item will be surely dispatched today (Tue) 06/08/2019 to snapdeal as Normal pick up and again the same story pick up has been cancelled by ECOM today. I did not rescheduled the pick up at all ECOM is lying everyday and not dispatching my item back to snapdeal since (Mon) 22/07/2019
ECOM is repeating the same story since (Mon) 22/07/2019 it's been 17 days now and they haven't send my item back to Snapdeal and keep rescheduling the pickup on their own and lying to me. I have escalated this further to consumer court & will take all the legal actions against ECOM & Snapdeal ECOM courier agents, customer care representatives are highly irresponsible and they are liers ECOM and Snapdeal is this is how you do your customer service??????

It's been 17 days now since I returned my item to ECOM Agent Anil Kumar and item is with ECOM. Snapdeal and Ecom is not coordinating with each other and I am getting penalized and no refund given to me. Is it my fault that I already returned my item 17 days back on (Mon) 22/07/2019 and without refunding my amount Snapdeal and Ecom is giving me a runaround... Why??????
Aug 07, 2019
Updated by vinayak.pandey
It's been 17 days now since I returned my item to ECOM Agent Anil Kumar on (Mon) 22/07.2019 and item was with ECOM and now today ECOM Agent Anil Kumar has returned the item to me at my office but he has not returned the Snapdeal Invoice for the item which was given to him after return so I have asked him to return the Invoice as well to me which I had given him at the time of pickup. Kindly return my Invoice back to me so that I can return my item back to Snapdeal which you failed to do.

ECOM kept repeating the same story since (Mon) 22/07/2019 it's been 17 days now and they haven't send my item back to Snapdeal and kept on rescheduling the pickup on their own and lying to me. I have escalated this further to consumer court and filed a case against you & will take all the legal actions against ECOM as this how you cheat your customers.
Aug 08, 2019
Updated by vinayak.pandey
Aug 27, 2019
Updated by vinayak.pandey
ECOM never resolved my issue and it got delayed because of them for 1 month and 3 days and they ECOM agent also lost my Invoice for the item.
Finally the issue is resolved by snapdeal after 1 months & 3 days as got the refund for my item on (Mon) 26/08/2019


Dear Vinayak,

Sorry for the inconvenience. This is to inform you that your concern has been noted and our team is working on it.

Team Snapdeal
I requested u... My order are very low quality and rize is high so please do this return take my order...
AWB NO. - [protected]
Mob. No. - [protected], [protected]
Order date - 27 July 2019
Delivery date 01 August 2019
Please return my order

Ecom Express Customer Care's response, Aug 3, 2019
Verified Support
Dear Sir,

Greetings from ECOM Express

Please be informed that we are the Logistics service provider and we deliver the shipment packages as it is handed over to us. In case you have any issue regarding the content of the package, request you to kindly contact your shopping portal to arrange the return.

ECOM Express Team
Dear Vinayak,

Hope you are doing well.

So sorry that this is taking time, but I just checked, it is definitely being worked on. Thanks for your patience.

Team Snapdeal
Hi Vinayak,

We're working on this. Please allow us some time to get back to you with an update.

Team Snapdeal
Hi Vinayak,
We tried reaching out to you, but couldn't get through. Please check your registered email ID for further details in this regard.

Team Snapdeal
Dear Vinayak,
Hope you are doing well.
We wish to inform you that the refund against your order from our end has been completed.
Team Snapdeal

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