Gramin Seva — Charging high as per distance

Distance between keshav nagar and Kingsway camp is 13.4 km. Bus fare from keshav nagar to Kingsway camp is Rs 10. From nathupura to Kingsway camp distance is around 12km, from there gramin seva earlier used to charge Rs 15 to camp, then they increase the charges to Rs 20. During morning these gramin seva pick up passengers from keshav nagar too by charging the same Rs 20 but in return they didn't get ready to go keshav nagar, and if someone agrees ask for Rs 30 charges . Which is not fare at all. I took an auto from Kingsway camp to keshav nagar i said the driver that I'll pay Rs 20 to him he heard me wrong saying Rs 30. When i reached nathupura he asked me to leave or pay Rs 10 more. There was a big banter over this, he collected a lot of driver over there and said them to tell me the fare price nobody said anything . He misbehaved with me and said a lot filthy. The auto number was DL 2W 4359 . When i said him that I'll mark a complaint against you he was very chill about that because they think the gramin seva is private vehicles and they can do what they want to do. Charging this much isn't fare at all and fighting with customers misbehaving with them is also not good . Kindly resolve my issue ASAP.
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