Maharashtra Traffic Police — Reason of penalty imposed u/s 122/177 MVA is not clear

Address: Vashi

1. I had parked my car opposite to Exhibition centre, Vashi, near Assam Bhavan. I parked in an safer area where various cars were parked and there was no "No Parking" too.
2. I understand there was government exhibition and lot of police/Traffic security were on duty.
3. I saw various traffic police around but no one intimated me about anything wrong there.
4. Now suddenly I saw this fine and really not sure about violation and what went wrong from images captured by Traffic police.
5. How would I know what was my mistake so that I will not repeat the same again in future and help me to follow traffic rule in all aspect.
With Due respect to your decision, I am kindly requesting you to help in above case. Thanks for all your support.
Challan No: NVMCM[protected]
Vehicle no: MH05AX7048
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