When you invest a lot of money in education and college makes big big fake promises but later on you discover them to be fake then that breaks the trust that you had. And that is what Dr. Sridhara Murthy does. He betrays students and breaks the trust. In that situation students get more angry and don't forgive. Now presently Dr. Sridhara Murthy s latest FAKE advertisements is about a FAKE campus at Electronic City. And he has uploaded few Computer Generated images. The college management can't refund you mere 3000 rupees and that Dr. Sridhara Murthy is cheating everyone by saying that he is building a new campus at Electronic City. College doesn't have sufficient funds to make such a glamorous campus and will never have. Those images will remain as computer generated images and students will never see any image of any construction taking place and he will never give the exact address of the site. He can't give 3000 rupees, talking big and doing fraud. He should be put behind bars.
Aishik Gupta's reply, Jan 26, 2018
Oh. A correction. Since Dr. Sridhara Murthy is a fraud, he will give some fake construction photos and say that this is our new campus BUT he will never give the exact address OR take students and parents to the exact site at Electronic City because it doesn't exist. Total fraud. A criminal who speaks well.
+91 80 3025 1440
#33, 22nd Main, 1st Cross, 2nd Phase, JP Nagar, Bangalore, Bangalore, Karnataka, India - 560078
That Dr. Sridhara Murthy is very very clever, in order to hide his fraudulent practices he has changed his name to mislead the public. He has changed his name to Dr. S.R. Sridharamurthy from Dr. Sridhara Murthy.
You should have gone to the nearest police station. Anyways you made the correct decision by not joining this college. All positive reviews in Facebook and Google are put by current students, they will of course be highly biased. Dr. Sridhara Murthy has fooled the students that if you write good reviews you will get good placements but truth is that companies don't even see all these.