I have been using red taxi for the last 2 years . I have never faced any discomfort until this incident. I didnt have my mobile in hand during the incident.I booked an cab for early morning 5.15 am the previous night. The cab arrived by 5 am . We had few luggages and we loaded them by 5.20 .Three elderly people were about to travel. My grandfather couldn't walk and so we requested the driver to move the car so that we will have some space to get him into the car comfortably. When my grandfather with an walk stick came . He refused to load the walk stick into the car . After explaining that it's foldable he seems ok .He where he stared asking questions like "will you load luggage and also take people if it's your own car". I politely replied "I would have, since I dont own a car i have hired a cab" . Out of no where he stared shouting in the top voice that I was humiliating him as he is a cab driver and told to cancel the ride . I was trying to convince him that I didn't have any intention to humiliate him . But he was just shouting like something. When I told ok i will cancel and stared to unload . He stared to threaten stating that he will not move anywhere and will not allow any other red taxi drivers to give us a pickup. He also started questioning my parents on their parenting and literally shamed them for raising me . My parents and grandparents parents didn't want to mess things and and was trying to convince him as it was too early in the morning and it was difficult to get another cab without pre booking.Just in the gap of 2 mins when I went to bring my mobile . The diver was convinced and acted as if it was his favour to pick us . If the driver is not willing to offer a ride . All that he has to do is to cancel the ride. He could have also called red taxi to solve the dispute. But who is he to question on parenting and threaten to interrupt other ride ? Just because it was too early in the morning and we didn't even have our mobiles we were out of words to defend . I have never faced such rude behaviour from anyone. I request red taxi to take strict action on such drivers.
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