Oct 30, 2019
Updated by subhashjha@outlook.in My washing machine is not working. My product is under 2+2 year warranty (Samsung +reliance). And its 3rd year of my machine.
I made complain several time but the technician is asking money for changing bearing and tub and other parts.
My complain nos are [protected], [protected], [protected], [protected] and [protected].
Each time i make request, service center rejected the complain mentioning that estimated not approved by customer.
When product is under warranty then why to paid money? I already paid 4000 to obtain reliance 2 year warranty and what is this for?
I also talked to mr. Latil kiran (Customer care senior executive) several time, in this regard, and he assured me that after senior approval he will get the machine repaired.
But till date nothing has been done.
Till our last use, machine was working properly. The problems were as follows:
Machine locked even after wash is complete.
Wash Tub circular rotation was not proper and shaking.
Machine running for longer period. For example, If it displays 18 minute is left, then it is running for even hours.
Your technician visited and checked the machine on 23rd September 2018 and agrees for change of wash tub socket on chargeable basis.
Further note that again that till date of visit of your service team machine was working properly except for few problems mentioned above.
There is no collision or mark of damage on the machine and again Wash tub is inside the machine. Even before your technician visit machine was never opened. Then how it can be a physical damage as claimed by your service team. I will share the images of my machine shortly.
This is nothing but harassing/cheating the customer. Even after charging a sum of Rs. 4000 in the name of extended warranty your company is doing nothing. I am very sorry to say that next time on wards i will never prefer Reliance ResQ warranty.
For now, let me know what is your next move regarding repair or refund of machine cost.
As per ResQ Plan i can even claim depreciated cost of machine.
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