Times Of India — customer id mu[protected] non delivery of you and economic times newspaper

Though i have written mails to crm. [protected]@timesgroup.com and [protected]@timesgroup.com towards non delivery of newspaper.
First and the foremost i have subscribed toi for two years from nov2019 but due to covid 19 there was no delivery of newspaper from 23rd march2020
On 31st march2020 i received a message that the newspaper will get delivered from april2020. But it didn't get through as my newspaper vendor stays outside mumbai, so i called up him and he assured that when the train commutes i. E. From 12th aug2020 then he will start the service and also the duration will exceed for the missing days i. E from 1st april2020.
Secondly, your team incorrectly updated my mailing address for which i lost the advantage of coupons that didn't reached me in the monthof nov2019.
Need your assistance whether above stated issue will get resolved as i did'nt received any response
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Thanks for addressing the complaint that the service will extend and start after the local train commute but clueless about the coupon that is still missing

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