AQUAGUARD I NOVA — Indifference in after sales Service
I have an Aquagaurd I nova which was under 2 year AMC till the end of July. Throughout the period the servicing of the product was done only at the whims and fancies of the service center. Even when a technician was sent, they would be completely indifferent to the point of being rude.The product had developed problems with the switch board at the end of last year, which was just repaired at the time with a promise that the board will be replaced as per the AMC terms. That never happened and exactly a month before the lapse of the contract a technician was sent only to collect a post dated cheque for the renewal of the contract. The person when asked for the reason for service not given, just packed up and left immediately even without the usual cleaning up of the product. The AMC is just a scam for making quick money. The company has still not contacted for the repair or the renewal of AMC, which goes to show that the only area of interest was the payment for the contract, the service is just an excuse.
Please can you take up the issue and bring to book the cheaters who dupe customers who are taken in by the grand promises made by such companies
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10-2-289/25, 3rd Floor, Sri Laxmi Complex, Shantinagar Colony, Masab Tank, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India - 500028
AQUAGUARD I NOVA — regarding service
The worst product u can buy where they dont give service in time.we hav been complaining 4 the past 6 days to come 4 service but no response.the customer service employees dont know how to atttend a customer,they speak very rudely n never attend 2 the complain in time.we hav spent a lot of money buying water n n making calls.plz forward this complain 2 the CONCERNED PERSON.thanking u