[Resolved]  Cobra Group Of International — Cheater & flirt

List of known local Cobra Group subsidiaries

1. Dreamworks Acquisition
2. JAG Group
3. Keneve Group of Companies
4. Regal Group of Companies
5. Appco S/B (Father company)
6. ESP S/B
7. Pro Enterprise (SS15 Subang Jaya)
8. Rich Marketing Group (at least this one is honest enough to put the word "marketing" lol)

Their tactics & The Truth

** Salary of RM1800-RM3000 during training and more after 6-8 months project. You won't get paid any basic salary

** Usually under the title of "Management Trainee" or "Executive Development Program". Your title is SALES PERSONNEL

** These are the same lines all Cobra Group companies use:

-- "Fresh graduates who are willing to be coached from A to Z of a company operation and hardworking- please try your luck!" Coached - Reading from same piece of paper, memorize it and tell strangers about it

-- "Promotion to Managerial positions with Regional and Overseas Career Expansion". Something like Amway's incentive tours to overseas IF you con enough people

-- "The person who think that they possess all the skills required to be a successful future manager". When they expand, they chuck you there to further con people and you will have no time for your personal life AT ALL

-- "No min working experience is required (Special on-the-job training will be provided)". They train you to talk to strangers and be beggars

** On your first day of your you will be briefed on company structure. Any AMWAY members will know this is the exact promotion structure Amway uses the moment they see it. Sales projection, get 3 leaders you become Team Leader blablabla.

** On your second day, just quit the job.

** You'll get a piece of paper on dialogues and you are expected to preach to strangers. I don't think we graduated to be beggars.

The "new" advertisement:

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «


** First interview will be in group interview (suspicious?)

** Second interview you will follow your "evaluator" to the field, usually in front of banks and see what they do. They will tell you "This is to test how much do you want the job" and then ask you to do the same thing: Begging & Bugging

** Third interview will be on the same day of the 2nd. You will be asked to go back by yourself to the company. WTF right?

What they slipped

** One guy used the word "downline" and "upline"

** The boss comes into the office EARLIER than everyone and leave LATER than everyone, even his secretary. Somemore he dare to use the word "TIME FREEDOM" and then say he sleep at 10.30PM.

** The structure chart. Some people who never join Amway will not see it coming because the only direct sales company to use it is Amway, and Cobra Group is applying the same thing.

** No basic pay. Tell me, which PROFESSIONAL job (as they claim) doesn't pay their employees? Like that I also wanna be the boss lar.

If you have more info of this company or companies under Cobra Group / DS-Max, add it here as they seem to be running rampant all over Jobstreet, conning degree holders from Law to Engineering fresh grads. Sadly, these people think they are doing a great job, where in fact they are earning money and being brainwashed day in day out.

From Wikipedia (Credits: Polaris)

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «QUOTE
Cobra slash DS MAX is in wikipedia, their infamous ways are well known all over the world.


One of the most common complaints about DS-Max affiliated companies is in their recruiting and advertising practices. Often the position is advertised as an "entry level management position", and claims to operate in any number of glamorous, competitive, high profile, industries ranging from pro sports and entertainment to 4 star restaurants and world travel, when in reality the position is that of a door-to-door salesperson who peddles pizza coupons, discount baseball tickets, 5 dollar umbrellas, designer knock-off hand bags, and travel alarm clocks, none of which the applicant will actually discover until they are out "in the field" with a distributor on their "second interview".

A common interviewing formula used by the independent sales offices consists of:

1. A very short first round interview conducted in the office of the manager. Typically in this interview the manager will briefly outline the structure of the business to the potential new distributor. A typical DS-Max manager will interview anywhere from 10 to 30 people a day so this first interview is usually short on detail and any prolonged question and answer sessions are avoided if possible.

2. A full day "second interview" in the sales field where the potential distributor shadows a current distributor while they attempt to sell their products or services door-to-door. This full day interview is an attempt to show the potential distributor how a typical day in the field works. This full day interview, like the first interview is purposefully vague on details and most questions are not answered fully or more difficult questions get passed on to the manager/owner to handle during the final interview. This is known within DS-MAX circles as the "Day of Observation" or the "Day of O".

3. A "final interview" takes place in the manager's office when the potential distributor returns after a full day in the field. If the applicant has any problems or objections, the manager may attempt to overturn them. If the potential distributor needs some clarification in order to understand the "big picture" of this business opportunity the manager will attempt to explain the business beyond just selling products door-to-door. The goal of every manager is to encourage the interviewee to start full time the very next day.

The name DS-Max is often used to refer to the whole distribution system that includes DS-Max USA Inc., its affiliated suppliers and independent offices. Each affiliated sales office is an independent and incorporated business.

This legal separation between the DS-Max supplying organizations and each individual office insulates DS-Max from any legal or financial liability should something happen within an individual office.

Because all sales offices are independently owned and operated each individual distributor and manager/owner reaps the rewards of and is both financially and legally responsible for his own business. The majority of all distributors work as independent contractors and thus are not paid a salary, receive no health benefits and are responsible for paying their own taxes.

The DS-Max system runs similarly to network marketing businesses but with several key differences:

1) Sales representatives (distributors) generally work full-time (often six days, 60 hours or more a week), relying on their sales for their primary source of income, rather than a slow transition from part-time to full-time.

2) The individual owner assumes the cost and advertises for new distributors and finds a mentor for them, rather than the distributor absorbing the cost of recruiting.

3) Distributors receive the products on consignment rather than paying for them up front and there is no fee for becoming a distributor.

The business only grows when new distributors are added. While DS-Max as a whole has grown quite large through the years, the vast majority of distributors and managers in affiliated distribution operations in the DS-Max system have not enjoyed success. In the 20 plus years of operation the Ds-max business model has generated some tremendous success for a small group of Vice-Presidents, or as they are referred to now, National Consultants, but the question of how many have found success in Ds-max compared to the number who have attempted to achieve success can only be answered by analyzing accurate, detailed records of these organizations and their affiliates. However the nature of their operations make it unlikely that such documentation exists.

This post has been edited by Acey: Sep 12 2006, 01:50 PM

Ido May 2 2006, 02:42 PM Show posts by this member only |Rating BETA (0+, 0-) | Post #2


Group: Junior Member
Posts: 291
Joined: April 2006

I being con before. DS-Max. Their lousy plan is you start as trainee -> Leader -> team leader -> assistant manager -> manager. From trainee to become leader, you need to hit weekly target. Then, as leader you can start con others to be your downlines. Once you have 5 downlines promote to team leader. As team leader, you will be entitle to suck some commision from your downlines (5%) of the daily total sales.

Assistant manager is 10%. What really make money is when you become manager. DS-max is selling many thing but whatever they are selling, you earn RM 2-3 each item they sell. Mostly the manager earn RM 1000 ++ daily

FYI, manager really earn that much. Believe it. That why they are growing. The main issue is how you can become the manager. You need at least 13 - 15 downlines. Now that the hardest part. My ex uplines have been working for more than 5 years. He has been promoted as Manager before but de promoted when your men leave the team. So from there, he keep on struggling until today. Still same not making money.

The system seem great but no guarantee. People don't like walking around selling thing. So is hard to get people. My advise is you can treat it as temporary job while hunting others. My experiencee in the company was great. We penetrate a high security building e.g military kem, Maybank and many more. Chase up by the security. Sometimes the inside people may help you also. Is a fun job but making money.

That my experience for DS-max.

masterinternet May 2 2006, 02:57 PM Show posts by this member only |Rating BETA (0+, 0-) | Post #3


Group: Junior Member
Posts: 25
Joined: April 2006

hehhe... what an experience in life... if you would like to take is as once in a lifetime experience also can...

Chase up by the security <---- this will sharpen your skill in sales and to be alert on outcome of your action. It is hard to penetrate military camp... if you could... you might have talent in sales..

This post has been edited by masterinternet: May 29 2006, 10:04 PM

Pasta Guy May 2 2006, 05:29 PM Show posts by this member only |Rating BETA (0+, 0-) | Post #4


Group: Junior Member
Posts: 13
Joined: May 2005

QUOTE(Ido @ May 2 2006, 02:42 PM)
I being con before. DS-Max. Their lousy plan is you start as trainee -> Leader -> team leader -> assistant manager -> manager. From trainee to become leader, you need to hit weekly target. Then, as leader you can start con others to be your downlines. Once you have 5 downlines promote to team leader. As team leader, you will be entitle to suck some commision from your downlines (5%) of the daily total sales.

Assistant manager is 10%. What really make money is when you become manager. DS-max is selling many thing but whatever they are selling, you earn RM 2-3 each item they sell. Mostly the manager earn RM 1000 ++ daily

FYI, manager really earn that much. Believe it. That why they are growing. The main issue is how you can become the manager. You need at least 13 - 15 downlines. Now that the hardest part. My ex uplines have been working for more than 5 years. He has been promoted as Manager before but de promoted when your men leave the team. So from there, he keep on struggling until today. Still same not making money.

The system seem great but no guarantee. People don't like walking around selling thing. So is hard to get people. My advise is you can treat it as temporary job while hunting others. My experiencee in the company was great. We penetrate a high security building e.g military kem, Maybank and many more. Chase up by the security. Sometimes the inside people may help you also. Is a fun job but making money.

That my experience for DS-max.

Please do not upsell DS-Max here, this is exactly how they psycho people into these jobs. For example, FYI this and that manager really made 1k daily etc and etc, but that is just him, you have to be really good to be like that... blah blah blah,

Please contribute to the society and economy by giving value not preaching get rich schemes.
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Aug 14, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved 


Just see the language of the person "voice of india " that shows the attitude of the people in these organization and he is giving "baduwan" to all o[censored]s. You people are erning by peoples DONATIONS and they are giving baduwan ..


He is calling that BHIK as " mehnat " of these people.


Using such kind of laguage he want to become the Business Head...Imagine the company with this king of Business Head...

I think all female worker in his company will be prostitutes and lady boys...Ha...Ha...Ha...
Hi maruthi(if even thats ur real name)

I[censored] have the guts then challenge us in the court.This is arun bhatt's promoting owner & i know that my boy is the most honest person i have ever met.So i have heard that ur some bigshot's baby so this is an open challenge from me to all ur frnds & u to take us to court otherwise shut the hell up & go back to ur sorry life.
Hi friends!

I am here to admit that Cobra Group is a big-time liar. I had worked with this organization from December 2006 to March 2007. The franchisee under which I was appointed was called 'Prodigy'...Its head was Mr. Punit Mehta. I had approached this franchisee through an ad published in 'The Times of India' dated Dec 4, 2006. I am an Electronics & Telecom Engineer by profession; and wanted to work in the telecom sector. The ad mentioned above went this way -"27 creative freshers required for a UK based MNC. Work in the fields of Finance, Charity, Telecom; undergo a training for 6 months in India and one month abroad. Selected candidates will be designated as CMTs-Corporate Management Trainees"...This was where I fell prey to this DSA...Moreover, the website of Cobra Group was not mentioned in the ad; so I couldn't even check out for the authenticity. I appeared for the interview; and as mentioned in several comments above, underwent a 2-day program and got selected. I was also told by Mr. Punit that I was the top scorer amongst all the candidates. Then the vicious circle of deceiving the customers started!!! Though I could manage to bring business right from the second day, that too without the trainer, Mr. Punit started playing an emotional card! I was good at filling the number of forms, but couldn't pitch big...so was lectured every now and then...This way, I never got the appreciation in spite of performing well. In my 100-day tenure in Cobra Group, I had never come back with a sale of 'zero'. Such was my dedication that I used to pitch even till late nights to bring business for the company.

However, when Mr. Punit shifted his base from Pune to Mumbai under the supremacy of Mr. Sai Prakash Kuckain, I got to know the real face of the organization. Mr. Punit had made vague promises to my parents ensuring about my safe stay at Mumbai...But, he, instead, made me stay in a sluggish apartment at Sion...which had its ventilators open...such that anyone could enter from there...Then, me and one of my female colleagues started searching for PG accommodation on a war-footing and managed a decent one...On our first working day in Mumbai, Mr. Punit just handed over the charge of some unknown territories to all 8 o[censored]s who had accompanied him to Mumbai. He did not even find it necessary to do some ground work of those territories. Many of my colleagues were getting loads of negative responses from prospective donors...But Mr. Punit did not feel responsible enough to go with them on the field and instill confidence in them...He was just busy in recruiting new people under the banner 'Prodigy' and trying to be great in the eyes of Mr. Sai Prakash Kuckain...he started imitating Sai Prakash Kuckain in such a way that his team mates had started addressing him as 'Chhota Sai'...Due to this hostile attitude, Mr. Punit lost many good team-mates- Nitesh, Amit, Deepak, Dinesh, Satish, Ketaki...to name a few.

Also, when I left the organization, Mr. Punit gave me the feeling that I would not find job anywhere else. But, I am happy to state that I am well-placed as a professional technical cum content writer since the last 3 years down the line. With God's grace, I am blessed with many pursuits- creativity being one of them!!!

At present, the situation is such that Mr. Punit is no more a part of Cobra Group...He was terminated by none other than his FPG-Mr. Sai Prakash Kuckain..as he could not become Organization Head within the stipulated time-frame. At present, Punit is working with ICICI Prudential as a Corporate Manager...I remember him saying proudly that he earns more than the manager of a private bank...What's ur take on it now, Mr. Punit? Can u change ur destiny and rejoin Cobra Group now?

My objective behind narrating this experience was to give a piece of mind to the rest of the business heads of Cobra Group...The day when they would also be given a begging bowl like Mr. Punit isn't far. So, wake up and stop fooling innocent freshers!!!
The other thing that i want to bring to the notice of those who plan to be with Cobra Group is that every Business head over here suffers from '[censored]-in' syndrome. In each and every sentence spoken by the business head, the word '[censored]-in' is made use of. This shows how much these 'so called corporates' respect women employees...

Shame on u people! How would u feel if someone addresses ur sisters/mother by this word?
Apni mayya chudav sab kahi jaakar yaha kyon apni gaand marathey ho ?
Gaand mein dum hain toh hamare jaise mehnat karo saalo izzjade ki aulad blog par aakar likney se tumhara Lund bada nahi hoga Woh chhota hi rahenga madarchuton apney dil se baduwan deta hoon ke tum sab joh hame badnam karney par tuley hon tum sabka satyanash hon tumhari biwi raand banye, tumhare bacche beek mange, pati Hijra ban jayye tumko lakva mar jayen !!!
By the way above person seems to be Mr. Karan Singh so called the "Owner" of company named "Renaissance" in PUNE. Take a look at his language. That's how COBRA people are... Way below Dignity Level... :( Poor Guys...
@ karans

Bas aisi hi gaaliyaan dete raho aur apna naam aur kharaab karte raho...Kal ko aap ka naam 'Guiness Book of World Records' me aa jaayega...under the category 'The person who invented maximum bad words'...

Karan ji, apne kaam se koi chhota ya bada nahi hota...apni insaaniyat se hota hain...Mein is Cobra group mein kaam kar chuki hoon aur paisa kama bhi chuki hoon...aur aap ki jaankaari ke liye bata doon...Ki is waqt, mein, as a 'technical/content writer', mahine ke Rs. 65, 000/- kama ti hoon...aur mera net take-away Rs. 58, 000/- hain...Aur jaise-jaise main apne lekho ki sankhya freelancing dwara badha ti rahoongi, meri kamaai bhi badhti jaayegi...

Aur dhyaan rahe...muzhe roz-marra ki zindagi ke alaawa koi overheads bhi nahi dene padenge...Aap log apne trainees ko ghisi-piti senti pitch ratne ke liye kehte ho...aur agar koi 'non-english-speaking' territory aa jaye, to aap ke bande 'zero sales' karke aate hain...Aap log khud se ek sentence bhi grammatically correct nahi bol sakte...aur jis rajya mein rehte hon, waha ki bhasha bhi seekhne ka kashta nahi karte...

Aap mahine mein Rs. 1, 00, 000/- zaroor kamaate honge...par aap ke haath mein kitne aate hain- electricity ka bill, office ka rent, receptionist ki salary, stationery ka kharcha, telephone ka bill, aur baaki ke expenses milaake?

Chalo, uske baare main main kuch nahi bolti...aapki apni zindagi hain...par iska matlab yeh nahi ki aap itna neeche giro ki kisi ka lihaaz bhi na karo...

Karan, insaan jaise bada hota jaata hain, uska kad ooncha hota jata hain...par paav zameen par hi rehte hain...Aap apne aap ko bada kehte hain...to bhasha zopadpatti ke star ki kyon? Sabhyata kabhi aap ko sikaayee nahi gayi ya Cobra Group ne saari sabhyata jalaakar raakh kar daali?

Aap agar aisi bhasha lekar donors ke paas jaaoge, to koi aapko apne darwaaze par khada bhi nahi karega...cheques dena door ki baat hain!!!

Karan, aapki bhasha se aap kitne bade ho yeh kehna mushkil nahi hain...paisa to red-light area ki vaishya bhi kamaati hain...par koi unki taraf izzat se nahi dekhta...yadi aap such much bada banna chaahte hain, to izzat dena bhi seekho...!!!

Main jaanti hoon ki mere yeh shabd padhkar aapka khoon khaul uthega aur aap phir se koi baddua dene lag jaayenge...mera ya auro ka isse kuch nahi bigdega... Murga agar ek din baang na de to sooraj nikalna bhool nahi jaata...woh apna kaam karta hain...waise hi, aap ke apshabd se koi barbaad nahi hoga...ulta aap hi ki chhabi duniya ke saamne kharab hogi...Aap yeh mat bhuliye ki aap isi duniya ki badaulat 'Manager' bane ho...Us duniya ke prati aadar ki bhaavna rakhna seekho... Baaki aapki marzi...
The post that you have put shows nothin but your "LOW LIFE". Abusing your critics wont take you a long way. If you and all your relative companies (tangent, velocity, symmetry, cossecs) have the balls why dont u try making some ammends wit your buisness module instead of ceating d freshers.
I know you karan like the back of my hand. The amount of money you make, your team leaders, your Boss, your pathetic life. And you made your life more miserable by writing a post dat is so much your standerd. I hope you remember the days when you were thrown like a dog from magarpatta city. They arrested you and you were sitting like a criminal waiting for your father Amit Baid to come to your rescue.
So the next time when you think of writing such posts just remember that there are who people knows wat kind of person you are or else I would have to open another chapter of your shameful life.
cheers to the girl who brought this to light.
@ Rattle Snake

I would advise u to actually open up that shameful chapter of Karan Singh's life over here...so that people, espeially job aspirants get to know the quality of people hired by Cobra Group...and they would at least think twice before joining this organization...

U r absolutely right...People like Karan burn their boats with their own hands by putting up such rubbish posts...That's why, he has 'zero connections' on sites such as Linkedin.

U can also mail me i[censored] do not wish to disclose his wrong doings over here.
I know the buisness and the people assosiated with it to the core as I was an integral part of the company for about a year. I was a team leader and did flourish tremendously monitorily. But the organization had nothing to do with my personal growth.It was my own capability. All they are intrested is with their own personal benefits.

The prime reason behind me leaving the job was the "LIE" assosiated wit it. Right from the top of the hirarchy Chris Niakos (M.D) to Tony Fernandis (Country Head) to Amit Baid (Organizational Head) to petty BDM'S like Karan Singh are nothing but a bunch of liers. The secret to their illusionary success is thriving over people's emotions. The so called charity sector is for their own personal charity.

Let me give you a break down of the distribution of the funds, which made me quit the self proclaimed MNC job immidiately.From a 1000 rupees collected from a doner 165 goes to the one collecting it (ie the trainees. Which indeed will be your salary), 100 goes to your BDM (people like karan), 75 to your Organizational Head, 300 to Appco, 200 hundred to Cobra. So it is only 240 rupees out of 1000 dat goes to the charitable socity that it was supposed to go. So capitalizing on our emotions they are pocketing some [censored]ers sitting there in UK so that one day their almamaters would call them up there and make them a part of the elite socity.

The other culture that is bragged about there is the usage of the word "[censored]quot;. Te boss Amit addresses everyone wit "YOU Fc***IN" and so on. No Girls from a decent background can take that kind of . Amit got married to one of the secretries some times back and everyone one knows his thing wit REENA. Everybody in the office are opperchunist bunch of asses hitting on anything and everything that is beautiful.

The bottomline would be if you do have a self esteem do not get in touch with such losers ...
If needed would post some more hard hitting reality to this sameful saaga...
Reality Check guys..
Has anyone seen a BDM like Karan Singh to find time from his busy schdule and write such cheap posts. Tat shows his joblessness. Moreover I am amazed to see the guts of that person challanging people to court wen he himself is a failure from Symbiosis and carries a fake mba degree dat he got fabricated.
A funny story...
Amit Baid, the organizational head brags about he having a triple mba... The truth is he flunked n d 1st two years finally passing on his third attempt.(Refer to any passout of 2002 I2m2 college in pune).

I also read someone taking about cobra managers havin bmw's, audi's and so on. Guess what Amit Baid (Organizational Head- Boss of 9 BDM's like Karan, Working for cobra for bout 8 yrs now ) possesses... Any Guesses...
That too he bought lately... He used to move in a Suzuki fearo 110 cc bike before tat... If dats wat u call growth...
@ Rattle Snake

Thanks for throwing light on the malpractices followed by Amit Baid and Karan Singh... We actually cannot expect any ethical behaviour from these rogues...

Amit had introduced me to his wife...Preeti...He had told us that his girlfriend had been in Pune, so he opened his 'Velocity' office in Pune...I doubt whether Preeti would be aware of his affair with Reena...If not, he is committing a sin by not just cheating on innocent freshers, but also his better hal[censored]

When I had joined Cobra Group way back in 2006, it had two BDM's operating in Pune- Prodigy and Velocity...Prodigy was run by Mr. Punit Mehta...who is no more associated with Cobra Group now...He was given time of 9 months to promote 3 BDM's (he had already promoted one) by Sai Prakash Kuckian..which he couldn't do and hence had to leave...As per my knowledge, he is working as a Corporate Manager with ICICI Prudential (Delhi) right now...

The same Punit used to brag in front of me that his income was more than a manager of ICICI bank. Now, he has no choice but to eat a humble pie...as he is posted on to the same position.

I was also one of the best performers in this company...but never got my dues on time...I left the organization in March 2007; but could get my last cheque only in August 2007...I used to call up Punit to ask about my payment, but he never paid a heed to it...Once, while I was calling, he literally sent me an sms; which said, "I am talking with my girlfriend...so do not call me to ask about ur cheques..." I don't know how many girlfriends he had...

Another lie on the part of Punit was that when I asked him which college had he passed his engineering from, he said 'AIT-Pune'...but, in reality, he had passed from Anuradha Engg. College, Amravati...I was wondering when he had said AIT...because I am also an engineer by profession and was very well aware of the cut-off for admission to AIT...Also, he had claimed himself to be a 2003 pass-out...I had aksed many of my seniors...but no one even referred to him as having passed-out in that year...Moreover, Punit's score in 10th and 12th was 48% and 53% respectively...I am dead sure he would have managed a seat in Amravati through donation...

I agree with ur comments...none of the BDM's of Cobra Group can be imagined without the term '[censored]-in'...

I also remember Amit Baid saying 'U all will earn so much that u will find urself owing a Merc in a year or 2...' during my orientation...I wish I had an audio recorder that day...would have sent a copy of it to him..which he would have kept on playing in his Maruti Alto...

Keep on revealing such things...I am with u...I will also keep on posting updates once I lay my hands on something fishy in this regard.

Comment marked as Resolved

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If any one want to personally talk to AMIT BAID here is his number

AMIT BAID : [protected]

I guess this should work..

Amit Baid would again paint a rosy picture of his 'Velocity'...if anyone calls him...His actual nature won't be known...only those who have worked with him would be able to give a fair idea about his character...
I have mailed u the things that i couldnt share here...
@ Rattle Snake 1

Thanks...I will definitely go through them and revert to u...
@Rattle Snake 1

Mail me the same...
ozone... u know it all. letz et our wole team involved...
@ Rattle Snake 1

Could u please resend the mail? I haven't yet received it...
@ Rattle & @ penguin

Hi both o[censored] & i really appreciate both of your efforts, seriously. Bcoz after coming out of the of cobra hardly ppl care abt the future of other youngsters.

& specially miss penguin hats off to you coz of your decent way of telling your feeling in which u were simultaneously scolding as well as teaching them a good lesson.

Well to know about my experience in cobra ppl can reefer to page number 19 & 20.
Beside that i would like to share that i had been to Pune as a educational Recruitment
trip & had experience thad really Amit baid use vrey baaad language. & Reena rajpal sems 2 b soo illiterate.

1 more thing ki mere bhi last k 2 chk abhi tak nhi diye in chooro ne...but mai sochti hoon ki mere kuch hazar se ye log agar amiir ban jae to thik hai bhikh de di maine inhe.

& yaa Guys we can reveal the topic of so calld bond money...jo shayad hi kisi ko milti hai. ye Bhikhari har chk me se 100-500 k beech ka amnt khud rakh lete hai bond money k naam pe.

Limits of kaminapanti...but baccho ki baadua le k kita aage badh paa re hai log sab ko pata hai.


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