[Resolved]  Hi-Tech builders ,Bhubaneswar — non-refunding of booking amount

Address: Cuttack, Odisha

I have paid the booking amount for few plots of PUSPANJALI vihar near C V RAMAN institute .after putting us in hold for 3 years in the name of getting clearance from "chakabandi" now it is not able to provide the booked plots.Instead it starts grabbing money from us for delay in payinig instalments and not returning the booked amount.so it is requested to take necessary action to stop such money grabbing business by such builders for the benifit of common citizen of the country .
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Aug 14, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved 


Just got the news that their main office was closed by crime branch. God knows how many days they are going to drag the whole thing. There whole construction work has stopped now. Add me if there is any development on this matter. [protected]@gmail.com
Just got the news that their main office at Saheed nagar was closed by crime branch. God knows how many days the whole thing shall drag.
Add me also if planning for any thing. [protected]@gmail.com
I bought a flat in Oct 2012 from Hi Tech Builders Bhubaneswar in their KALYANI PLAZA ANNEX Project located near Sundarpada Jatni road. The bulder offered me a price which is 60% more than price at the beginning of the project. i asked for discuount so the builder says if you pay 100% and get your sale deed than we will give you 5% discount. So I did so. The project was not yet completed and they commited to me that with in DEC 2012 we will give you possesion. The actual possesion of the project was Aug 2012 but till date builder has not provided posession to any customer and stopped work on the site. The builder is in Jail due to some land scam in Bhubaneswar and all his account and offices shield by police. I communicated with builder through 2 or 3 meeting and on mail I complained about delay in possession. Now builder repled to me on mail that by June 30th 2013 they would provide possesion. Hounestly speaking the project work is on halt by builder and there is no change that builder could officer possesion by June 30th 2013.
I took 75% of the amount from HDFC bank and paid EMI for 4 months. After that i requested bank to give some time till the builder give me possesion by June 30th 2013. but bank is following me again and again to coutinue PRE-EMI irrespective of delay in handover of the project by builder.
Pls any one suggest me how to over come with this problem, how to deal with Bank, how to deal with builder...how to approch for a solution at consumer court... My no..[protected]
Guy's who ever is facing the same problem with this project and the builder pls get unite and look for a solution...My no..[protected]-hi.[protected]@rediffmail.com
I am also facing problem as the builder is in jail and not giving possesion from last 8 month of Kalyani plaza annex project. I paid full amount but helpless now...pls contact me [protected] - hi.[protected]@rediffmail.com
Maximum builders are cheating the common people. Darshan pro ent is one of them. Big fraud company. They come with lucrative offers and cheat people.
Maximum builders are cheating the common people. DARSHAN GROUP HEADED BY PRIYADARSHAN is one of them. Big fraud company. They come with lucrative offers and cheat people.
let us meet on every sunday at project site to discuss future action
Booked in Hitech paradise
Guys Lets Put Your contact detail while You are replying
Can any one tell me about block B-2 of hitech plaza. I am paying money through HDFC and booked in Dec 2009, but it has not been completed yet.Can other members who have not taken possession of their flats meet some where to discuss regarding the problem and take necessary action? My e-mail ID is [protected]@gmail.com and ph. no. is [protected].
Dr K C Dash
I have booked a flat in hitech paradise..EMI is sucking every month but the project is stilll...Even marketing executives are not receiving the call..My contac no-[protected]..
Booked in hitech paradise my email id is [protected]@gmail.com
I have booked a flat in Hi-Tech Paradise. They have stopped construction. They are cheating people. We should all combine to take action against them.

I have booked a flat in Hi Tech heavens. Please include me if we are planning to take some steps together.

I have booked a flat at Kalyan Plaza Annex in June 2010, in agreement they are agreed to provide the flat in 18 month+6month extension, so total 24 month. but till now 03 years is gone and flat is not ready, now all promoters are in jail, all office personel including CGM Mr.Das is giving false commitment that they will provide the possession within short period.
at on side i am paying EMI to the bank and other side hose rent
I am totaly harrased... Please reply... if any one in same cased then contact me to lodge consumer case My name "Siba Sankar Pattnaik" Mob: [protected]
Hi guys..it is quite obvious that the fraud is real and there are many who have got affected..Refund is very unlikely. But in case that happens, there should be some place where the list and other details of each and every affected individual id available..It will be worthwhile to send the details as below to one person. An individual based at BBSR is more suitable...regards

Plots Booked
Date of Booking
Total Amount paid
Contact Nos/ Email id
I got a letter stating that as per order from High court the accounts of the Hitech builders were unfreezed to complete the pending projects. Hitech will start the work and handover the flat at earliest, in this letter also they were requst to disburse the pending amount. Can somebody confirm this, whether its true or not ?
Hi Friends,

I am from bhubaneswar and i bought a land from Mr Govinda Chandra dash and his Mobile No is- [protected], who is a devotee of Anukul Chandra.

I meet him in Thakur Ankul Chandra's Ashram in bbsr. He promised me to give a land at bbsr for which i paid him 5 laks and till now he has not given me the land and also not lifting the phone.

Please reply... if any one in same cased, as am planning for legal actions. I am reachable on [protected]@gmail.com

Please don't belive and buy land from him.

His current Mobile no- [protected].

Hi, am also a victim of this fraud, paying EMI for Hitech heaven plaza, but don't know when the construction would be completed.

Have gone to hitch office @saheedNagar, but the people are not able to give any definite reply, when construction would start.

Time and patience both are running out.

email :sandip.[protected]@gmail.com
can any body when work will resume saroj patnaik

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