I applied a application form for opening new demate a/c, with all need full paper submitted but after one month I have no any response by sbi
My self Ajit warke, NHPC-Raipur (C.G.), Bank-jaistambh chock sbi,
My self Ajit warke, NHPC-Raipur (C.G.), Bank-jaistambh chock sbi,
i totally agree with above complaints. i too applied for the SBI demat account a month ago, customer care called up and informed to send the representative but yet no one came.
its really a poor poor service from SBI.
Amit Tandel.
its really a poor poor service from SBI.
Amit Tandel.
I totally agree with the above posts. I have also applied for it and have not yet received any word from them. I thought SBI might be a reliable one but the way they are behaving I think I should cancel the application form.
I have the same experience and now its been almost 2 months i have applied for the SBI demat account. The customer service says that shortly yo will be recieving kit but i have'nt...This is th worst customer service i have experienced.
not yet recieved my demat account document.
i applied it 45 days before.
i applied it 45 days before.
i applied for demat account arround 2 month ago, custumer care called up and informed to send representatives and yet i didn't recieved it
demat &online trading — regarding saving account
dear sir my name is nitin rawat .i register with sbi free demate account for online trading.but i have a doubt regarding i'm not account holder of sbi .so is it necessary to open account in sbi. I applied for demat A/c and cusomer care called up to me from bombay as well as bangalore informing me that representative would be sent, The representatvr also rang up and fixed a date for collecting details required for demat A/c but never turned up till date
not reciving your wellcome kit pod no[protected] already telephonic discussion with mr deepak in ur office
Dear,I know that what is the best demat account at this time. I mean, low charges and good services.
I have filled the application of demat account through net.
they give the no such that
how can i login to this no.
they give the no such that
how can i login to this no.
I am an NRI living abroad. I applied through ICICIBank to open an Demat account when I visited India in Dec 2008. I found ICICI totally inadequately staffed. I went to 3 branches listed in ICICI website offering Demat services. There were no one responsible who could enable the account opening. Finally I submitted my account opening forms in one Branch with all the necessary documentations. It has been more than 1 month and I haven't got any response. When I followed-up recently, there is no trace of my application. I am appalled at their service to say the least.
I also agree with the compliant. I too have applied for SBI demat & Trading account three months back. My account was also debited for their charges. But I have yet to receive any reply from them.
Unknowingly, i have tried to open a Demat Account Yesterday itself...:-(
i was applied for demat a/c. Customer care told me that our reresentive will be come soon but i am waiting last 1 month.
i was applied for demat a/c. Customer care told me that our representive will be come soon but i am waiting last 10 ticket number: SBI-DMT-249541, weather these SBI peoples working or not.
i was applied for demat a/c. Customer care told me that our representive will be come soon but i am waiting last 10 ticket number: SBI-DMT-249541, weather these SBI peoples working or not.
i was applied for demat a/c. Customer care told me that our representive will be come soon but i am waiting last 10 ticket number: SBI-DMT-249541, weather these SBI peoples working or not.
Dont think SBI Executive to meet @ ur place you have to give Applications on any of the Dmat enabled SBI Br. in mumbai SBI started a separate central processing centre only for processing DMAT applications, , , I found the following advantages with SBI Demat...
1) Once its opened unintureptd service
2) Very low AMC/Yr and Brokerage charges
3)No hidden charges
A/c opening is free of cost till 31/03/2009, , ,
1) Once its opened unintureptd service
2) Very low AMC/Yr and Brokerage charges
3)No hidden charges
A/c opening is free of cost till 31/03/2009, , ,
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Company — No Response for opening of account
Ref.No.A2/12195/07 dt. 28 .2.08Complaint mail
The Assistant General Manager,
ICICI Bank Ltd,
93,Santhome High Road,
Sub: Arasu Rubber Corporation Limited -opening of current A/c in the
ICICI Bank-Chennai-reg.
Ref: Our ref.No.A2/12195/07 dt.13.12.07.
We wish to inform that Arasu Rubber Corporation Limited is a Public Sector Undertaking of TamilNadu located at Nagercoil of Kanniyakumari District. Our Board of Directors comprises of senior Government officials. As per the resolution of the Board of Directors in the 99th meeting of the Board of Directors of Arasu Rubber Corporation held on 7.12.2007, we have sent all necessary details for opening a "current account" in ICICI Bank to Branch Manager, ICICI Bank, Nagercoil in our reference cited.
We were orally informed to contact that Tmt.Meera Rama Subramanian since this account is related to the Government of TamilNadu Public Sector Undertakings. Accordingly our Secretary cum Chief Accounts Officer i/c had contacted Tmt.Meera Rama Subramanian on opening of account in ICICI Bank. She sent a mail on 14th Dec 07 informing the details of documents to be sent for opening of current account in the ICICI Bank. As required we have sent all the documents through special messenger and handed over to ICICI Bank, 93 Santhome High Road, Chennai-28. Further she wanted us to send 3 copies of memorandum and Articles of Association which were sent immediately through courier on 5.1.2008. Despite our efforts to open an account with ICICI bank, we have not received any communication so far.
We request to be informed whether we will be able to open an account with ICICI. If not, we may be informed of your position.
Assuring you of our best services.
Yours faithfully ,
For Arasu Rubber Corporation Limited
For Managing Director