Im sorry to share this, but i thought you should know about my bitter experience from velachery branch. I came to buy a wet grinder with options from popular brand and with higher budget. However, after so much of persuasion from your sales person on a specific brand i end up in buying it. When i reached home i heard a lot of negative feedbacks for that particular brand i bought and i also checked the review in internet and found it is one of the lowest rated brand. Within 24 hours i arrived to velachery branch to replace with popular brand of higher price. Even i have not opened the sealing of the product. But your branch manager refused for exchange and was very impolite and behaved unprofessionally, which is just the opposite of what i expected in the form of customer service. I was outrightly told it is customers responsibility in buying the product and not just believe on what sales person says. His exact words "our sales person can tell anything good about the product to push the sales, it is customers responsibility to go home check for reviews and feedback and come back to buy".
Now tell me sir, does that mean the customers should not trust vasanth & co and its sales person/manager. I had so much of reputation for vasanth & co, so i travelled 15 km to buy from velachery despite a lot of show rooms around me.
Is it not a basic rights for a customer to exchange the product if it not unsealed (Not asking for refund, willing to buy an expensive product). Even a small kirana shop do exchange the product. Was this information helpful? |