[Resolved]  Cobra Group Of International — Cheater & flirt

List of known local Cobra Group subsidiaries

1. Dreamworks Acquisition
2. JAG Group
3. Keneve Group of Companies
4. Regal Group of Companies
5. Appco S/B (Father company)
6. ESP S/B
7. Pro Enterprise (SS15 Subang Jaya)
8. Rich Marketing Group (at least this one is honest enough to put the word "marketing" lol)

Their tactics & The Truth

** Salary of RM1800-RM3000 during training and more after 6-8 months project. You won't get paid any basic salary

** Usually under the title of "Management Trainee" or "Executive Development Program". Your title is SALES PERSONNEL

** These are the same lines all Cobra Group companies use:

-- "Fresh graduates who are willing to be coached from A to Z of a company operation and hardworking- please try your luck!" Coached - Reading from same piece of paper, memorize it and tell strangers about it

-- "Promotion to Managerial positions with Regional and Overseas Career Expansion". Something like Amway's incentive tours to overseas IF you con enough people

-- "The person who think that they possess all the skills required to be a successful future manager". When they expand, they chuck you there to further con people and you will have no time for your personal life AT ALL

-- "No min working experience is required (Special on-the-job training will be provided)". They train you to talk to strangers and be beggars

** On your first day of your you will be briefed on company structure. Any AMWAY members will know this is the exact promotion structure Amway uses the moment they see it. Sales projection, get 3 leaders you become Team Leader blablabla.

** On your second day, just quit the job.

** You'll get a piece of paper on dialogues and you are expected to preach to strangers. I don't think we graduated to be beggars.

The "new" advertisement:

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «


** First interview will be in group interview (suspicious?)

** Second interview you will follow your "evaluator" to the field, usually in front of banks and see what they do. They will tell you "This is to test how much do you want the job" and then ask you to do the same thing: Begging & Bugging

** Third interview will be on the same day of the 2nd. You will be asked to go back by yourself to the company. WTF right?

What they slipped

** One guy used the word "downline" and "upline"

** The boss comes into the office EARLIER than everyone and leave LATER than everyone, even his secretary. Somemore he dare to use the word "TIME FREEDOM" and then say he sleep at 10.30PM.

** The structure chart. Some people who never join Amway will not see it coming because the only direct sales company to use it is Amway, and Cobra Group is applying the same thing.

** No basic pay. Tell me, which PROFESSIONAL job (as they claim) doesn't pay their employees? Like that I also wanna be the boss lar.

If you have more info of this company or companies under Cobra Group / DS-Max, add it here as they seem to be running rampant all over Jobstreet, conning degree holders from Law to Engineering fresh grads. Sadly, these people think they are doing a great job, where in fact they are earning money and being brainwashed day in day out.

From Wikipedia (Credits: Polaris)

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «QUOTE
Cobra slash DS MAX is in wikipedia, their infamous ways are well known all over the world.


One of the most common complaints about DS-Max affiliated companies is in their recruiting and advertising practices. Often the position is advertised as an "entry level management position", and claims to operate in any number of glamorous, competitive, high profile, industries ranging from pro sports and entertainment to 4 star restaurants and world travel, when in reality the position is that of a door-to-door salesperson who peddles pizza coupons, discount baseball tickets, 5 dollar umbrellas, designer knock-off hand bags, and travel alarm clocks, none of which the applicant will actually discover until they are out "in the field" with a distributor on their "second interview".

A common interviewing formula used by the independent sales offices consists of:

1. A very short first round interview conducted in the office of the manager. Typically in this interview the manager will briefly outline the structure of the business to the potential new distributor. A typical DS-Max manager will interview anywhere from 10 to 30 people a day so this first interview is usually short on detail and any prolonged question and answer sessions are avoided if possible.

2. A full day "second interview" in the sales field where the potential distributor shadows a current distributor while they attempt to sell their products or services door-to-door. This full day interview is an attempt to show the potential distributor how a typical day in the field works. This full day interview, like the first interview is purposefully vague on details and most questions are not answered fully or more difficult questions get passed on to the manager/owner to handle during the final interview. This is known within DS-MAX circles as the "Day of Observation" or the "Day of O".

3. A "final interview" takes place in the manager's office when the potential distributor returns after a full day in the field. If the applicant has any problems or objections, the manager may attempt to overturn them. If the potential distributor needs some clarification in order to understand the "big picture" of this business opportunity the manager will attempt to explain the business beyond just selling products door-to-door. The goal of every manager is to encourage the interviewee to start full time the very next day.

The name DS-Max is often used to refer to the whole distribution system that includes DS-Max USA Inc., its affiliated suppliers and independent offices. Each affiliated sales office is an independent and incorporated business.

This legal separation between the DS-Max supplying organizations and each individual office insulates DS-Max from any legal or financial liability should something happen within an individual office.

Because all sales offices are independently owned and operated each individual distributor and manager/owner reaps the rewards of and is both financially and legally responsible for his own business. The majority of all distributors work as independent contractors and thus are not paid a salary, receive no health benefits and are responsible for paying their own taxes.

The DS-Max system runs similarly to network marketing businesses but with several key differences:

1) Sales representatives (distributors) generally work full-time (often six days, 60 hours or more a week), relying on their sales for their primary source of income, rather than a slow transition from part-time to full-time.

2) The individual owner assumes the cost and advertises for new distributors and finds a mentor for them, rather than the distributor absorbing the cost of recruiting.

3) Distributors receive the products on consignment rather than paying for them up front and there is no fee for becoming a distributor.

The business only grows when new distributors are added. While DS-Max as a whole has grown quite large through the years, the vast majority of distributors and managers in affiliated distribution operations in the DS-Max system have not enjoyed success. In the 20 plus years of operation the Ds-max business model has generated some tremendous success for a small group of Vice-Presidents, or as they are referred to now, National Consultants, but the question of how many have found success in Ds-max compared to the number who have attempted to achieve success can only be answered by analyzing accurate, detailed records of these organizations and their affiliates. However the nature of their operations make it unlikely that such documentation exists.

This post has been edited by Acey: Sep 12 2006, 01:50 PM

Ido May 2 2006, 02:42 PM Show posts by this member only |Rating BETA (0+, 0-) | Post #2


Group: Junior Member
Posts: 291
Joined: April 2006

I being con before. DS-Max. Their lousy plan is you start as trainee -> Leader -> team leader -> assistant manager -> manager. From trainee to become leader, you need to hit weekly target. Then, as leader you can start con others to be your downlines. Once you have 5 downlines promote to team leader. As team leader, you will be entitle to suck some commision from your downlines (5%) of the daily total sales.

Assistant manager is 10%. What really make money is when you become manager. DS-max is selling many thing but whatever they are selling, you earn RM 2-3 each item they sell. Mostly the manager earn RM 1000 ++ daily

FYI, manager really earn that much. Believe it. That why they are growing. The main issue is how you can become the manager. You need at least 13 - 15 downlines. Now that the hardest part. My ex uplines have been working for more than 5 years. He has been promoted as Manager before but de promoted when your men leave the team. So from there, he keep on struggling until today. Still same not making money.

The system seem great but no guarantee. People don't like walking around selling thing. So is hard to get people. My advise is you can treat it as temporary job while hunting others. My experiencee in the company was great. We penetrate a high security building e.g military kem, Maybank and many more. Chase up by the security. Sometimes the inside people may help you also. Is a fun job but making money.

That my experience for DS-max.

masterinternet May 2 2006, 02:57 PM Show posts by this member only |Rating BETA (0+, 0-) | Post #3


Group: Junior Member
Posts: 25
Joined: April 2006

hehhe... what an experience in life... if you would like to take is as once in a lifetime experience also can...

Chase up by the security <---- this will sharpen your skill in sales and to be alert on outcome of your action. It is hard to penetrate military camp... if you could... you might have talent in sales..

This post has been edited by masterinternet: May 29 2006, 10:04 PM

Pasta Guy May 2 2006, 05:29 PM Show posts by this member only |Rating BETA (0+, 0-) | Post #4


Group: Junior Member
Posts: 13
Joined: May 2005

QUOTE(Ido @ May 2 2006, 02:42 PM)
I being con before. DS-Max. Their lousy plan is you start as trainee -> Leader -> team leader -> assistant manager -> manager. From trainee to become leader, you need to hit weekly target. Then, as leader you can start con others to be your downlines. Once you have 5 downlines promote to team leader. As team leader, you will be entitle to suck some commision from your downlines (5%) of the daily total sales.

Assistant manager is 10%. What really make money is when you become manager. DS-max is selling many thing but whatever they are selling, you earn RM 2-3 each item they sell. Mostly the manager earn RM 1000 ++ daily

FYI, manager really earn that much. Believe it. That why they are growing. The main issue is how you can become the manager. You need at least 13 - 15 downlines. Now that the hardest part. My ex uplines have been working for more than 5 years. He has been promoted as Manager before but de promoted when your men leave the team. So from there, he keep on struggling until today. Still same not making money.

The system seem great but no guarantee. People don't like walking around selling thing. So is hard to get people. My advise is you can treat it as temporary job while hunting others. My experiencee in the company was great. We penetrate a high security building e.g military kem, Maybank and many more. Chase up by the security. Sometimes the inside people may help you also. Is a fun job but making money.

That my experience for DS-max.

Please do not upsell DS-Max here, this is exactly how they psycho people into these jobs. For example, FYI this and that manager really made 1k daily etc and etc, but that is just him, you have to be really good to be like that... blah blah blah,

Please contribute to the society and economy by giving value not preaching get rich schemes.
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Aug 14, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved 


Hi guys
Very strange but true out of millions of people there r very few those have problems with company ... U talking bad about the company but they r still doing there work .. I went for interview there just joined them but I think they were very straight forwrd bout raising funds weekly payments .. N no leads .. Guys do some work .. U have nothing to do rather sitting n writting on the blog .. B constructive .. Dog barks when elephant walks.. Don't b dogs..n yes guys who so ever reading these blogs go to ur manager n clear .. I[censored] feel genuine join or leave .. But don't defame n b part in creating confusion
hey guys,
i went n attended the first round in the X streem group(part of cobra group)they asked me to give the passport size photograph and also my resume n told me to fill the form... and after the first round i was sent back and they called the same evening to come 4 the nxt round...for which i din go after reading abt the company in the net.. but i saw a post here abt preparing fraudulent passports and stuf[censored]sing that photo... will i face any prob ocz of tat???they ve my resume and passport photo with them...and another form which i was asked to fill thr...plzz reply
It's not bolywood movie .. Not saying cox have joined the company but yes cox nobody can make fraud passport without u bieng there .. Cox on ur photo how somebody else will make passport .. N don't tell me ur MBA..relax go back n take ur photo n resume i[censored] have issues .. U funny like others who think it's possible u join any co. They ask photo graph..LOL
Mr "Big Daddy"

(i think you been their..and i've few queries)

i have been selected for the second round but i'am sure i wont go..i'am just curious about the job profile?? what is the whole procedure? how much is the salary package? and what they do after 6-7 months? does anyone actually went abroad?
Dear all thanks so much for all these comments.
i just got an interview call from some panache grp of companies at chatterjee international park st kolkata. the post was same--- management trainee=>leader=>tm leader=>abh=>bh.
my fnd went to enquire abt n was informed it was a direct sales company.
n they gave the website of cobragroup. while searching i came across this page..surely its the same 1.
thanks every1 and i wud like to alert any1 applying in kolkata.
n i just hope that this case doesnt go un noticed and the complaints forum does something to stop them.
Hey i got a call from dawn enterprise...? Is it Cobra group ?
dawn interprise is the same as cobra groupe
Hi meena
M still with company .. What ur queries those 2 guys who can't even speak english got selected or co have same adresses n have different names .. See when u talk about those guys co has lot of sectors n in some sectors we need sales ppl like insurance sector n yes u tell in ur class everybody was good to b graduated but college still take admission.. Those 2 guys has no relevance to ur working n growth I think u agree .. N yes co. Opening up different franchises or u propting ppl and giving them franchisee to handle independently but under one umbrella .. Thts y who so ever getting promoted gives there name to franchisee .. It's individual choice to run business on cost of company or b an employee ..so I think u should go n ask the person to explain u .. But is it right to defame co. Like this .. Not too professional ..
Anyways tc
it is a total [censored]ttttt job don`t waste ur time plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
i went ther for 1st round ...got selected for millenium organisation in andheri..

That chick conducting interview was a smoothtalker... i was selected thn v wer interivewed in a group of 7..

i questioned her if this co. is by any means part of cobra group..

she said yes...n i walked of the room immediately.. such a waste of time n effort..

v shud blacklist such companies operating under different names
i went there too...but trust me on this guys u have to go there...the chick who took my int. SHE WAS HOTTTTTTT!!! i rely njoyd my interview...
hi buddies thanks a lot for your valuable suggestions, today me too attendeded interview in cobra group at chennai it seems like an fake company, tomo they have called me for 2nd round but i have given up...
My friend went there today for the second round, while he was undergoing their so called training session i called him and infomed him about the experience of all you guys... thanks to all of you.
hey, went through most of the complaints and kind of agreed to all of them coz no gud company wil actualy cal u up agn n agn lyk beggars to go for an intrvw in there org.
can smbdy detail up on the scam business by OSH management that has strtd in Kolkata?? dis is anothr cobra gp. division.
just wanted to add up that one of my frnz actualy joined it and has also got an offer letter or wateva they cal it (cheats). does it mean that all those written stuff are also fake??? it actually holds no importance or dsnt work as ny proof that dat dey will have to abide by wat dey said? its mentioned dere that the sal will be 12-18k based on the persons performance on the 6 days trainin pd.
can smbdy get me the real picture plz?
i've "cleared" the 2nd round & went 4 my 1st day 2day
but i chose the role of business development executive in which i get a fixed salary of approx 14k including travel allowances & targets..
i dont have any clue about targets till now..
the product we are selling is big tv.
itz another cobra group division by the name of fms..
i'll get offer letter in a few days they say..
i'll keep u guys updated on my position..
Hi people,
i also went to an interview by a company called Symmetry in Pune ..its also a subsidiary of cobra group
& they were saying all this same crap .Please tell me if this Symmetry is also fake
hey guyz. aftr redin al dis i've really become tensed and confused. could ne1 plz help me out. today i gave an interview in an NGO called global vision. its in kurla. i dont know whether dis is also a part of cobra group or not. sm1 plz help me out. i've 2 go 2morow again for training session. its a MNC and d name is GLOBAL VISION. i'll wait 4 d reply

Reliance Fresh — other persion involved in against of concern party

dear sirs i had running of ict institue in tuticorin at 2006 that time my claint murugan pudukudi (newly) give some money in my office girl not me.then now my business is loss of 2007 then close my office now the year of 2010 he is give complaint in wanted money to me.he is cheated me ok but i will pay 50% amount in kurumbur police statiom.but still some other persion demand to me not murugan.but murugan peoples.what can i do?police officers and all are support for murugan.they are get some money for murugan.still murugan is not in present place.but i will pay that amount how can i face in this problem
IT CELL Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd New Delhi


New Ashok Nagar
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Your Faithfully
Raj Kumar Sah
(Please Reply my Application)

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    Studio 320, Highgate Studios, 53-79 Highgate Road, NW51TL, London, United Kingdom
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