[Resolved] Osmania University — Teachers are playing with marks
Najm Hyder Golden Bird
from Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
May 31, 2017
Address: 500023
Hey Im Najm from sreendhi degree college @ dilsuknagar
I have complain with my teacher she put less marks to me in viva at even i attend clg continuesly gor 3 month my attance at end was 40% and she given me 20 and in final i got more marks last year also she did same with mesame time my another Frnd she didn't attende CLG for single day she given her 30 out of 30 in viva I want justice with my marks I'm complaining u with hope that you will take strick action
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Jun 1, 2017
Complaint marked as Resolved
My problem is solve
Osmania University customer support has been notified about the posted complaint.
Jun 01, 2017
Updated by Najm Hyder Golden Bird My problem my college really help me to come out by this problem thanks Sreendhi college actually that girl she is in B section so I never saw her in college so I said like this and by mistake I wrote my attendance percentage was 80 instead of 40
Jun 01, 2017
Updated by Najm Hyder Golden Bird 40 instead of 80
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for not giving the official holidays..plzzz sir