This is to bring to your notice that i have taken a term insurance policy from an insurer maxlife through policy bazaar and ever since i had to go through a lot of pain.
My medicals was done the very next week and no decision was made even after 2 weeks.
Finally 3rd week i get an email saying that additional medicals was required but no body called me for an appointment. So out of frustration i have called the maxlife/policy bazaar on my own to schedule an appointment i was told that i would receive a call within 48 hours for an appointment which did not happen.
I have called countless times to maxlife and policy bazaar but surprised to see that no body seem to bother.
So having gone through all this, i had decided to cancel my policy and choose another insurer on my own. But this too didn't go well.
I sent a cancellation request last week to both policy bazaar and maxlife and failed to get any response what so ever. This is pathetic.
Is this the kind server you provide to your customers?
Don't you even bother to take the application process from making the payment to issuing the policy? You just disappear once the payment is made.
My point of contact for this policy was : akash with employee id: pw03691.
Don't you think he is not responsible for my application?
Even today i called maxlife and they are asking me send some documents to initiate the refund and that too when i contacted them. They did not even inform me anything in this regard.
It has already been 40 days and my money is still with them which is very frustrating.
Can you do anything in this regard?
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That asked rc copy send which I send 3 time but they did not give me my money back or policy