Address: Skoda Auto (Volkswagen) India Pvt. Ltd. E-1, MIDC Industrial Area, Phase- III, Village Nigoje, Mhalunge, Kharabwadi, Chakan, Taluka Khed, Pune- 410501 |
TheChairman/Managing Director,
Skoda Auto (Volkswagen) India Pvt. Ltd. E-1, MIDC Industrial Area, Phase- III,
Village Nigoje, Mhalunge, Kharabwadi,
Chakan, Taluka Khed, Pune- 410501 (Maharashtra)
Sub: Notice against defective car and deficiency ofservicesprovided by you.
Dear Sir, to the instructions from and on behalf ofmy client Bharat Aluminium & Glass, Pursuant 9, Near Achelles Public...