So far, so good. BillDesk is working on building a stronger response system and taking steps to address most of the complaints. While there's room for growth, their efforts show a positive trend in customer support. We hope BillDesk will keep up the work and continue to help more customers with their concerns even better 🤝
Money Deducted but not received (Payment Status - Not Received)
Santosh Kumar Singh
Feb 15, 2021
I did payment through bill desk for Sarathi Parivahan samastipur RTO Bihar for learning RS 746 driving license (via HDFC Net Banking) on[protected]. The amount was debited from my account but the webpage remained un responsive and the payment status never reflected in the website.
SIR. I recharged Rs 2050 meter of Ajmer Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited Rajasthan, Bank Transaction Number IGAKMZHKC9 and Transaction Reference Number VSBI[protected] The amount was debited from my account and the token number was not generated, please refund the amount to my bank account...
I DALJEET SINGH used billdesk to add money to my Smartfleet wallet using via
UPI I added an amount of 30000 to my wallet.
But transaction failed and amount deducted from my account but not added to my wallet.
Plz Help and provide solutions.
VPA billdeskpg.[protected]@hdfcbank
UPI REF NO.[protected]
Transaction date[protected]
Transaction Time 18:56 (24hr format)
On 12/12/2020, I tried paying DGVCL bill via Billdesk merchant gateway but the transaction errored out. The transaction amount Rs 4, 665.19 /- got deducted from my card but was not credited to DGVCL BIlldesk Mumbai account
I paid SBPDCL for bill payment of Rs. 6000. Paid but showing Failure on payment slip. And my money is debited. I request you to refund my money. My mail id is [protected]
I have done net banking payment to transport department transcation for RS 1100 on[protected] at 11:30 am. The amount is debited my account still the payment is not credited to sbi bank. My bank reference no is[protected]....
I had tried to book airindia flight tickets online and made payment of 59, 280.00 VHDF[protected]-Billdk AIR INDIA 02 Feb 2021 hdfc bank, but tickets are not booked and amount has been deducted from my account. i informed my bank they said it takes 3-5 days to be credited
i even raised a ticket with billdesk no: 1303849 but no use
I made a payment of Rs 29, 290 towards my SBI Credit card. The amount is deducted from my savings account and UPI says payment received by Billdesk/purchase confirmed however, SBI has no track of it and it says payment failed. Please help asap...
I did transaction on 1st Feb from FreeCharge wallet to BBdaily but it failed in between..It is showing successful in FreeCharge side but not in BBdaily side
I am following up with all 3 teams : BBdaily, FreeCharge and Billdesk and it is going ping pong ...
Now the real issue is with Bill desk which can confirm back to Free charge team about failure of transaction at their end but I am not getting satisfactory response
I tried to pay the fees foribps exam. The payment was succesful and the money was deducted feom my account. But the ibps website says the payment was failed....
I Have Paid My LIC Bill Of Amount 2482 Rs Through Google pay but it was not reflected in my lic portal but the amount was deducted from my bank my ref id was[protected] UPI PAYMENT PLEASE LOOK INTO THIS ISSUE...
On 5th February, I paid my university admission fee through the BillDesk payment gateway. The university website uses BillDesk as a payment gateway. The amount of 5926.6 was deducted, but the payment got failed on the university website. The support from the university site confirmed that. I also emailed the BillDesk support at [protected] on the same day, but no response from them. I used SBI internet banking to process the payment....
Today on 09.02.2021 i paid online electricity bill o[censored]ttar Pradesh Power Corporation Ltd, after bill desk amount was deducted but transaction failed. i m attaching images for that.
kindly do reply on shivam.[protected]